Disclaimer: Has anyone looked up the definition of fan-fiction? I do not own this anime.
Summary: Life isn't black and white; even though Konoha has been known to think so in certain views. Naru, new to certain things, knows better than to share the quality. Should she think the same of Sasuke though.
Sakura and Sai were keeping guard at the gate when they saw a figure approaching. Sitting up a little straighter, they watched their movements as the sun glared, leaving a shadowed and unidentifiable person. That was before said person collapsed. Sakura, the medic-ninja she was, ran forward to see a bloodied body. That was when she recognized the person.
"Sai! Keep watch, I'm taking him to the Hokage!" Not waiting for a reply, she picked the bloodied patient up and started running towards the tower.
"Naruto, can you hear me? Naruto?"
"Heh. Hey, Sakura. How've you been?" Naruto grinned weakly as he squinted up at her.
"Keep talking. You look dead on your feet!"
"It's not that bad, Sakura-chan. I've never felt freer. There are no more voices too!"
Sakura ran faster at this revelation. Naruto was in shock and looked like a bloody mess. He was light and lost a lot of blood on his way to Konoha. It was good that he was awake though. If she could just keep him talking, he should be fine.
"Naruto, you had us all worried. Why did you leave all of the sudden?"
"It wasn't sudden, I just had to. Baa-san would have stopped me."
"Saku- Naruto!" Shizune looked stricken before she ran ahead of the two to Tsunade's door.
"Shishou, we need help!"
Looking up from her signing, Tsunade's eyes lost their tired look as they widened. Rushing around her desk, she helped Sakura lay Naruto down and rested him on the floor. Telling Shizune to close the door and Sakura to get her bag, she started examining and healing him. Her eyes widened when she noticed something new though. As Sakura ran in with the tools, Naruto chuckled weakly.
"Tsunade- baa-san, a lot happened while I was away. Everyone's going to be confused!"
Tsunade just looked on in shock before snapping to her assistants, "Sakura, there are some blood pills in the front pocket. Shizune, make sure nobody comes in here-I don't care who it is, they're not allowed in." Sakura grabbed five pills and Shizune hurried to the door but wasn't willing to leave Naruto. Tsunade gave a quick glance around before leaning closer to the boy.
"Let go of the henge so we can treat you, Naruto." Sakura looked at her shishou in confusion before seeing 'Naruto' smile and there was a poof.
"Stop gawking and help me get him stable, Sakura!"
"Hey, wait up Naru!"
A smiling blonde turned just in time to be greeted with a forceful hug. Seeing pink, Sakura was their only thought. Breathing was harder to do with her squeezing their lungs. Hence, they were very thankful when another blonde came to the rescue. After a few gulps of air, Naruto was smiling again.
"What are you two doing here?"
"Can't we visit our friend to say congratulations," Ino asked with a strict face before she grinned.
"I can't believe you got the position! I was sure it would go to Shika."
"He would have too, if he wasn't a lazy ass," Naru laughed as Ino rolled her eyes at the slight at her boyfriend.
A lot had changed since that night. Nobody knew what happened to Naruto other than himself. That was the way that he wanted it to stay too. He'd die with that secret. Life was easier with it behind him. It was fun to see how everyone had reacted to the change though. The only change they could actually see that is.
A/N: Okay guys, I'm not dead! The first semester in college was... really short and WAY different from high school. Anyways, I'm about to start again, but I have a lot of this story typed up already so... Well, I don't know how many people will like this. Like I stated on my profile (one of those updates), I'm straying away from DP for a while. Here's my second Naruto-fic! =^ u ^=