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Yusei Fudo to Jack 'the king' Atlas

Yusei Fudo: Jack you bastard gimme back my bike AND stardust dragon

Crow Hogan and 12 other people like this


Jack 'the king' Atlas: NEVER! Beat me first =P

Mikage Sagiri and Rex Goodwin like this

Yusei Fudo: Oh yeah then I'll make a better bike and it will be awesome and red, not white and gay, be back in two years P

The Satellite rocks like this

Two Years later:

Yusei Fudo, SuperLeo, Luna, and Akiza Izinski are now friends

Akiza Izinski to Yusei Fudo

Akiza Izinski: Leave me alone. I don't need you, I have Divine

Sayer 'Divine' and Arcadia movement rocks like this


Yusei Fudo: we'll see about that ^^

YuseixAkiza, SuperLeo and Luna like this

Luna and SuperLeo: we like you Akiza come with us

WeloveYusei dislikes this

A few days later;

Jack 'the kind' Atlas changed his name to Jack Atlas

Yusei Fudo: Ha dethroned =P you can keep the bike though don't need it

SuperLeo, Luna, Akiza Izinski, WeloveYusei , the Satellite rocks and 24 others like this


Jack Atlas: you fool you ruined my movie D:

Rex Goodwin: Darn you now that reporter keeps annoying me grrrr

Angela Rains: You haven't answered me yet…

Status Update;

Carly Nagisa: has found an awesome scoop in Arcadia movement HQ, I have a bad feeling about this but heck im gonna be famous xD woot


Sayer 'Divine': Oh no you don't :O

Arcadia movement rocks likes this

30 minutes later:

Carly Nagisa changed her name to Dark S. Carly

WeloveMikage changed their name to WEloveDSCarly

Status Update:

Dark S. Carly: is now dead but awesome looking xD

WeloveDSCarly likes this

Dark to Sayer 'Divine'

Dark S. Carly: thanks Sayer 'Divine' dying was fun wanna try? Then off to world domination! =D

Misty Tredwell, The dark signers fanclub and 5 other people like this


Sayer 'Divine': bummer -.-

Two Duels and a crushed city later:

Sayer 'Divine' account no longer exists

and 1200 others like this

Mist Tredwell to Akiza Izinski

Misty Tredwall: *glares*


Akiza Izinski: What? *confused*

Misty Tredwell: *glares…harder*

Weloveyusei likes this

Akiza Izinski: o.O I'm lost for the love of bunnies what?

To be continued in chap 2 if people like it ^^

I was really bored when this came to my mind lol it was funnier in my head though sorry if it's bad ^^'

I'm open to suggestions on situations xD