"Oh my god! Logie you got to see this!" Carlos said excitedly. The two BTR members were at the mall inside Spencer's browsing around when Carlos found the perfect shirt for their friend James.

Looking over Carlos' shoulder Logan read what the shirt said, "Too pretty to get fucked in the ass." Carlos giggled as Logan shook his head at the others immature humor.

"We should get it for James!" Carlos said tugging on Logan's wrist while holding the shirt in his other hand.

"Why?" Logan asked raising an eyebrow. Carlos shrugged his shoulders; he thought it would have been funny.

Logan took one look at Carlos' disappointed expression and caved like always, "Fine! But you're paying for it." Carlos' face lit up with joy as he bounced off to the register.

There was something about the Latino that made Logan nearly melt every time he was around him. Maybe it was love? Who knew?


Later that day when Logan had drove them back to 2J Carlos snuck up on James who was busy fixing his hair to perfection.

"JAMES!" The older boy jumped, and turned around quickly giving a death glare to the shorter male. "Logie and I got you a gift!" James' eyes lit up at the thought of what they got him, hopefully some new hair products.

Handing the bag over to him Carlos bit his lip in excitement to see what the other singer would think about the shirt he picked out.

James dug into the plastic bag and pulled out a hot pink shirt that was clearly made for a girl, "Too… Pretty to get fuck in the ass?" Carlos nodded his head.

"Try it on!" James made a face at him as if saying you must be insane. There was no way in god's green earth he was putting this on. "No way." Carlos expression faded and was replaced with sadness, nope it wasn't working on him James was not Logan he wouldn't fall for the kicked puppy look. Nope no way at all.


"I can't believe I'm wearing this." James said as he sat on the neon couch with Carlos and Logan. The short boy had begged him not to take off the shirt until Kendall could see him in it, much to James' dismay.

"So when is Kendall going to be here?" Logan asked looking up from the book he had been reading. James checked his phone to see what time it was. "Anytime now…"


Kendall walked through the apartment door, "Kendall!" Carlos said jumping up from the couch to meet his friend. James' heart sank, not wanting the taller boy to see him wearing this shirt. "James got a new shirt today! Ya gotta see it!" He practically dragged the lead singer over to where James was sitting.

Standing up James' face turned a dark red as Kendall read the shirt. A chuckle was received from the other, "You're never too pretty to take it up the ass." He said smirking. "I'll prove it to you." As he said those words he tossed James' over his shoulder and headed to their room.

Carlos turned towards Logan and smiled at him, "The same goes for you." He then winked at the genius.