A/N: ::clears throat:: hehe… your probably wondering as to why I am writing this fic and to be honest I don't know why either. I suppose it is because of my mutual love for Beauty and the Beast and DBZ, fair enough answer? Well I hope it is and I hope you like this clashing fic, I can't say its original because the Fairy tale is already there but the idea of clashing is original…I think. Well anyway I hope you like the fic! Oh and this is Middle Ages time just to let you know.

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or Beauty and the Beast!

Credits: I give credits to Beauty and the Beast!

Chapter 1 ::gulps::

The sun was slowly peeping its head over the horizon and casting its light over the land. The sun even crept its fair light into the windows of a small cottage that was just outside of a town…the house was owned by a well-respected man named Mr. Satan who lived with his grand-daughter Pan and his three grand-nieces Lora, Cristina and Catherine. The four of them took care of Mr. Satan and they lived together happily, Lora was the oldest out of them all, she was very lovely and she was the mother figure for the three younger girls and she had just gotten engaged. Her fiancé Giorgio had gone away on business and would not return for a month, Cristina and Catherine were twins…but they didn't look alike they were the youngest. They were very unique and different from each other and very happy and joyous people who always saw the brighter things in life. They were also always managing to get themselves in trouble. Pan was the second oldest of them all and the most boyish out of them all, yet she was the fairest of them all too. She disliked wearing dresses and doing her hair, yet her cousins forced her to do so anyway, she enjoyed working around the cottage and caring for her family, she felt that they were very dependent on her. Pan was very independent and she had strong beliefs, she for one believed that her parents Gohan and Videl were still alive somewhere…for they had been claimed missing for thirteen years ever since Pan was five years old. She always felt deep down inside that they were still alive and out there somewhere waiting to be rescued from something terrible.

All Pan had left were her cousins and grandfather, she loved them all very much, and they all loved each other.

"Cristina, Catherine…wake up!" Pan said as she went over to the two girls who were refusing to rise. Pan rolled her eyes with a sigh, "This is the third night straight that you two will not rise on time. What has gotten into the two of you…get up!" Pan said shaking them harder, eventually the two girls rolled over with yawns and stretched.

"What is it Pan?" Catherine said groggily, with her eyes semi shut and her hand on her forehead.

"It is time to get up! You two should have been up two hours ago." Pan said as she stripped the covers off of the two girls and rolled it up in her arms, "Please Pan just a few more minutes." Pleaded Cristina with puppy dog eyes.

Pan smirked and shook her head, "No Cristina, those eyes of yours will not subdue me this time, now get up both of you!" The two girls pouted for a moment and then rose with much difficulty.

"Lora is making breakfast and grandfather went to town, so when you come down prepare to do the cleaning today." Pan said as she plopped the rolled up sheet onto the bed and scurried downstairs towards the kitchen, where there was nothing but a fireplace with a black pot hanging over it and a few shelves filled with food and utensils.

Pan found Lora stirring up morning porridge and placing the cover back on the pot. She had her hair long black hair tied back in a braid and she had some white powder streaked on her cheek, Pan smirked, "Are the girls awake yet Pan?" She asked, as she cleaned her hands with her rag cloth, which she used as an apron.

"Yes, after five minutes of shaking them." Pan said with a sigh as she took out four wooden plates, spoons and cups out of a cupboard and placed them neatly on the table.

Lora shook her head, "Those girls need to shape up! They have got to learn how to rise with the sun."

"I know that Lora, but they don't, they are only fifteen years of age anyway." Pan replied, as she heard Cristina and Catherine come down the stairs. Cristina was tying her hair back with a ribbon and Catherine was tying her apron.

"So glad you ladies finally awoke." Lora said.

Cristina and Catherine glanced at each other then back at Lora and Pan…"Well I'm so glad that you're glad Lora." Cristina replied followed by laughter from both her and Catherine. Pan tried to hide her laughter as Lora sighed defeated realizing that those two would never change.

"Well you two go outside and fetch some eggs from the chicken house." Lora said as she got up to check on the porridge.

"Pan help me lift the pot off the fire." Lora asked, Pan assisted her and they placed the steaming porridge on the table.

"Lora?" Pan asked as she began pouring the porridge into the bowls.

"Yea Pan?" She asked while she poured water into the cups.

"Why did grandfather go to town today?" Pan asked, curiously. For Pan figured that it might be important considering the fact that her grandfather hardly ever went to town anymore since his trade business crashed with the tragedy of him losing his three trade ships at sea. Perhaps good news was to be had today.

"I'm not sure Pan, all I know is that Uncle said it was important and that he could not stay for breakfast." Lora replied.

"He's been gone for three hours already."

"I know that…I hope its good news he receives."

"I hope so too…we could really use some good news right about now." Pan said with a sigh, "I will go get the girls."

Pan walked outside and found Cristina and Catherine playing tag, Pan was not surprised. Those two always neglected their chores for play, and many times it had cost the family dearly. Cristina and Catherine both stopped running when they saw Pan glancing at them with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What are you two doing?" She asked sternly.

Cristina and Catherine fidgeted a bit and looked in every direction possible except for Pans', "Well…um…we were just…"

"Not gathering the eggs!" Pan interrupted.

"Uh…basically." Catherine said looking down at the ground.

Pan sighed, she could never stay mad at anyone for long and that was always her biggest weakness.

"Go get the eggs." Pan said calmly and Catherine and Cristina did so quickly, they then headed inside.

Finally the four girls sat down for breakfast, when a knock came at the door, "I'll get it." Said Pan, as she rose to get the door. She opened the door and her face formed a big smile, "Grandfather your back!"

She quickly hugged him, and the other girls raced towards him, "Calm down girls I haven't been gone that long." He said smiling.

"Come sit down Uncle." Cristina said offering him her chair.

"Tell us what happened at town Uncle." Asked Catherine excitedly.

"Well ladies, I have some good news, those dogs merchants back at town actually had something good to say for once." Mr. Satan said, with a smile.

"Well out with it already!" Hollered Catherine.

"I received news that one of the trade ships has returned, we shall have money again!"

All the girls' faces lit up with delight and they all screamed and hugged and cried for joy. Finally their lives would be better, and they could start a new beginning together.

"Now girls this means I will have to go meet the ship and I shall be gone for a few weeks maybe a month." He said with slight regret. The girls put on disappointed faces, for they did not want him to go. For them he was the only parent figure they had left and they worried for him constantly.

"I don't want you to go!" Cristina said with worry in her eyes.

"Do not worry Cristina I will be fine, besides I have some more good news on my way back home I shan't be the only one coming back home."

Lora's eyes widened with fierce hope, "You mean?"

"Yes Lora…Giorgio's ship has returned as well and I will meet him there, we shall return together."

Everyone was thrilled especially Lora, the girls hugged her and rejoiced. Pan nearly cried as she saw the look of relief and joy on Lora's face.

"Now girls would you like me to bring back anything for you? Any dresses or jewels perhaps?"

Their faces lit up, "I want a ruby red silk dress please Uncle!" Said Cristina.

"I wish to have a pink velvet gown Uncle." Said Catherine.

"I wish for nothing Uncle except for you to bring Giorgio back to me."

Mr. Satan sighed contented at Lora's request, "That can be done Lora." He then glanced at Pan who hadn't asked for anything yet. "What do you wish for Pan?" He asked.

Pan thought for a moment, and she realized that she will have time to get herself a dress or jewels when her grandfather returned. She would be to worried about him being gone to care for anything else, "Well grandfather…all I want is for you to return home safely."

Mr. Satan was overwhelmed by his granddaughters' care and concern for him, her cousins looked at her shocked, "Surely you want something Pan?" Asked Catherine.

"Yes Pan…do you not wish for anything at all?" Asked Lora.

"I say she can wish for whatever she wants." Said Cristina.

"That is all I want grandfather." Pan replied with a reassuring smile.

"But I would feel better if I knew I could give you something Pan, please let me do that for you." He asked solemnly.

Pan sighed not wishing to argue, "Well grandfather if I must ask for something else then I shall simply ask for a rose."

"A rose!?" They all said in unison.

"Yes a simple red rose." Pan replied.

"But Pan why wish for a rose when you can have a dress with roses on it?" Asked Catherine curiously, she couldn't for the life of her understand Pan's request.

"Well back in the old house we had a rose garden with roses everywhere. Here we have none, I miss seeing them and perhaps with the return of a rose I can plant it and start a rose garden."

Mr. Satan and the girls sighed, "Very well Pan…I shall bring you back a rose."

All right…that's the end of chapter one… little does Mr. Satan know how much that rose will cost him hehe…I really would like your insight on this whole thing. If you have any questions or comments please state them in the reviews that's what they are there k? Anyways the next chapter shall come depending on your responses, chow!