Chapter 20

Cammie waited patiently in her dorm room while sitting on the window seat and silently gazing outside. She watched as the cars drove up to the school and watched as they left carrying their passengers home. She thought about the foyer and how it was filled with girls and boys saying their goodbyes. She knew that she should go find them and say her own goodbyes, but she didn't have the strenght. Cammie was so lost in her own thoughts she failed to hear the person behind her until she sat down next to her.

"Hey Cam," Macey said gently placing chin on Cammie's shoulder. "You going to say goodbye?"

"No," Cammie replied. She reached over and pulled Macey into a sitting position. She then rested her head on Macey's shoulder.

"Okay," Macey whispered.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"This year went by so fast," Cammie mumbled.

"Yeah," Macey replied gently. She stroked Cammie's hair; Cammie looked so vulnerable in that moment that it was all she could do.

They lapsed into another silence.

"You guys just going to sit there all day?" Came an accent filled voice from behind them.

"No," Cammie sighed and sat upright.

Bex grinned at her.

"Well I'd rather sit here all day than do whatever crazy plan you have set in your head Rebecca," Liz stated while plopping down on her bed and opening up a book.

"You are so boring Elizabeth," Bex replied putting on a pouty face. "You aren't going to be this boring all break are you?"

"Well it's the first day of break Bex and I'm tired," Liz said not looking up from her book. Everyone knew not to look into Bex's eyes when she was pouting. Her puppy eyes were deadly.

"You don't have to come if you don't want too. Cammie and Macey will do," Bex answered turning her gaze to them.

Cammie held her hands up in surrender.

"Eh, I have nothing better to do anyways," Macey replied shrugging.

"Don't even bother. You won't be able to pull it off without me," Liz stated still reading her book.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Bex replied sharply while whirling around to face her.

"It's suppose to mean you do not have the necessary IQ to be able to pull off whatever 'mission' you have in your head without me," Liz said looking up at Bex and raising an eyebrow.

All three girls started at her wordlessly and baffled.

"Wha-?" Liz started before being jumped on by Bex.

"You little twit," Bex said before assaulting Liz with tickles.

Macey joined in.

Cammie couldn't help, but burst out laughing. She hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. Weeks had gone by since Macey's coma incident and all four girls had gotten closer. She couldn't help, but feel a pang in her chest; Zach and her had not talked since that day and Cammie knew for a fact that he had told Macey that he loved her.

The door slammed open and Grant strode in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Girl on girl action and no one invited me?" Grant said. His loud booming voice projecting across the room.

"That's revolting Grant," Macey said while throwing a pillow at his face.

He caught it just before it hit. "Macey, Macey, Macey. Violence is not the answer," Grant responded wriggling his finger at her.

Macey gave him the finger.

"Language McHenry," Zach scolded while striding into the room Jonas at his heels.

"Speaking of which, what are you three doing here?" Bex asked placing a hand on her hip and glancing at Cammie. "I thought your mom said it was just us this winter break."

"I distinctly remember saying 'don't quote me on that'," Cammie answered.

"Well that doesn't explain what they're doing here."

"Well that doesn't explain what they aren't doing here."

Bex huffed.

"What are you not glad to see me Bex?" Grant asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not particularly," Bex responded glaring at him.

Liz snorted.

"Well that hurts," Grant said placing his hand over his heart in an overly dramatic gesture.

"No, but really. All jokes aside, what are you doing here?" Macey demanded looking up at Jonas. The only reasonable boy in the trio.

"Well, my parents decided to go on a cruise this Christmas with the rest of my family and I wasn't invited so I'm stuck here. Grant's an idiot and missed his flight. Unfortunately there aren't any others that are available and reasonably priced so his parents decided to let him stay here. And Zach? Well Zach has no other place to go." Jonas explained shrugging at the end.

Cammie's eyes wandered to Zach's, and once their eyes met she couldn't pull away.

"I'm hungry," Grant stated after a moment of silence. Everyone was processing Jonas's little speech.

Bex rolled her eyes.

"When are you not?" Macey replied coldly.

Liz's stomach grumbled. "Me too," She said grinning up at him. "Maybe there's something in the kitchen to eat."

"You want me to go with you?" Jonas asked.

She nodded.

"Well I might as well come too before you dimwits finish the food," Bex said while walking over to the door. She turned at Macey with a raised eyebrow.
Macey shrugged and followed her out. Everyone else trailing behind them.

The door shut with an audible click. Cammie and Zach just stayed staring at each other.

Cammie was the first to look away.

Zach slowly walked towards her. He placed his hands on either side of her closing her in.

"Zach," She said softly.
"Cammie," He replied gently.

She looked up at him and stared into his eyes searching.

He held her gaze and after a moment gently placed his lips on hers.

Her lips felt on fire. She knew that he meant to be gentle, but the moment that his lips met hers she felt him lose control. His lips claimed hers with a burning passion. She felt her skin burning with the sensation of the kiss.

She pulled away.

He looked at her, his eyes trained on her lips.

"What are you doing Zach?" She whispered softly.

"I thought it was fairly obvious," Zach replied while an easy smile.

"No, that's not what I meant," Cammie said pushing him off of her. "Stop suffocating me for a second and let me think."

He stared at her wordlessly.

"You told Macey that you loved her Zach," Cammie stated watching his face for a reaction, but his face was a mask. "What does that mean for us?"

"It means that I love her Cammie," Zach said. When he saw that Cammie was turning to leave he gently grabbed her wrist. "But I love you more."

Cammie's breath hitched as he brought her wrist up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it.

"I love you Cameron Ann Morgan." He restated staring at her in the eyes.

"But you told her-"

"I told her I love because I do, but I realize that it's more in a brother/sister way. I know that's sort of messed up, but it's the truth. She knows it and I know it." Zach interrupted her.


"No more 'buts' Cammie. I love you. The only question is if you love me," Zach interrupted once again his eyes searching hers.

She sighed and wrapped her arms around him.

"You mess me up, you know that? My feelings and emotions get all knotted up inside when I'm around you," She said looking up at him.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Zach replied tilting his head to the side.

"I'm not sure yet," Cammie stated before kissing him.

He wrapped his arms tightly around her as she tangled her fingers through his hair.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," He whispered in her ear before nibbling on it and claiming her lips once again.

They were so wrapped in each other, they failed to see the door knob turning open before it was too late.

"Hey look guys! Live porn!" Grant shouted grinning cheekily.

Zach and Cammie ignored him.

Bex slapped Grant in the head and slowly closed the door behind her.

The end

Kay before you all start yelling at me. I think I might make a sequel for what happens in Christmas break, but if you don't want me too then I won't. I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating lately, but any excuse I give will sound stupid and annoying.

Here's the deal, if I do make a sequel how many of you will be interested in reading it AND do you think I should start it before OR after I leave for three weeks. If I start before the three weeks (which is from today until Saturday) then I won't update for three weeks. If I start after the three weeks you have to wait three weeks for the start of the sequel.

Um, so don't hate me please. I really do love you guys. :)
