Summary: Helen shares some sweet chocolate treats with John.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Sanctuary

Rating: T

Pairing: Helen and John.


Late at night Helen had a deep desire for some chocolate. It was a craving that had hit her all at once, driving her from bed, and down to the kitchen where she had some hidden. On a normal day Helen enjoyed a small bit of chocolate, but tonight her craving was out of control. She hungered for it more so than anything else. Helen pulled on a simple black robe over her maroon sleep pants and light weight black camisole. It was three o'clock in the morning, none of her staff or patients would be awake to see her indulge in her obsession. Taking the stairs two at a time Helen found herself at the kitchen where she saw a light shining. Opening the door, there standing in the light of the fridge, was the last person she thought to see. "John?" He turned to her holding a carton of chocolate ice cream. "Guess I'm no the only one with a sweet tooth." She mused, coming through the door and closing it.

John had heard the door open and was about to teleport back to his room when the gentle scent of Helen wafted over to him. She, no doubt, had the same cravings he had. Chocolate was something he often craved, yet rarely indulged in. "No, not the only one." John moved away to peruse the shelves looking for a bowl, then in the drawers for a spoon. With his hunger satisfied John hopped up on the counter to begin eating. He barely had the spoon to his lips when he noticed Helen looking at him. "What?"

"You couldn't have put a shirt on?" there was no criticism, in fact she quite liked the sight of his bare chest. John sat on her counter with only black sleep pants on casting his skin in a paler tone than she knew him to be. This was the man she had fallen in love with. He lived at night, could make her smile for no reason. Just seeing him sitting on her counter created a hunger within her, and it wasn't just for chocolate.

John dropped his spoon into his bowl, "I honestly didn't think anyone would be awake, let alone you." It was the truth. It was late at night and he had been woken out of a sound sleep with the deep seeded need for chocolate. The only other craving he possessed as strong as chocolate was his hunger for Helen. After nearly a century she was still his main hunger. He would forgo all the food in the world just for one taste of her lips.

Helen offered him a small smile letting John know that she thought the same thing. It was the only reason that she was down her. Going to the freezer section she pulled out the carton of ice cream that he had used and grabbed a bowl and spoon for herself. When Chocolate cravings hit her she normally went for the ice cream first. Replacing the carton Helen hopped up on the counter next to John and silently ate her ice cream. She was aware of the small glances he was throwing her way. But first thing was first; chocolate. Out of habit she leaned her head on his shoulder feeling the warmth of his skin seeping into her. John made no move to push her away, to tell her this was a bad idea. He only sat there happily eating his ice cream. Helen hadn't paying attention when a small drop of melted chocolate landed on John's right bicep. "I'm sorry." She laughed. Without thinking she licked away the ice cream. Helen froze, not knowing what she was doing. The taste of chocolate and John muddled her mind. Rather than dwell on the gesture Helen went back to sating her chocolate hunger.

John's skin tingled at the sensation of Helen's tongue licking away the cold chocolate. He didn't dare more, didn't dare call attention to what she was doing. This was just a small glimpse of the heaven he was denied, the heaven of her touch. Instead he finished off his ice cream and waited for her to do the same. He heard her set her spoon in the bowl, signaling to him that she was done. John slid off the counter holding his hand out for her empty dish. The least he could do was rinse them out in the sink.

Helen eyes him as he moved to the enter island turning the tap on. Just seeing John Druitt, former Jack the Ripper was actually rinsing out dishes. It seemed so absurd, and yet he was still doing it. He had his back to her and that allowed Helen to smile a huge broad grin. It was late at night and no one would be around to witness the playful side, the woman seeping through in response to the man in front of her. "John," she cleared her throat. "Can I interest you in someā€¦ nipples of Venus?" Helen laughed with the dishes clanked together.

He turned to her, an expression of shock marring his face, but that faded when he saw her laughing, "Excuse me?" He asked. The question was still ringing in his head.

His reaction to her question only made Helen laugh harder. She had thrown her head back only to come into contact with the cabinet. Leaning foreword Helen laughed even harder while putting her right hand to the back of her head, "Ow," She could barely talk through all of her laughter.

John was standing before her trying not to laugh as he said, "Well get down before you hurt yourself again. Come here," He held out his arms to her. Helen slid down off the counter still laughing. John hadn't realized that his question was that funny. Putting his hand to the back of her head John gently soothed away what was left of the pain. "Are you better?"

Helen sucked in a breath, "Yes, though usually hitting my head never makes me laugh." Chuckling she leaned her head on his chest. Then she pulled back asking, "Does my offer entice you?" She knew there was a glimmer of wicked delight playing in her eyes.

John leaned his head slightly to the side and raised his left eyebrow while covertly looking her up and down. "It has my attention I must say." Slowly he dropped his hands down to her waist and brought her closer to the front of her body. Helen wasn't backing away, fighting his hold, she let him touch her.

"I'm sure it does." Helen angled her head to the side and smiled. Skimming the edge of her nails up his waist she pointed to the cabinet over the fridge. There was no missing the slight shudder that wracked his body. "You see that cabinet? On the top shelf is a metal jar. Would you get it down?" She asked knowing that he would if only to satisfy his own curiosity.

"Why?" John asked looking at the cabinet she pointed to.

"John, you're taller than I am and you have a longer reach." She knew well the extent of that reach. Her mind still conjured images of him holding her, teasing her, at night when she was all alone.

Sighing for show John smiled complying with Helen's request. Reaching up he opened the cabinet doo seeing the metal jar she had mentioned. John pulled the jar down taking it back over to Helen where he handed it to her.

"Close your eyes," Helen ordered playfully. Watching John she opened the tin and then asked, "Open your mouth."

"Hmm, I'm liking this already." Doing as he was told John opened his mouth, waiting.

Helen had a moment to feel ridiculous, but this was John. They had done far more erotic things than devour chocolate together. Beating back the blush that crept up her body Helen removed one of the small chocolates out setting it gently on his tongue. John had closed his lips over her finger as she pulled her hand away. That shouldn't have felt as good as it did. Freeing her index finger from between his lips Helen watched as John chewed the candy. He had a look of pure delight washed over his face.

John swallowed and said, "So that was a Nipple of Venus. It was good, though yours are better."

"Montague John Druitt, how dare you!" Her outrage was slightly less than effective due to her laughter.

"Ooh, I love when you say my name like that. Except, turn about it fair play." Once again he slipped his arms around her waist pulling her closer, "You caught me off guard with that question." He accused lightly.

"It was only a question." Helen defended feeling her body heat at the mere touch of his. She hated that he still had power over her and she loved it all at the same time.

"Your turn," John laughed lightly removing his left arm from around her waist. He retrieved one of the chocolates and bayed her open her mouth to him.

Helen smiled sweetly and opened her mouth. In the next instant the warm taste of chocolate invaded her taste buds. She closed her mouth feeling John's index finger sliding out slowly just as she had done to him. The taste of the milk chocolate and white chocolate mingling with the unique taste of John had a way of opening a part of her mind she thought long dead. Before she could finish chewing the delightful delicate chocolate, John's lips were on hers and his arms were locked tighter around her. But his arms didn't stay around her waist. He caressed her hips, moved his hands down to the backs of her thighs so he could lift her and set her on the edge of the counter.

John had been watching her lips as she chewed and the desire to kiss her became too great. He had to taste her, had to have her lips against his with the trace of chocolate to tease and taunt him. She was everything his heart needed to heal, everything that the beast inside of him didn't understand. John pulled her closer, making the kiss more demanding.

Helen had been stunned for a few seconds, and then she started to respond. The mixture of chocolate and John was enough to take away her logic, take away the cold in her heart and feel nothing but warmth. Her skin was warming in response to his, in response to his kiss. If this went much farther she would be asking for more than chocolate from him.

John was so lost in the sensation of her that he nearly missed the footsteps coming closer and closer to the door to the kitchen. He didn't want to get caught kissing Helen while they were satisfying a chocolate obsession. She had left the EM shield down. Pulling his lips away John said, "Tomorrow night, meet me here for more chocolate." And with that he was gone.

All Helen knew was one minute she was kissing John and then the next he was gone leaving her with a hunger not just for chocolate. But then she heard he footsteps that must have pulled him out of his haze. She slid down off the counter and tried to slow her breathing. The door opened and Helen turned to see her man servant and close friend staring at her.

"Not tired?" he asked seeing her standing in the dark.

"I was going to make a pot of tea, but I got distracted by the chocolate." Helen smiled and held up the tin. He came around the counter and took the tin from her putting it back up in the cabinet.

"I'll make you some tea."

"Thank you. There's no way I'm sleeping now." Helen muttered the last part heading up to her office. She didn't want to go back to bed, didn't want to burn for John. Rather, she chose to throw herself into her work and try and put it all out of her mind. Helen hadn't decided if she was going to sneak back down to the kitchen. All though, she knew she probably would.