Authors Note -Hey everyone, it's me starting a new story. My laptop is in the early stages of being fixed after crashing so until I can get it back up and running my other stories have been put on hold.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this, I'm getting ready to post up a preview vid so if you want to head on over to my youtube account sometime in the near future it will be up.

Each Chapter will be from a different characters POV, the only characters to really feature are Brooke, Haley, Nate and Chuck.

Deals with mature themes (eg. School shootings, miscarriage just to name two).

Prologue: Brooke

This is a story about loss, about life and about pain. It's a story about love, family and friends and the sacrifices a person will make for the people they hold dear.

But mostly this is a story about sisters and a bond that cannot be broken no matter what gets thrown its way.


Shot's ring through the halls of Tree Hill High School and utter chaos erupts, people racing for exits, scattering and hurrying away from the boy with the gun and the sad look in his eyes.

Brooke Davis falls and is a second away from being trampled by the crowds when someone grabs her up on their way past and starts hurtling towards the exit, her in tow, but as they reach outside and the helpful stranger lets her go she realises something so terrifying that it causes a chill to run down her spine.

She has no idea where her boyfriend is, but worst of all her sister Haley is still trapped inside.

They'd always been close from the moment they'd been born, actually technically speaking even before that and Brooke had always found it comforting that the person she was closest to in the world, her soul mate just happened to have shared the same womb as her.

Their parents were never and are still never around much to have any impact on either of their lives and it had always been up to the two of them to guide each other through the world.

There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for each other, if Haley needed a shoulder to cry on, then Brooke would supply that shoulder, if someone got on the wrong side of Brooke, than Haley was the first one to give that person what they deserved.

That's why Brooke turns back toward the school, the need to save her sister racing through her veins only she's thwarted by a teacher who drags her kicking and screaming towards a school bus where the doors lock.

She can only stare helplessly out the window as the bus races away from the scene, her heart breaking into a million tiny pieces and only prayers to a God she's not even sure she believes in to protect her only family.


The bus drives to the schools off campus Basketball stadium, where it looks like hundreds of people are gathering around. There are news teams, shaken students and worried parents rushing around everywhere searching for their children.

She tries calling her own parents, but their cell phones are switched off and Brooke feels nothing but disgust and contempt at the fact that they're off somewhere overseas having fun while their daughters are stuck inside a living nightmare.

She'd tried Nate but she'd gotten no reply and she can only hope that if he's in the school he's somewhere watching out for her sister, the two of them were best friends and she knows they'll try their hardest to keep each other safe.

There's only one other person she can call, but it's a call she's been dreading to make since she'd been shoved onto that yellow bus back at the school. Chuck Bass was her sister's boyfriend and currently away on business in New York unaware of the tragic events taking place back in his hometown.

She takes a deep breath and summons up the courage, taking her phone out of her pocket and dialling his number.


She's standing outside, propped up against a pole after having cried until she'd ran out of tears when she spots Coach Whitey Durham making his way toward the building, no one in the stadium has heard anything from the school in a while and Brooke knows as soon as she sees the coach's face that the news he's bringing with him won't be good.

She knows all her hoping and praying has been for nothing when he stands in front of her a sombre expression on his face and a deeply sad look in his eye.