Small Note

Sakura: Welcome to the very short ending of Eclipse! I'm glad this story is finally over so I can move on to new and better stories. Okay so if you remember the poll winner was a Harry Potter crossover. I'm working on it, but I can't promise it to come out in the coming months. I will post the first chapter later before the year is up I do know that. Just keep a look out on my profile for updates or if you have me on author alert you will know when it comes out. That is for the people who want to read my new crossover.

Yumi: Well in the here and now let's enjoy the last chapter of Eclipse!

Twelve Years Later

A gentle breeze blew by ruffling Yuugi's hair as he sat in front of his grandfather's grave. The tombstone marked a reminder of his lost loved one all those years ago. No matter how many years passed there would always be a part of Yuugi that wished to have his grandfather still around.

Domino the city he grew up in had changed but not so much that Yuugi didn't recognize it when he returned there two years ago. Yuugi and Atemu had both made the choice to break away from the Cullen coven to do some traveling, given Forks had become a bore. Ari had welcomed the idea of moving to a new city, but knew he would miss his grandpa, grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousin.

Bakura and Marik had long since left over eleven years ago choosing to break away from the family a year after Ryou and Malik graduated high school in forks. It took some time but Ryou and Malik did come to terms with their lovers being vampires. Bakura and Marik enjoyed the company of the Cullen family, but they were travelers who never stayed in one place too long. It wasn't but two years after the four had left that the Cullen family heard news that Ryou and Malik were now vampires. Malik had taken the choice easily, but sadly Ryou ended up getting sick and it was all Bakura could do to save him. The last Yuugi had heard from them two years ago was they were exploring tombs in Egypt.

Three years ago was when Atemu and Yuugi finally packed up their things and did a year of travel before Atemu surprised Yuugi by moving them back to Domino so that Ari could go to Domino High for school. Yuugi's first stop back in town had been to check out the game shop and see how it was doing.

It was much to Yuugi's horror that the game shop he lived and grew up in was boarded up and void of life. Yuugi's extended family was supposed to have taken care of the shop after Solomon passed, but they had failed to do so. Atemu, who hated to see Yuugi up set, called up Carlisle to see if he could get in touch with Yuugi's family so he could buy the game shop back. If Yuugi had called the Mutou family would question why he was still around when he was supposed to be dead.

It took a couple months, but before long Atemu owned the game shop and he made it his job to fix the place back up. The two now ran it together and lived in the apartment upstairs. Their son was given Yuugi's old room which he seemed to have enjoyed.

When the game shop was back to its former glory the business started to boom and Yuugi knew he found a place he could live for the rest of his life if only he would age like a normal human. Given he was a vampire Atemu and Yuugi knew they would have to leave Domino at some point, but knew they could always return so long as they owned the game shop. With the deed back in Yuugi's hands he was never going to let it go again.

The rest of the Cullen family was good. A year before Yuugi and his husband left, Nessie had finally gotten married to Jacob and the two were living in La Push together. When Yuugi and Atemu left the rest of the family stayed for two more years before leaving to do some traveling of their own. Nessie however refused to leave her husband and was more than happy to live in La Push with Jacob. None of the family could blame her and it was time she did break away so she could be with who she wanted.

Bella had taken it a little hard that her daughter was leaving her, but the Cullen's were welcomed in La Push when they wanted to visit so long as they followed the rules.

The last Yuugi had heard from Bella was that they were somewhere in America. The postcard had come three weeks ago with a picture of the family all smiles. It pained Yuugi a little to have left them, but there was one other reason they didn't know about when Atemu wanted to move the family.

The Volturi it would seem had not given up. In between Nessie's wedding and the upcoming move, two of the Volturi guards came to attack the family leaving Atemu to deal with them and send a warning to the Volturi about messing with his family. The attack left the two to think it would be best to leave the coven for a while so they could see what the Volturi had planned.

Since they came to Domino they hadn't heard or seen anything but both knew it was only a matter of time.

The breeze blew again making a giggle come from Yuugi's lips. "I hear you grandpa. Ari has Atemu so wrapped around his finger. Atemu would do anything to please the boy." He smiled and ran his fingers over the warm grass. "I'm just glad Ari had the birthday party he wanted yesterday even if has more presents than he knows what to do with."

There was a moment of silence before Yuugi started to speak again. "I used to think Ari would stay a little boy for the rest of his life. I never imagined that one day my little boy would become a handsome fifteen year old teenager. The girls are already chasing him." He chuckled a little. "Atemu is already talking about having another kid since he doesn't have a little one around anymore. I thought we would wait a few more years, but some things don't turn out like we plan."

Someone cleared their throat from behind Yuugi causing him to jump a little and look behind him. There behind him stood his husband and son. Atemu was the same as ever in his immortal life, but Ari was a different story. The now fifteen year old boy was as tall as Atemu and it was easy to see the characteristics he had of both parents. The boy looked so much like Atemu except his eyes were a beautiful amethyst like Yuugi's used to be.

Unlike Nessie who had stopped growing by time she reached her teenage years, Ari seemed to continue to change. Atemu and Yuugi both figured he might have more human than vampire in him since Yuugi did create him with his powers, but they decided that it would be Ari's choice to become a full blooded vampire. He would always have a little human in him, but the two had informed him if he wanted to have an immortal life with them they would let him. Ari knew he would love to stay with his parents, but he wanted to grow a little more so he would be an adult if changed. At the time Ari was happy with his human life, minus he was a human who drank blood.

Ari sat down beside Yuugi and looked at the tombstone. "Do you think he would have liked me?"

Yuugi smiled and wrapped an arm around his son. "No matter what or who you are he would have loved you like he loved me. He always considered me his son more than his grandchild. You would have been the cute little grandchild he always wanted to spoil."

"I wish I could have met him…"

Atemu kneeled down behind them and wrapped an arm around each of them. "He was an amazing man until his dying day. It would have been nice to all live together as a family."

"Why didn't he become a vampire?" Ari questioned. He remembered his father telling him of the time he had to change his papa so that he wouldn't lose him.

Yuugi shook his head. "He was already old and I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to live an immortal life as an old man." He answered with a smile. "If I know my grandpa he would have lived the life he was given and die a happy man."

Ari looked between his parents before agreeing with them. "So are we still going to dinner and a movie tonight?"

Yuugi stood up from his stop on the ground and dusted off his jeans. "I want to tell you two something before we go out."

"Sure what is it honey?" Atemu asked. He had wondered why Yuugi wanted them to go out as a family tonight.

Yuugi grinned up at them. "I wanted us to go out tonight so we could celebrate the fact I'm pregnant."

Ari and Atemu stood there with wide eyes and looks of disbelief.

"Seriously papa..?"

Yuugi nodded. "I found out yesterday, but wanted to announce it today. I thought it would be nice to get out and go celebrate."

Atemu hugged Yuugi and kissed his forehead. "You don't know how happy you just made me."

"I'm sure I can imagine."

The two shared a kiss which caused Ari to pretend to puke. "Not in front of me!"

Yuugi's giggling caused the two to break apart. Atemu wrapped an arm around Yuugi and started to lead his family away, but not before looking back one more time at the grave. He smiled knowing grandpa was smiling down on them wishing them the best.

As the three walked away one more gentle breeze blew as if to wrap the three in a embrace before dying off. Ari let out a very Yuugi like giggle before he took off in a run for the car waiting for them down the path.

"Can we see that new horror movie that just came out?" He called back to them.

Yuugi groaned. "Why did you get him hooked on horror films?" He complained to his husband.

Atemu shrugged. "It's not my fault he isn't scared of anything."

"I'm going to regret going to the movies aren't I?"

Atemu stopped for a minute and gave Yuugi another kiss this one a few minutes longer. When they broke away the two smiled up at each other. "I'll promise to protect you from all the scary monsters in the movie okay?"

Yuugi agreed and they both looked toward the car to find Ari rolling his eyes at them as he sat on top the car.

"Can we please go now?"

"As long as you get your butt off my car we will go." Atemu scolded his son before heading around to the driver side.

Yuugi got in the passenger side while Ari jumped in the back. Once they were all inside, Atemu started the car and they drove off. The sun started to set in the background as the car drove away bringing in the perfect night for a family outing.

The End!