Well here it is folks. Here is the sequel to Legend of Spyro: Love's Separation. Finished it late last night but wanted to wait on posting becuase I was tired and the point of the space inbetween sequels is to have a little break. Wanted to get it up this morning but my family and I went shopping. I've just ordered Eternal Night so I'm nearly a full gamer of the trilogy :). Well enjoy this little chapter that I've written for you.

Ch. 1: Return of the Tortured

Two months. It has been two months ever since Spyro and Cynder were captured by Crecco. Blaze managed to free them but on the return home Crecco fatally wounded Blaze. Spyro and Cynder had to leave him dying in the clearing they slept at. But now, they've discovered through one of Blaze's scales that he still lives and is most likely being held by Crecco. But two months of frantic searching had turned up nothing.

Spyro was currently sitting on the new balcony for his and Cynder's room. The trees had lost their leaves and the warning chills of winter were in the air. It was currently December tenth and the Christmas cheer was everywhere in the streets.

The door behind him opened and a black dragoness came out. She sat down next to Spyro and intertwined his tail with hers. She rested her head on his shoulder and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Spyro answered, "I'm just wondering how much longer it'll take for us to find Blaze. And also of the beautiful black dragoness that I have cause of him."

Cynder nestled closer against him and said, "I'm worried about him too. All we can do is hope for one of the search parties find him. I doubt that the guardians would let us go and search too."

Spyro nodded and rested his head on Cynder's. The guardians had been adamant about Spyro and Cynder staying in Warfang until Crecco had been found. Spyro and Cynder wished that they could go out and tear things up looking for Blaze like he had done for them.

They sat like that looking over the city until the sun started to dip under the horizon. The door behind them opened and a mole came out onto the balcony. He averted his eyes, not looking at the couple and said, "Master Terrador wants to see you Spyro."

Spyro gave a sigh that only Cynder heard and got up. He looked back at the mole and said, "I'll be right there Felix."

Felix nodded and left. Spyro looked at Cynder who said, "Your duty calls. I'll be here waiting for you to come back."

Spyro flashed her a smile and left. The guardians would only call Spyro like this if it was something important. He knew that it didn't have to do with Blaze cause they would've asked for Cynder too. He could only guess that it had to do with his training

He entered the meeting room to find the three dragons all sitting on a cushion that matched the color of their scales. The room was circular with a dome ceiling. It was all entirely made out of a white stone and a fire was in the center. Spyro sat down on the guest black cushion and didn't look at the empty red cushion not wanting to cry about Ignitus and Blaze in front of the guardians.

Terrador spoke up, "You have done well in your training of the breaths Spyro. We all believe that it is time for you to pick an advanced course."

Spyro looked at him confused. Cyril explained, "An advanced course is when a dragon undergoes more advanced training for a breath. You will eventually go through all breaths but you should only do one at a time so as to focus completely on that breath."

Terrador spoke up saying, "You are going to have to pick either earth, ice or electricity for your current advanced course. Unfortuanetly you can't take advanced fire for obvious reasons."

Spyro than realized, when they didn't say anything else, that they were waiting for him to pick a breath. He considered his choices of the three. Earth he was all right with but could use a bit of fine tuning. Electricity he didn't have many problems with. Ice he would managed to do 75% of the time. Fire was his best breath but he couldn't take it. Spyro said, "Electricity?"

Cyril and Terrador looked down at the fire as Volteer held his head up. He said, "Marvelous choice my boy. There is much more to electricity than discharging static through your mouth."

Cyril mumbled, "It's always good to start with the easiest one before heading to the hardest."

Volteer gave him a look and started to argue with Cyril. While they were arguing Terrador looked at Spyro and said, "Your training will begin on the day after New Years. Until than you're training with basic electricity will increase while you'll have shorter sessions with earth, ice and fire."

Spyro was about to speak up about the shortening of fire when Terrador said, "You are to focus as much as you can on the single element. Even if you're learning from books you have to do less of it."

Spyro shut his mouth and accepted it. He asked, "Has there been any sign of Crecco or Blaze?"

Terrador shook his head and said, "I'm sorry but there's none. All we can do is hope for them to come back with news at some point. You're dismissed."

Spyro nodded and left the room. He sighed when he got in the hallway and walked back towards his room and Cynder. His thoughts at first were of Cynder but than they turned to where Blaze could be. Crecco wasn't done with Spyro and Cynder, Spyro was sure of that, so he must be somewhere that isn't too far away and easy to hide in. It would also have to be a place that Crecco felt secure in. Spyro stopped as he thought of someplace. No, he thought, he wouldn't hide someplace so obvious. But what if that's the point because it's so obvious that we wouldn't check.

Spyro turned and ran out to the courtyard. I'll have to think of someway to make it up to Cynder he thought before he started to fly north. He had to land in a clearing when he got too tired to continue on after a few hours of flying. It shouldn't be very far he thought as he landed.

He froze when he recognized the clearing. This was the clearing that they slept in when they were escaping Crecco's fortress. The grass had returned to it's green color, the blood and burns gone. There was nothing to remind creatures that a fire dragon was nearly killed here. He went to the spot where he and Cynder had slept that night and lied down. His eyes shut as he imagined what Cynder would say to him for leaving her on the balcony.

It had been two hours. No meeting had ever taken this long. Cynder was annoyed but not mad. They're probably discussing something really important that takes two hours to talk about she thought.

She was walking toward the meeting room when she ran into Cyril when they were both turning the same corner, "Do watch where yo- Oh! Hello Cynder. As I was saying try to watch you're going." Cyril said, getting up.

Cynder got up and asked, "Aren't you supposed to be with the other guardians and Spyro?"

"Not right now. What do you mean?"

"Spyro said that he'd see me after you guys were done talking and I haven't seen him. I thought that he was still with you guys." Cynder said growing in suspicion.

"Why we finished the meeting about an hour and a half ago. I haven't seen him since." Cyril said, starting to get suspicious too.

"You think we should look for him?" Cynder asked, now growing worried.

"We shall wait for morning. If he comes back before morning than you can question him. If he doesn't than we'll have to look for him." Cyril said before moving on.

Cynder was worried. Spyro had always been true to his word, especially when it came to her. But all she could do was content herself in going to sleep and hoping that he'd be there in the morning. She than walked back to her room for some sleep.

The sun's first rays of light woke up the purple dragon. He gave a groan and moved his paw, feeling for someone. His eyes snapped open and he wondered, Where's Cynder?

Than he remembered that he had left her on the balcony. He groaned as he thought of what things she'd do to him for ditching her. But if he was right than he had to do this.

He shook himself and extended his wings for take off. He flew north until a stone fortress appeared amidst the trees in a large clearing. He landed in front of the door and cautiously entered.

The grublins had been sighted heading far east but that didn't mean that a few stragglers wouldn't show up. The main room still had scorch marks and holes from when Spyro and Blaze had come to save Cynder. He looked around and the memory of that battle went through his mind.

Spyro looked around the main room first for anywhere that two dragons could hide. When he didn't find anything he looked through the rest of the first floor. He was starting to lose hope when he went upstairs. He went left first and found nothing except for some knocked over pieces of armor. He came to a door and broke it open. There were stairs behind it and he climbed them. Another door was at the end but it didn't stay standing for long. When he had forced entry into this room Spyro looked around.

The room looked like it had been left untouched ever since Crecco had first shown it to Cynder. Everything was all neat and stacked. There were some fresh roses on the bed. He sighed and went back down the stairs.

From there he checked out the other side of the corridor. Something odd caught his attention. Some of the bricks didn't match. The edges were all mismatched and it made the shape of a rectangle. Spyro pushed at it and it went in a bit but didn't open all the way because it was locked. He grunted and stepped back. He than charged up an earth missile and launched it at the door. It blasted open and light poured in. Spyro was reminded of his old cell.

He entered and saw some torches on the wall. He lit them and looked around in the light. There was a magical barrier that split the stone room in half. Spyro could see something huddled in the corner of the room, just where the torches didn't reach. He called out, "Show yourself!"

The form shifted a bit and a raspy voice replied, "Is that Spyro? What are you doing here?"

Spyro took a step back and said, "If you know me than show yourself."

The form grew legs and slowly stood up with it's belly about three inches off the ground. The shape of a head came up and the form looked more like a dragon. The dragon like shape than came into the light and Spyro gasped.

It was a red dragon. His scales were dull and didn't catch any light, his tail was pulled along instead of swaying on the ground. His legs were cut in multiple places as were the rest of his body. Only the front of the neck had been left untouched. Even the dragon's right eye was shut under a large bloody gash. His wings were in the worst condition. He extended his wings to show and Spyro saw that nearly all of the wing membrane between the bones had been ripped out. There were some bloody shreds of membrane that just hung from the 'fingers' of the wings. He said in the quiet and raspy voice, "I'm not surprised that you don't recognize your Fire Guardian."

Spyro stood stock still as he realized who it was. He was right about where Blaze was being kept, "Blaze? What happened to you?" Spyro asked.

"I'll tell you later, but now we have to get out of here before Crecco comes back. If you push that button on the wall than the cage will go away." Blaze said, starting to sway.

Spyro quickly looked and saw the button. He pushed it and went to Blaze to help him out. The larger red dragon leaned on the purple dragon and they went into the hall and to the stairs. From there Blaze took a fall down the stairs. Spyro yelped and ran down to his side. The fire dragon spat out some blood before slowly getting up and leaning on Spyro again. They went out the door and had to walk to the outer wall. Spyro blasted their way through wall with earth and they went through the wall.

They kept walking until the sun had set. They stopped in a tiny clearing to sleep at. Blaze looked up at the stars as he lied down on his side. Spyro was curling up a few feet away and asked, "Whatcha looking at?"

Blaze quietly said, "It's been so long since I've seen the stars. They're so beautiful." a tear rolled down the poor fire dragon's face.

Spyro looked up at the stars too and wondered what Cynder was doing. She was no doubt now worried and was probably searching hard for him in the city. It would take the two of them quite a bit of time to get back because of Blaze's shape so she would have to wait a little longer.

The two dragons slept and dreamed of home. Blaze's dream consisted of everyone that he loved being with him and there was no pain. Spyro's dream was of him and Cynder sleeping together under the moon.

The sun came up and Blaze quickly woke up having been waken up at various times of the day. He gave a growl as he stretched and several small scabs started to bleed. This woke up Spyro and he quickly looked around them for the reason of Blaze's growl. He was confused when he didn't see any enemies but saw that Blaze was bleeding. He gathered up some grass and went over to Blaze. Spyro than stuck the grass into the scratches in order to slow the bleeding.

When he finished Blaze got up and leaned on Spyro. They than walked south for Warfang. They didn't encounter anybody else except for a bunny that Spyro caught for them. Their progress was slow. When the sun had reached midday Spyro estimated that they would reach Warfang in a couple hours.

While they were walking, the beating of wings could be heard. Spyro looked up and smiled when he saw that it was Cynder. She landed in front of them and marched up to Spyro, "Where do you think you've been! Everyone's worried sick for you! And who's this guy?" she pointed to Blaze.

Spyro was about to speak up when Blaze shook his head and said, "I can't blame you for not recognizing me. I doubt that I could recognize myself even after what Crecco has done."

Cynder's eyes widened as she looked at the red dragon and whispered, "Blaze?"

He smiled and said, "Guess you do remember me."

Cynder looked back and Spyro and demanded, "Where did you find him?"

Spyro said, "I thought that he might be in Crecco's fortress so I went straight there. Turned out I was right and here he is."

Cynder looked at the two of them and said, "We're going to talk about you leaving me without saying why later Spyro. Right now we have to get Blaze back to Warfang so that the healers can get a look at him."

She supported the other side of Blaze and they continued to walk south. A couple hours later the gates came into view. Blaze put more effort into his steps when he saw them. The guards on duty recognized Spyro and Cynder and opened the gates for them.

The three than slowly walked through the streets and toward the temple. The crowd parted and made gasps as dragons and moles saw Blaze. Blaze recognized some of his old friends and Ember. The dragoness was smiling when she recognized him. He snapped his jaws in her direction and Spyro gave her a look. She backed out the crowd and disappeared.

A light blue dragoness got in their way, forcing them to stop. Her tail was swaying on the ground and had multiple spikes sticking out at the end. Her snout was shaped like Spyro's in the way that it was flat. Her wings were against her side as well. Softly pointed spikes ran down her back and to her tail. She said in a calm voice, "Who's this? You're surely not bringing him to the temple are you?"

Cynder replied, "We're bringing him to the temple Frost. And you should be kinder to him considering that he's technically your senior. This is Blaze, the Fire Guardian."

More gasps ran through the crowd as it was realized that this sorry dragon was the Fire Guardian. Frost muttered, "I'm sorry, I'll go tell the guardians that you're coming."

She than ran ahead which allowed the three to continue on. Blaze whispered thinking that no one could hear him, "She was kinda hot."

Spyro said, "Ya."

Cynder gave him a look. Spyro chuckled and said, "You know that I only have eyes for you Cyn."

She continued to give him the look and Blaze said, "Nice going Spyro. Hope I see you tomorrow morning."

Spyro looked to the ground defeated. Cynder smiled and looked forward. Blaze was chuckling to himself at the whole ordeal.

Blaze fainted a few minutes later so Spyro and Cynder had to carry him the rest of the way. They eventually reached the temple to find the other guardians waiting for them. When they entered the courtyard Terrador came forward and said, "Allow me."

He than put Blaze over his back like a sack of potatoes and walked inside. Everyone followed him to the infirmary. Moles were running around, getting their supplies ready for Blaze. Terrador put him down on a group of red cushions.

Terrador than came back to the group and asked Spyro, "Where have you been?"

"I went to Crecco's fortress where I found Blaze. It took longer to get here cause of obvious reasons." Spyro said looking back up at Terrador.

He nodded and said, "I will ask that he be moved to his room so that he can have some privacy. I just hope that Blaze will survive the injuries."

The guardians than left, leaving Spyro and Cynder with Blaze and the moles. The two dragons lied down, sides rubbing against each other, and watched the moles work on Blaze. Since he had passed out the moles worked without having to restrain him. Herbs were packed into the wounds and a few were sealed shut with red crystals while the rest of the serious ones were bandaged up. A shot was also given to help fight any infection. Nothing could be done with the wings so they left them. When they finished the head mole called the two dragons over and said, "This is the most we can do for him right now. If you two could take him to his room that would be great. We'll check on the morning and change his bandages and such."

They nodded and gently woke up Blaze. His left eye slowly opened and he looked at the two. Spyro and Cynder helped him get up and they took him to his room. Blaze kept nodding off as he got closer and closer to fainting again. They reached his room and Spyro pulled the door aside for them.

Nothing had really changed except for the large doors on the far side that led to the new balcony. The books were still on the shelf as Blaze had left them. Even the box from when he first put all his stuff in here was still in the corner.

Spyro and Cynder put him onto the bed. He gave a groan of pleasure as he felt the softness of the mattress. His eye went down to a slit and he said, "So what's happened while I've been gone?"

They sat down and Cynder said, "Well the rooms have a new addition. There's now a balcony for every room that a dragon has so that they can fly out easier. Nobody has answered the ads for Fire Guardian so the position is still open. Cyril has also taken an apprentice. You've already met her. It's Frost and to let you know she's Cyril's granddaughter, so I'd take a pass on the hot compliments if I were you. He's all convinced that she's going to mate with a royal ice dragon. What else was there? Oh ya! Sparx and some other dragons have left for the swamp temple. They're going to rebuild it to it's former glory so that eggs can be hatched there again."

Blaze nodded and said, "Well that's good for Sparx to go back home again. When do you plan to take a visit to the swamp Spyro?"

Spyro said, "I'm going to wait until everything's fine here. Sparx is also planning on coming back for Christmas."

Blaze nodded again and with a yawn said, "I do suppose that it's close to Christmas isn't it? It's been about two months since Crecco showed up right? I think that I should get some sleep. Gotta get better so that I can take back my position sooner." the red dragon slowly shut his eye and sank into a deep sleep.

Spyro and Cynder looked at each other and left for their own room. In their room they laid down next to each other on the bed that was made out of their separate beds combined. Spyro said, "You think that he'll be alright?"

Cynder put her head on top of Spyro's and said, "He's a tough dragon, I'm sure he'll make it."

Spyro shut his eyes and said, "I think I'll follow Blaze into sleep. I could use the rest."

Cynder said, "Alright. I love ya you big lug."

Spyro chuckled and said, "And I love you.

The sun outside started to sink as the two dragons fell asleep into sweet dreams. Across the hall a fire dragon slept without worry for the first time in two months.

I know that I probably should have waited to bring Blaze back into this story but I like to have him in there. Plus the good stuff won't start until he's there. I'm not sure what to say right now without giving the rest of the story away. Well I hope that people will review this chapter and tell me their thoughts of the beginning. I've had close to five hundred views for Love's Separation yet only 6 reviews so I'm hoping that people will review this more. Well here's to a happy New Years for all you people! ;) Hope you have a great time and I'll see you all in 2011!