Chapter 2

As we drove off back to the house, my phone rang.
I looked at the screen it was my mom.
"Yes mother?" I said annoyed "The family is coming over for a celebration." She said happy.
"Whats the celebration?"
"The day me and your father met!" "When is it?"
"Today, at 8"
"Im just wondering mother, do you even care if I have plans?"
"Well, I am your mother."
"Whatever, i have to go I'll call you later and ill see if I can go." "Bye sweetie, I love you"
"Same here, bye!" I hung up.
I really did the plans, I had a date: Me and the couch.

We arrived at the house and I walked straight to our room. I layed on my bed.
"You should go, since you barely see them. I know how parents can be, but I mean, if it wasn't for them you wouldnt be my bestfriend,and apart of someones family." Kimberly said standing at the foot of my bed.
"If I go help me with my outfit." I said smiling.

"Dude, I met like the hottest girl ever!" James said hitting my arm.
"Hey that makes the both of us!" I said smiling.
"Ok, well describe her!" He said with her arms acrossed.
"Redhead long hair, amber eyes!"
"That sounds like my girl!" James said "Well if it was her I got her number" I said with a smirk.
James looked mad I back up and standed behind carlos.
"James if your were going out it would be a different story" I said as James got closer to me.
"You know what ill get you. Just watch your back."
"James stop threatening people" Logan said standing in from me.
"I'm not,warning him. Very different."
I walked away and took my phone and texted Kayla.

'Hey,its Kendall.
Oh hey So the guys and I are going to party around 8 wanna come?
Umm, can I take a rain check my parents are having a celebration party thing at my parents house.
You dont live with them?
Nope moved out,but the next time I see you ill give you more info.
Cool, well ill talk to you later.'

"Kendall?" Kimberly said holding up a cute. Hot Pink Tube Dress I nodded.
"So you like him?" Kimberly said, I think she was jealous.
"Yea, but before I start liking him, I need to know more about him." I said while putting on the dress.
"Oh,well maybe you can get me to meet Logan" She said.
I laughed "Sure, well I have to get ready". I said opening the door.
Kimberly lefted. I put on black eyeliner, hot pink eyeshadow, lipgloss and put my hair curly.

"Mrs.H and Mr.H, I'm leaving to my parents house, ill probably be back around 10, is that ok?" I asked. "Sure, sweetie just be safe, ok? " she said hugging me. "I will" I said walking out the door. I get inside my car and right when I sat down my phone rang...

Sorry for the short stories, ive been traveling for the holidays...