I know I still have another story unfinished and I hate to leave it hanging but I just can't get motivated to write more. I've tried writing the next chapter but I'm stuck with it halfway done. I am going to try to get back to it soon but for now, this came to me as I rewatched the Season 4 finale. I LOVE that Michael is now "in my town!"

And in case you're wondering, I did not get these wonderful characters for Christmas. I am still grateful for the wonderful Matt Nix for creating them so I could borrow them for a bit.

The best friend and the girlfriend sat at Carlito's, eating lunch and discussing their next move. It had been a week since Michael kissed Fiona and walked off with two men in suits. He had left her with the jump drive containing the list of the people who had burned him. Jesse was healing and he was in the process of getting his job back, but he had promised to help Fi and Sam as much as he could.

First order of business for Jesse was trying to find out where Michael was and what was being done to him. He had to tread carefully, even though it was well known by now that Michael hadn't done any of the things that had been attributed to him. Too much questioning could backfire and result in none of them ever hearing from Michael Westen again.

"What do you think, Sam? Should we take a job?" Fiona asked, pushing the salad around on her plate.

"I don't know. Maybe. Or maybe we should wait another week?" Sam took a sip of his mojito.

"Fiona Glenanne?" the shorter of the two men in suits and dark glasses who suddenly appeared next to their table said.

Sam stood up, placing himself between the men and Fiona. Fiona chuckled at the thought that she'd need Sam to protect her.

"Who's asking, pal?" Sam said, giving the men the once-over before crossing his arms, clearly letting them know they weren't going to get by him without answering.

The taller man replied, "It doesn't matter where we're from. Agent Porter sent us. We'd like to ask Miss Glenanne to come with us. Please."

"Jesse?" Fiona said, looking at Sam with hope in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am, you can call him if you'd like." The shorter agent held his phone out but Sam already had his own phone to his ear.

"Jesse? What's this about Frick and Frack here? Yeah?"

Fiona leaned closer to Sam, trying to hear the other end of the conversation.

"So she should go? You're sure it's safe? OK thanks buddy, I'll see you later."

Sam turned to Fiona. "Fi, apparently this is legit. Jesse set it up. But if anything happens, you know how to reach me." He lightly brushed his hand over her shoulder as she nodded.

"Let's go, boys," she said, following the two men out to the waiting car. "Do you know where Michael is?" she asked as the car began to move.

"We can't discuss that right now ma'am," the taller one replied, "but we assure you no harm will come to you or to him."

Ooooh, are you intrigued? I hope to be able to work on this some more this weekend so be on the lookout for updates!