AnimeWriterTycoonGirl: Wow….I'm so far behind in my sequel to Harry's Flower! I'm so sorry! :-P Bad me! But I will make a New Year's romance for Harry and Ginny instead….better? :D On with the cute fluffiness that is Harry and Ginny! This is taking place in the 6th book. One-Shot.

Just another snowy night

*****Harry's POV*****

The year's over…..and so much has happened. That stupid cow of a woman Umbridge has me bleeding almost every night it seems. I just wish she would croak….literally. I was just sitting out in the main bridge outside. It was slightly snowing. I was wearing a jacket…so I was fine.

"Harry….?" I heard a soft voice. I nearly lost my jaw.

It was Ginny. But it was more than that. She was wearing a long silvery dress that flowed out beneath her. Her burnt sienna hair was fastened in a loose bun, with a few strands falling perfectly into her face. She had a flimsy blue wrap on her shoulders. I rushed to her as soon as I saw her shiver.

"Ginny….what are you doing out here? It's too cold for you." I rubbed her arms to warm her. She was still freezing. She must have been searching for me for a long time. I had to gently pull her out before Merlin forbid she gets pneumonia.

"Harry….I was just….spending time in the snowfall…." She lied. I frowned, not buying it. "Okay…..I was looking for you. It's almost midnight and new years will be over. I just……." She blushed. I grinned inwardly. I knew what she meant. Well…..I certainly hope so; I really have a crush on her. To hell with Ron, he's too in love with that Ravenclaw girl…..whatever her name is. Silencing her, I pulled her forward into a deep kiss. A bell rang out somewhere and it was midnight. I held onto her until a minute had passed.

"You were looking for me right?" I asked. Still blushing she nodded. "Well here I am." I smiled and pulled her back close again, ready for the New Year.