Hello to all my faithful readers who have awaited this chapter for two long months… I apologize fully for not updating! I finally got a new computer, and with finals looming, I just did not have the time! BUT, I am now out of school for the summer, so new stories are on their way! Any Leyton fans out there? GOOD! I have quite a few ideas for that as well. As for this story, I think because I strayed away for a while that this will be the final chapter of the How Will I Survive Without You series! I have loved writing this story line, and can't wait to start fresh! If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to leave a review! Actually, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW!

Elena POV:

The small talk was dying down, leaving the room with soft murmurs about the impending announcement that has been advertised by Stefan and I for weeks. The anxiety in everyone's voice was apparent when we stood up to speak, and the quick silence was susceptible. I took a deep breath and looked down the long table that was filled with my whole life. Aunt Jenna and Ric with their toddler Marissa, smiling softly, quietly thinking of the explanation they would use when I gave them the details on the ominous news. Matt and Caroline, grinning widely, hands interlaced on the table with Caroline's ring in clear sight. And Damon and Bonnie, sitting together, but apart, giving eachother space which was not typical for them. Bonnie winked at me, obviously knowing what we were about to say. Stefan had his arm wrapped around my waist, giving me the support he knew I needed. I looked up at him, and moved my head indicating that I wanted him to speak first. He nodded, and pulled me closer to his hard chest.

"Elena and I want to thank you guys for coming tonight. As you all know, Elena and I are obviously married now, forever. Vampires do not age, and also cannot procreate. Since I met Elena, I had always had guilt about how she has chosen to live her life. I wanted her to have as much of a normal life as possible, so when she agreed to become a vampire 5 years ago, I obviously was concerned for her mortality. Since then, she has always had something missing. Something even I couldn't give to her. A child. For our wedding present from a certain someone, Elena was granted fertility for 24 hours. Which is why we are standing here". He spoke, letting me finish it off. I looked up shyly, and said "We're pregnant!", and was immediately overcome with people coming up to congratulate us. They all obviously had their questions, which were all answered by either Stefan or I. The night went on, with questions, planning, and laughs. Jenna asked immediately what risks I was at, which was answered with the same amount as any regular pregnant woman. Caroline asked if it was a boy or girl, which was replied with "We're waiting until it's born". Alaric asked to name it after him, which caused a riot of laughter. Matt shook Stefan's hand, and gave me a knowing glance which was returned with a smile. Bonnie tried to be as nochelant about the credit as she could, but she knew that we were forever grateful. I glanced around the room to find Damon sitting alone by the fireplace. I got up from Stefan's side, and walked over to him, wanting to know why he was being so reclusive.

"Hey what's going on with you?" I asked, watching as he tended to the flames with a solemn glare on his face.

"Not much Elena. Just found out my brother truly did get a dream life. Got everything he ever wanted, plus more. What did I get? A girlfriend who is obviously mad at me for not proposing, a big house with old memories I don't want, and regrets piled higher than you can even imagine". He spoke, not looking at me once. I furrowed my brow, and pat his back comfortingly, trying to get through to him.

"Damon, do you want to talk?" I wondered, wanting to know more about why he was acting like this.

"No Elena, I don't want to talk. It will do nothing but upset you, and it is not good for a public scene, or for the thing growing inside you". He replied sharply. I felt confused, and decided to not let this one go because he was clearly upset.

"Damon, first of all, it will not upset me. If you need to tell me something, please just let me know. And also, it is not a thing, it's a person. Your niece or nephew to be exact". I said, now annoyed at his painful jab.

"Fine Elena. Want to know? I regret being such an ass when I met you. I regret not letting you know my feelings earlier on. I regret finding Stefan in that prison, I regret making Bonnie choose between Jeremy or I, I regret using Caroline for all those months, I regret not stopping Katherine when she left, because truthfully, I never stopped loving her. All these years, lying to myself that it was Bonnie. Lying that it was you. Truth is, I love all three of you. And love squares don't work. Ever. So I'm letting Bonnie down, no matter how much I love her. She will never get the full commitment out of me. Neither will you, and neither will Katherine. It is a personal issue, and frankly, I would like to deal with it myself" he revealed, catching me off guard. I slowly got up, and went back to Stefan before things got out of hand. I was infuriated with Damon for letting Bonnie think that she might get a proposal out of him. Mad at him for still loving me after he knows that it always has, and always will be Stefan. Mad at Katherine for ever toying with him, and for coming back to Mystic Falls at all. I always knew Damon had his issues, but these were deep rooted. And I was not prepared to deal with them.

After a long night, Stefan and I finally left hand in hand, talking about the night. I thought about Damon, and decided that Stefan should know what Damon has been thinking about.

I told him on our way home, with his jaw clenched, fingers tightly gripped on the steering wheel. He didn't say anything, and when we got inside, I put my arm on his shoulder as he removed his shoes, and he ignored it.

"Stefan, don't let Damon get to you. He's not worth it". I said, trying to comfort him.

"God Dammit Elena, why do you have to be so fucking irresistible?" He spat, glowering over me as he put away his clothes.

"I'm sorry?" I asked questioningly. I tried to hide my chuckles as he came to where I was. He shut his eyes for a moment, and tried to relax himself.

"I'm sorry. That was a moment of impulse" He apologized, kissing my hand.

"What was that all about Stefan?" I asked. He shook his head as if I didn't know.

"Elena. He has been in love with you since the moment he saw you, and you can't even see it" He replied. I smiled, and snaked my arms around his waist.

"I know he is, I just don't return the feeling in the slightest bit. YOU are the only man I have ever loved, and are the only one I ever will. I made a promise to you that I would stand by your side for eternity. I will keep to it. Promise." I said, trying to help him calm down.

"Okay. Just promise me this one thing Elena Salvatore… You will never stop". He asked, now centimeters away from my lips.

"Promise, for Forever After"…

ALRIGHT! Hope you all enjoyed! If you are wondering what happened to everyone else, lets just say they all lived happily ever after. Please leave me a review! Love to all, and don't forget to remember my name! new stories out ASAP! XOXOX- M