DISCLAIMER: I do not own transformers merchandise, title, and all the other crap.

P.S. only going to be three chapters. The story takes place on Cybertron and it's a little bit before War for Cybertron, and Soundwave has a normal voice and emotions.


This story is all about one sadly screwed up child, his name was Soundwave. Soundwave had always had a certain attraction to an autobot, which Megatron would never allow. So, Soundwave never spoke of it. The man of his dreams was, Jazz. All of the fembots he met fell in love with him. Jazz was just too hot, and Soundwave could hardly bare it.

So, it was a normal day on Cybertron, before the war erupted, before there was autobots and decepticons. Soundwave was on his normal schedule of stalking Jazz. Watching him work-out in the men's rec room, and then flexing his huge muscled arms for the ladies that would come over and feel them. Soundwave was jealous of those girls, being able to even touch Jazz without him thinking you're a freak. Jazz would proceed from the weights to push-ups. Soundwave could hardly keep himself held back from humping him behind his back. After push-ups he would go to the showers. That was when Soundwave drew the line. He wasn't going to go into a shower with other guys. Soundwave would then spy on him the rest of the day.

The next day, Soundwave had taken a notice to something. Every day that Soundwave was spying on Jazz, he would see Shockwave spying on him too! That was his Jazz, not Shockwave's! So in the rec room Soundwave marched over to Shockwave. Shockwave was on the upper level on the opposite side of Soundwave.

"Just who do you think you are?" Soundwave asked. Shockwave stared strangely at him for a moment. There was an awkward minute of silence…. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Soundwave finally broke the silence.

"Well, uh….. you gotta promise not to tell Megatron." Shockwave told him.

"Sure," Soundwave hurried. Shockwave grabbed his head and turned it down toward the weights.

"You see that bot on the weights, I think his name is….Jazz? Anyway I have a monster crush on him."

"YOU BITCH!" Soundwave yelled. Many bots looked at them.

"WHAT?" Shockwave whisper yelled at him, confused. "Did you just call me a bitch?"

"I don't know,"

"What do you mean you don't know? You know if you called me a bitch."

"I DON'T KNOW!" Soundwave finished. "Anyway stay off of my man, bub." Soundwave threatened. By this point all of the bots had lost interest.

"Whoawhoawhoa, hold up, you like him too?" Shockwave questioned.

"Yeah, now step off before I have my little squirrels from the hood come and shank you till you die!" Soundwave told him, and then walked away in a prissy fashion. Leaving Shockwave thinking what the hell. So, Soundwave enjoyed his quiet afternoon of stalking Jazz.

The next day Soundwave could find no trace of Jazz anywhere. So he spent the day making Jazz posters and hanging them up in his room, which luckily only Soundwave knows the password too. Another thing to note is that since Soundwave has an obsession with Jazz that means his minions do too. So every now and then he would find Rumble "having his way" with a poster. Nothing changed for frenzy as he masturbated to one. Also, Soundwave always finds Ravage in the closet humping another poster. After his day of prying his minions off the posters and having a couple breaks, Soundwave fell asleep.

The day after Soundwave saw Jazz taking a jog down the street. So Soundwave finally bucked up the courage to go jog with him. As Soundwave was about to leave he ejected his minions into the room.

"Look you guys I'm going to lock the door and all of you can take advantage of the posters, all right?" Soundwave told them. Rumble, Frenzy, and Ravage all nodded happily.

Down on the street… "Hey, what's your name?" Soundwave asked playing dumb.

"It's Jazz, how 'bout you?" Jazz said in a dreamy voice.

"Soundwave's the name and DJin's the game." Soundwave tried to act cool. "So how's life? Who are your friends?" Soundwave asked trying to make conversation, and finding out more about Jazz.

"Well, my life's been going good; I just got nominated for best body in Iacon." Jazz told him. Soundwave almost fainted when he heard this. "I guess my best friends are between Hotshot and Sideswipe." Jazz finished. Soundwave was thinking, Sideswipe is a young hottie, and Hotshot is also a very handsome robot. Gosh, hotness just surrounds this guy.

"So, who do you think is the hottest fembot?" Soundwave just had to know.

"Well, it's not really my place to say." Jazz said.

"Why not, because they dress funny? Or is it because they ARE dressed?" Soundwave taunted.

"No, it's because…I'm gay." Jazz finished as Soundwave's face lit up.