"No one's perfect, Hun." He told her
"I know,' the little girl said. 'But I want to be the closest thing to it."
"And what's that?"

Hermione POV

"Malfoy!" I stomp my foot in frustration, "the ball isn't going to plan itself." Standing up, I push myself away from the table and my roommates lounging figure; leaning back on two chair legs. I ignore the black dots that cloud my vision; I refuse to pass out in front of Malfoy.

"Merlin, Granger. Keep your shirt on, just do the regular green and red garbage and be done with the matter. Or better yet, make the prefects figure it out." He drawls lazily.

"You can just do that." Why. Why on earth did McGonagal think that this insufferable git would be remotely acceptable as Head Boy. This is the third meeting that I have set up, trying to get the Winter Ball organized as its date get closer and closer.

Today there is a Hogsmaede trip and I am being forced to go with Ginny to find the "perfect dress." I nearly snort out loud. Perfect? On me? Not possible, I have too many flaws to wear the beautiful gowns that the other girls will be wearing. Too much extra baggage on my frame to pull off looking moderately decent; thighs that widen and a stomach that rolls when I sit down. I don't deserve a pretty dress.

A loud sigh breaks me from my reverie and Malfoy finally and uncharacteristically agrees to work. After 2 hours of planning we are nearly finished.

"Wow, Malfoy. I didn't think you were even capable of doing this much work." I comment dryly.

"Was that a compliment Granger?" He smirks "You know, I didn't stay the second best in our year just by paying them off, you know?"

"Well, there's a shock." I retort, but in a more teasing manner. Checking my watch I bolt upright, once again black dots fuzzy up my vision for a moment and I sway on my feet. Malfoy stands up, looking a bit... concerned? No, of course not, and I dismiss that observation.

"I was supposed to meet up with Ginny five minutes ago!" I groan. Dashing around to grab my stuff, I rush out of the common room ignoring Malfoy's amused expression, and 20 minutes later Ginny and I are entering our first dress shop.

There are other girls from Hogwarts there and while it doesn't surprise me, it makes me nervous. I don't really want an audience to see me in these dresses. I really just want to go back to school and go hide in the library, or work on next weeks Artithmancy homework, but Ginny would never let me.

Ginny wastes no time pulling dresses from the racks; all colors, lengths, styles. As her arms pile high with the gowns, I stand there uncertainly, slightly repulsed by all the dresses.

"What are you waiting for?" Ginny calls over the stack of dresses in her arms.

"Nothing I guess." I say with a forced smile and make my way over to the nearest rack. My fingers brush over silk, satin, taffeta and more. There is so much to chose from and among all the clothes I find myself missing Angela, she could make this so much fun. We would be giggling in no time. Ginny pulls out a hideous yellow dress and holds it up as if asking for my opinion.

"Gorgeous 'Mione. Don't you think?" She asks in a fake pompous tone, which reminds me a bit of Delia. "I do believe wearing this will make me the most stunning girl at the ball." She proclaims continuing her act of grandeur and when I burst out laughing I realize that I can have enough fun with Ginny.

After rifling through the racks for a bit we decide that we can't carry anymore and head over to the dressing rooms. There is only one open and I let Ginny go first, settling into an arm chair, crossing my legs, to give the proper yea or nea towards the dresses in question.

Soon enough she slides out of the dressing room with a long shimmery black gown, she looks so thin. Why can't I?

"Well, what do you think?" She asks of my opinion.

"It looks amazing," I concede, "but, the black sorta washes out your skin tone, what if you go for something with color, maybe a green to offset your hair tone." I muse.

Ginny looks shocked. "When did you learn about clothes?" She questions, dumbfounded at my expertise, and I realize that I must have picked a couple things up, hanging with all the high fashion people.

"I have my ways." I say with a small smile, subtly avoiding the question. I still don't want to let them know about my job for some reason, like if I ignore it, it can just not exist for a while. But what I can't ignore now are my legs; they have started to prickle painfully and I quickly uncross my legs. It's surprising that I still forget about that, it happens so often now, I can't even cross my legs anymore without them falling asleep.

Ginny heads back into the dressing room and her next choice makes my jaw drop. The ivory colored dress fits her perfectly and the fact that its strapless makes her neck look long and elegant. The dark green sash tied under the bust adds a pop of color that brings out her eyes, and brightens her deep red hair.

"Oh, Ginny, it's perfect!" I exclaim, and she gives a wide smile. I know she is in love with it.

"I love it." she states simply and elatedly and then declares that it is my turn.

Every dress that I try on is painful to look at and I hurry through it, avoiding glancing the mirror as I head out for Ginny's approval. It takes forever and I lose hope after the eleventh dress; of course there is not anything that would look good on me. Ginny's comment one time stops me:

"Merlin, you're so thin! I wish I was as skinny as you, you look hot." Those words make me stops, force a smile and rush back into the changing room. I chance a look into the mirror.

How could she say that? Of course I'm not skinny. If I was skinny I wouldn't have to change for Delia. If I was skinny my ribs would stick out more and I wouldn't have this extra fat just hanging off of me. I am not skinny, and it hurts for Ginny to say she'd like to be me.

AN: Ahhhh sorry it took so long! I wasn't even intending on making this the end of the chapter but figured I might as well give you what I got- I'll do my super hardest to get out the next chapter faster! Review?