"And there is Orin's Belt babe." James pointed out with his free hand to his lover. "And right there is the little dipper and the Big Dipper is right there." James continued to point out, as Kendall just continued to smile and stroked his lover's hand while smiling to see his lover so enthralled by the stars of the night sky.

"And here I thought only Logan liked to look at the sky." Kendall said as he looked at James before placing a kiss on his boyfriends check.

"Yeah, that's where you are wrong babe Logan hate's to look at the sky I blame it on him hanging out with Carlos so much. Carlos takes one look at the sky and is like 'But I don't see anything.' "James did his best whiny Carlos voice.

"Yeah and Logan is always like 'Don't feel bad Carlitos I can't see it either.' It's funny really Logan is like the biggest nerd but he really can't see the star's can he?" Kendall asked his lover as he tried to find a constellation just to impress James.

"No he can't even when I pointed them out when we lived back home he still didn't see them and Kendall."

" Yeah babe?"

"Stop trying to look so hard at the sky you will hurt yourself." James said as he broke his gaze at the sky to steal a quick look at his lover.

'My lover.' James thought to himself as he refocused his gaze back on the sky as he started to remember how they came to be.


"And that is the constellation Sagittarius right there any questions so far?" James asked Kendall as he pointed to the constellation while placing a marker on the constellation Leo.

"How do you know this I asked Logan and he just gave me a dumbfounded stare, and said that he doesn't know what I was talking about." Kendall spoke as he wrote the coordinates to the constellation and looked at James.

"James I love you."

Four words that constantly ran through Kendall's mind four words that kept plaguing the eighteen year old over and over again. Four words that he could never say out loud for fear of what James would say or do, four words that might destroy the band. But four words that he heard James say back to him.

"Kendall did you just say that you love me?" James said for the third time as he looked at Kendall waiting for an answer from the object of his affection for some time now.

"Yes…yes I did."

End Flashback

As the two continued to look up at the sky, both boys saw a shooting star. As James pointed it out and told Kendall to make a wish, Kendall pulled out a small box while James had his eyes closed say. "I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight…."

Unbeknownst to Kendall, James was wishing for the same thing that Kendall held in his hand, a ring of engagement to the only man he could ever possible love. As James opened his eyes and looked at Kendall to find him staring back at him, he noticed something in Kendall's hand but was more shocked when his lover got up and off the pool chair and down on one knee.

"James Diamond will you marry me?" Kendall spoke locking eyes with boyfriend.

James didn't speak, he didn't give Kendall an answer all he did was jump up from the chair, slipped the ring on his finger and kissed Kendall quickly before crying while saying yes he would marry him.

"I wish I may I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight. I wish for me and James to always be happy and love each other from now until the end of time."


Alright this is for MudMaster94 "a.k.a Sara" she asked me to write her a one-shot of Kames a while back and yeah I hope you like this dear ^_^ sorry if it's a little weird sounding I have my family over for the New Year and I'm on kid duty so yeah. I hope you like this dear and for everyone else HAPPY NEW YEAR!
