Characters: Ichigo, Tatsuki
: Maybe irritation is a form of love.
: Ichigo x Tatsuki
: No spoilers
: No timeline needed
: I don't own Bleach.

Ichigo is in a constant state of hot water with Tatsuki—though no one can say he doesn't deserve it, from the way he constantly presses all of the wrong buttons, and on purpose, too. Knowing her temper the way he does, Ichigo seems to be asking for trouble. And violence.

When their voices can be heard rising, the typical reaction of a listener is first to cringe, and then to grin and prick their ears. They'll press said ear against a door or a wall if they have to, just to overhear the conversation and the content of it.

Everyone can see it. Ichigo and Tatsuki probably can too, to an extent.

If belligerence is the sincerest form of flattery, then maybe irritation is a form of love. If so, then the question of when Kurosaki Ichigo and Arisawa Tatsuki are going to tie the knot becomes a serious line of thought.

The chips are down, and the bets have been cast. Twenty from one guy, fifty from another. There is no issue of whether they'll get together, only of when.

After all, Tatsuki's harsh scolding and threats of physical violence and the way Ichigo capitulates with mock frustration and exasperation are nothing but the prelude to what will surely be a happy marriage.

And the fact that they seem to enjoy getting on each other's nerves too much to be healthy and that Tatsuki's constantly threatening to do something to Ichigo that no one knows about but leaves his ears a brilliant shade of red has to mean something.
