Yosh! Update FTW! Lol. The truth is that I had nothing better to do, so I decided to write a new chapter… (Well, to be honest I have many better things to do, but I'm bored as hell.) Doh, I haven't updated in a while now and it really pisses me off cause I don't like quitting my stories like that. Thus, here it is! xP Chappy no8. Sorry for not having updated for like… 6 months.

Oooh! Yup, forgot to mention! New KanaMomo story round the corner guys! That one is a really serious one though, and I admit I'm quite surprised with how it's come so far! Woah! Excited, but I'll just leave those things aside and move on with the chapter… Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Me does not owns S.P. Me are just a fans. Also, me speaks awesome English, so if you sees mistakes don't shoot me.

Remember! Reviews make me happy :3 They just remind me you're still reading the story, lol xD

- Saturday morning -

Momomi woke up and with a loud yawn threw the covers off her body. She sat up on her bed, stretching her upper body and then got up, slowly heading towards the window. The honey-haired girl closed her eyes, then opened the window by pushing the shutters and shivered to the cool air that came in contact with her semi-naked body. She then slowly opened her eyes and saw a bright sun and a blue sky, indicating that this would be quite a warm day. It really seemed like spring had made its appearance much earlier than expected. It was only February. Momomi was sure that this wouldn't last that long, since February is a winter month. So, she decided to enjoy the sunlight as much as possible. She had heard that rainy weather would pay them a visit soon, anyway.

She smiled and breathed in the cool air. She felt her lungs fill with oxygen and slowly breathed out.

Oh, yes. Life seems better in spring.

She repeated her act a couple more times before turning around, heading towards her desk's chair where she'd left her clothes last night...

...Well, rather where she had thrown her clothes last night when she was heading to the bed kissing with a certain athletic, blue haired girl. She grinned impishly as she started wearing the plain green T-shirt that was forgotten on the semi-plastic piece of furniture from last night. How many times had she made make-up love with her on this bed? Many times, she thought and her grin turned into a slight pout as she remembered that Kaname and she would fight over trivial matters, poisoning thus their relationship. But Momomi would always give it the right medicine; patience. Patience and love. Much love. Only for her Kaname.

She smiled again. This certain girl had stolen her heart a few years ago, and Momomi was sure that she'd have it for many more to come… For the rest of my life, she could claim out loud frankly enough if she weren't afraid that this certain girl would make fun of her feelings saying that 'such things are cheesy to no end', even without intending to hurt her. It was just that Kaname was often cynical and occasionally distant. And cold. Too cold sometimes. But Momomi still believed that this was only the outside. She believed that Kaname loves her. She's just playing it tough because she's egoistic and too proud of herself to admit so. But Kaname's actions were witnesses that could not be doubtable. The way she'd hug the shorter girl tight when they'd sleep together, the way she'd cuddle with her when the butch girl was half-asleep; all these would show Momomi that, indeed, Kaname loved her. Even a little bit. But she did.

Yes, Momomi knew better.

However, the train of her thoughts crushed violently once she heard her girlfriend calling her name.

"Momomi…" she started groggily with her husky voice, "Good morning, love." She smiled to her as-long-as-she-could-remember partner.

Momomi looked at her smiling, Kaname was still lying face downward. She walked to the bed, lay on her and kissed her exposed shoulder. "Good morning to you, too, my love. Did you sleep well?" she asked while nuzzling her nose on the back of Kaname's neck. The latter gave a short chuckle before answering "Heeey, it tickles! Yes, I slept much better than I had in the bathtub." She turned her head so she could face her lover.

"Not my fault," Momomi claimed, "You were the one making out with Shion." And she headed towards the chair again to get the rest of her clothing. "Momomi…" Kaname sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry… It just happened… Everything's according to the plan though, so I suggest that we forget that." Momomi's eye twitched.

'No, we're not gonna forget that. I am always forgiving you, always suppressing my own thoughts and feelings towards your actions because I don't want us to fight. But this time it's different Kaname! You cheated on me!' Yes, that's what she wanted to scream to her lover, but she didn't. Instead, she answered in a low voice "..okay."

"Good." Kaname inhaled deeply and got up, getting dressed a bit unwillingly. "I'll go grab something to eat. You comin'?"

"Sure, let's go together." Momomi decided to leave it all aside once more for the sake of love. She smiled again as Kaname headed to the bathroom. "Don't forget to brush your teeth, honey! And be quick; I wanna get in there, too."

A rather fake growl was heard from the bathroom. Kenjou Kaname was never one to receive orders or follow to-do lists, but when orders came from her lover things were different. And Momomi knew it.

Meanwhile in another room, a blue-eyed blond girl who happened to be the President of St Spica's Student Council was finally sleeping after a long night. Thinking about her date, Toumori Shion couldn't bring herself to sleep. Anxiety, they call it, was Shion's last thought because she drifted off, which was probably around 4.30 am, if she had read her digital clock right. Tough night, indeed.

But the Kaichou wouldn't be backed down by it. Hard trained since her early childhood due to her father being a four-star General, this seemingly vulnerable girl could endure more than anyone could ever think of. She was the president. And hell, she was inflexible when needed.

But the Kaichou preferred being a low-profiled person. Yet, this had nothing to do with respect. She didn't ask for attention, but she demanded respect.

This was Toumori Shion since she had become the Head of the Student Council. Though, lately something had started to change. Shion would often succumb to her romantic desires, and this had probably to do with Kenjou Kaname, the one of the two other members of the Student Council. In the beginning, this had scared little- no, the grown-up Shion, but as days went by she grew accustomed to it and finally compromised with her feelings. Truth is, she wasn't quite sure what made her attracted to the other girl (she had never been attracted by a girl before either). Maybe it was this 'Ouji'[1] aura the butch girl had around her. Maybe it was her beauty, even though she looked more like a man than a woman. Maybe it was her decisiveness when it came to important school matters, or lastly, maybe it was her eyes… Those small, dark red eyes… that when you looked straight at them, you could swear you could see an abyss lying beneath them. Those eyes which were ready to throw diabolical fire to anyone who would oppose to their will.

Yes. Maybe that was it. Her dark red eyes were ready to burn almost anyone. But her beloved one. Here Shion was quite naïve, though. She had hoped that she was Kaname's beloved one.

But she didn't know anything at that time.

Spending the rest of the morning and afternoon together, the evil duo, Kaname and Momomi, went to their room to change clothes and get ready for the unusual trio date. Kaname, even though she liked having Momomi by her side, would prefer to be alone with Shion, rather than having Momomi with her all the time, adding obstacles thus to her plan. But she didn't worry. Once she would get to their second destination (the first one was the movies- too cliché to Kaname but Momomi insisted that they watched a romance having to do with some love triangle), which was some quiet café where they would have a light dinner, Kaname would make Momomi leave. Even without the other girl's consent.

As for Shion-san, she spent her afternoon trying new make-up techniques and changing clothes all the time, struggling to find the best match she could. This wasn't easy, of course! Having a clear mind and choosing something casual as Kaname would probably do (Momomi would highly likely be dressed in some fancy nightgown trying to show off her quite big bust) while feeling nervous and uneasy about a date, the young blonde couldn't bring herself to decide.

Women's whims sure are a pain when choosing what to wear. That was the only reason why Shion would curse on her gender. This and period of course.

6.55 pm already! Gotta get goin'!

Kaname and Momomi were already at the gate by this time. When Shion met them she saw a coquette Momomi, and a comfortably dressed-yet-goodlooking Kaname. Momomi had worn a strapless red mini-dress and black high-heels, the set being accompanied by her long black coat with the slender waist which emphasized her curved yet well-shaped body, leaving her long, creamy white shins exposed. Her eyelashes seemed longer and much more beautiful with mascara on, and her make-up really designated her face's features. Kaname was wearing black tight jeans, a white shirt with the phrase 'NAUGHTY. WANNA PLAY?' on it, all-star shoes and a light black jacket. She really lookes like those gangsters in some old movies, Shion made a note to herself.

"Here she comes! Whoa! Shion you look beautiful!" stated Kaname when she saw her approaching them.

"Yes, Shion-chan, that dress really suits you." agreed Momomi.

Shion was wearing a Jay Ahr's blue strapless silk chiffon bubble hem mini dress. The silk chiffon mini dress had a tiered bubble hem, a boned bust, a self-tie belt at waist, a pleated bust and a zip fastening on the left side. The dress was made from 100% silk, and it really showed how rich Shion actually was.[2] An elegant black jacket was covering her shoulders as well, and she had a silver purse on her right hand. As for shoes, she was wearing not very high black heels.

"Thanks guys, you look great, too." She slightly blushed. "So, where are we going?"

"Hm, firstly to the movies. Momomi insisted on watching this new movie, y'know…"

"Hope you're okay with that, Shion-chan" Momomi burst in.

"Yeah, it's fine… What about next? You said 'firstly' if I am not mistaken." continued Shion.

"Aww! Don't be so formal Shion-chan!" said Momomi in a playful tone. "We're not debating about Spica's issues right now."

"O- okay, I'm sorry, Momomi... -chan"

"Thaat's right!" Momomi winked smiling. "Now, well… Kaname at first thought we could go to a restaurant, but I'd prefer a friendlier café." explained Momomi.

"Ah, I see you're more of a peace-and-quiet type, huh?" the President asked. Kaname chuckled.

"Well, only when it comes to going out. She actually loves going crazy when she can."

"Kaname!" protested the honey-haired girl, but Kaname continued "Y'know, sometimes when I'd visit her house during vacation we'd listen to hard rock, the volume being to the maximum! Once her neighbors called the police!" she laughed. "Remember Momomi?" The honey-haired girl couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Guess you were pretty crazy back then, ne?" Shion asked with a smile.

"Oooh! Crazy you say nothin'!" Kaname said.

"We actually still are a bit." Momomi complemented, sticking her tongue out, as all of them laughed.

"So, shall we get going, ladies?" Kaname reminded them they had to go as their laughs died down.

"Sure, Kana." said Momomi. "Yup, I agree." Said Shion.

As the honey-haired girl and the blond girl made their way forward, Kaname was slowly following them with a huge smirk on her face.

'Let the real party begin now!'

Oookay! :D Glad I updated! Whoo! This was a nice chappy in my opinion. I liked the way I let the plot slow down its pace and actually paid more attention to the character's feelings/thoughts. I think I should write like that more often. Thus, the chapters will be longer and not that abrupt. Slow development is something in the end.

…okay this didn't sound like me XD Anyway! Review onegai~!

Oh! By the way:

[1] Ouji: Prince in Japanese, for those who've never noticed/heard of it. Amane is often being called like that by her fangirls.

[2] I'm a genius! :D Lol, of course I'm not! This phrase was almost copy-paste! To be honest I didn't know almost half of the words of this sentence. I just Googled 'Blue Mini Dress Images' (cause I had no idea how Shion's dress would be like), and TADA! Heheh.

Yosh! Lenny-kun is out! Glad I made it for my 1st fanfiction's 1st anniversary! :) Yess! It was 12/31/11 when I first posted my work on this site. Sweet!

Hehe! Have a niiiiice year! I wish you guys the best from the bottom of my heart. Hope all your dreams come true, and most of all I wish health to all of you. Here in Greece we say that Health is the most important thing of all.

Doh! Enough with my ramblings!

Cya soon!

~ LenxRinKagamine ~

PS: Oookay, I'll try to update soon, doh :p jk