Author Note: What not to do at Hogwarts! Did you know, I actually don't own Harry Potter! This story is a little similar to the notebook, and yet it's not the exact same thing.

"Now have you realized that it is against the rules to tell the first years who are waiting to be sorted, that in order to be sorted you must confess your deepest secret aloud while wearing the hat?" Professor McGonagall asked the Weasleys twins. She didn't want to know how they did it, but somehow doing the Sorting this year, she heard things she did not want to know about, coming from the mouths of first years. She thought at first it was Peeves, but when asking one of the students in line why they were mentioning their secrets aloud, they all responded that 'it was two red heads that said the key to getting sorted was to say your deepest and darkest secret aloud'. She immediately gave Fred and George Weasley detention for a week.

"Yes Professor" They said in unison. They observed that once McGonagall thought their heads were focused on the lines they were suppose to writing, she took out a notebook, and tapped it once with her wand, and would just stare it at. Fred assumed it was one of those 'thinking books' that his dad mentioned once, though it wasn't dangerous like the ones his dad worked with. Apparently if the owner of the book tapped it once and thought a specific password for it to get it working. It was like a Pensieve, but it stored specific memories of types, and could write down exactly when things happened. Usually those were bought by wizards and witches who were forgetful, since it was more specific than a Remembrall.

Suddenly, everyone in the room heard a loud thud and an evil cackle sounded about two stories above. Minerva groaned, getting up and tapping the notebook once more before walking quickly out of the room.

"George, I have an idea" Fred said smirking as he quickly walked over to where the notebook laid, muttering a duplicating spell. He quickly shrunk the original notebook, placing the duplicate exactly where it was. He muttered another spell to make sure that whatever else Minerva may add would work on both the duplicate and original notebooks.

"C'mon, she's coming back!" George whispered and Fred sped back over, stowing the original notebook away in his pocket, so it was out of view. He quietly sat down and they both immediately went back to their lines as Minerva entered the room. She glanced at them suspicious in what they were doing, but went back to what she thought was the original notebook and began putting more memories into it. Fred and George could hardly contain their grins as they got away with their 'crime'.

A few minutes later and the detention was over. The twins raced back to their dorm, hoping everyone was asleep, so they'd be able to crack the notebook.

To be continued…. (Did you like it so far, or did you dislike it so far?)