Tali trudged down darkened hallways, dragging her bedding on the ground behind her. Under her booted feet, she could feel the deckplating vibrate with each bass-beat from the deck below. Quite a party was underway down there. Garrus had actually radioed her mere moments ago from the midst of it, inquiring (with slurred speech) if she was any good at something called "beer pong". He insisted that their Human crewmembers were taking advantage of his unfamiliarity with the sport.

This deck was quiet, at least. The mess hall was darkened, illuminated only by the digital display on the coffee machine. Tali sighed, remembering a Human adage she'd grown fond of: "Silence is golden."

She approached the medical bay, and palmed the door open. Then palmed the door shut again.

Tali turned back to the mess area and lowered herself into a booth. It wasn't private, but that was precicely the reason she wanted to sleep here, now. It seemed that all the private areas of the ship were being...occupied.

Tali wrapped the blanket around herself, wondering what the morning would bring. More than a little embarrassment for some people, she suspected. Especially for the usually reserved Dr. Chakwas and Zaeed Massani-considering what she'd just caught them doing on the exam table.

He was just drifting off to sleep, swathed in warmth and silence in Shepard's big bed, when she spoke.

"I love you too, Thane." She whispered. "I guess I'll have to tell you that tomorrow."

He smiled into the dark, though she couldn't see.