Author Note:

OK new chapter... I'm supposed to be writing an essay but there are just soooooo many ideas up in my brain! Haha well I hope you like this chapter I put a lot of thought (and I had several flashbacks to seventh grade English) into it. So... ENJOY :)

- xxDevil-Childxx

After the Dingo we went to see a movie, only it started raining so we went to the movie house instead of the drive-in. So there I was, casually glancing at Johnny beside me, in the dark movie house where my urge to kiss him, or at least hold his hand, was strongest. I had been debating conversations in my head.

I love you, I screamed in my head, tell me you love me.

Occasionally, for a split second, I would see his eyes dart to my hands, and I would smile.

In the middle of whatever we were watching Melissa dragged me with her to get a refill, only she 'forgot' her cup, so she went back and Johnny came out...

"Hey" I said, taken aback. I should have know Melli would pull something like this. He smirked and his eyes got lost behind his dark hair when he looked down.

"Hey Daze." I wanted to do a touchdown dance, but I smiled and handed the cashier the plastic cup. He stood beside me, I was dying in the silence. I was about to say something when he spoke up, "Do you want to go over to Pone's?"

"Now?" He nodded "Uh... Sure!" Its a good thing my parents took Lilly out for ice cream so they wouldn't see us. I ran Melissa's soda to her and ran back to Johnny. Then we casually strolled while the sun set behind us and faded the sky to a gray, all in all, it was beautiful. But of course...

The loud crack of thunder filled the air as a bolt of lightning brightened the evening sky, turning it purple. I tensed up and almost jumped right on Johnny. Without thinking I grabbed hold of his arm. He didn't laugh so I looked up to see the panic in his eyes.

"Do you like storms?" I whispered and reluctantly gave him his arm back.

"No." When the first few raindrops fell he took my hand and we started running to Pony's when the first few raindrops fell. My heart was pounding out of my chest by the time we got there, I wasn't sure if it was due to the storm or Johnny's hand against mine. By the time we ran through the door we were soaked.

The lights were on so I flipped the switch.

"OH!" I said blushing and looking at my feet. "Sorry..." We had walked in on Dallas, I think it was, and his girlfriend in a very heated make-out session. I flicked the lights back off and ran out to the porch. And I groaned. The wind was making the rain fall right on us. I took Johnny's hand and we ran across the street to my house. I quickly grabbed the key and rushed inside.

"Well damn!" Johnny said when he got a look at my house. "I didn't know a greaser could have a house this nice!"

I laughed, plopped down on the couch, and patted the seat beside me. He sat down and did a little smile that made my heart flip. Then another crash of thunder boomed and I about jumped in his lap. He chuckled.

"Is that Johnny Cade laughing!" I pretended to gasp.

"Yeah, yeah." He muttered and flinched when another roll of thunder sounded. I curled up next to him, he didn't object like he thought he would. Instead he put his arm around me.

The preachers got heaven all wrong.

"Daisy I-" I quickly moved away when I heard the door crash open.

"Honey we're home! We rushed, since I know you hate storms, we got you vanilla is that all... Oh hello..." My mother said, I was blushing like crazy. Of course my father and sister filed in behind her.

"Oh so you're Johnny!" Lilly said "She talks about you all the time, ya know. I think shes in love with you or-"

"Lilly!" My mother cried "go to your room!" I could not have been more embarrassed. My dad looked confused so my mom gave him her 'I'll handle it' look and he went upstairs too, my mom gave me an apologetic smile and followed him.

"I'm sorry about that," I looked up and saw he was smiling, a real big grin! It made my heart melt.

"So you're in love with me are you?" He laughed and I hit him playfully.

"Come on lets go to Pony's, I'm sure Dallas and whats-her-face is done." I laughed and we ran back.

He didn't let go of my hand.

"Well?" Melissa bellowed when I answered my phone.

"Well what?" I knew she could sense the coy smile on my lips. I remembered every detail of last night. The looks on his face, the way his hand felt against mine. The way he smiled...


"My dad walked in while we were having sex, what do you think happened Melli?" I laughed, and double checked everyone was out of the house before saying it. "We were on the couch, he had his arm around me, and my family walked in."

"Damn that sucks." She muttered something else that I couldn't quite catch and giggled.

"Hey Pony!" I yelled into the phone.

"Pony says hi, gotta go." Melli said back and hung up.

"Uh! How rude!" I said laughing as I did my little 'Full House' impression. The storm had left everything wet and the sky gray, promising more rain to come. I jogged downstairs and out the door to get the mail. There was a big envelope addressed to me but I paid no attention to it when Johnny called my name.

"Hey!" I waved him over. He followed me into my house so I could set the mail down. "Whats up."

"Nothing' I was just thinking and stuff, and well-" He was talking really fast like he was nervous, and then it happened. He kissed me.




Author Note:


- xxDevil-Childxx