"I can't do this anymore." she said to Harry and Ron. She hadn't moved from her bed in days, and neither Harry nor Ron had the courage to move her.

She had lost hope. They had hunted her parents down. How they did it, she was unsure, and she didn't want to find out. But they were found, and they were killed.

"Hermione, we can't do this without you." said Ron, standing up from his chair kneeling down beside her.

"Please..." she said, tears tickling down her face. She couldn't look at either of them in the eyes. Ron stood up and looked down at Hermione.

"What do you expect us to do?" said Ron, getting angry.

"Ron, back off. You don't understand..." said Harry. He knew the pain of missing his parents, but he had never really met them, so he could still only imagine what she was going through.

"You are selfish." said Hermione, making eye contact with Ron, sending chills down his spine. "You have your family all cozy in your shitty little home, while my parents are dead." she said rather harshly. "I can't do this anymore. I feel alone, I feel like dying in this fucking tent!"

They had never seen Hermione get so angry. She didn't look like herself. Her cheeks were sunken in, her skin grey, eyes bloodshot.

"Where do you plan to go?" asked Harry, worried. She thought for a moment. She honestly had no where to go.

"You can go to Hogwarts." said Ron.

"And then get send to the Ministry, get a Dementor's kiss? Don't think so." she said, calming down more.

They stood their in silence, looking away from each other. Ron was desperately trying to figure out a way to keep Hermione here, Harry trying to figure out where she could so, so that she could be happy, and Hermione still fixated on her parents death.

"Ron's right. You can use polyjuice potion, I bet you can figure out a way to get in and talk to Professor McGonagall."

She thought over this idea. It was crazy, and she knew she should stay with Harry and Ron, but this was too much for her right now.

"Alright. Thank you." she said, grateful.

Professor McGonagall woke up in a fright. "Miss Granger?" she said rather loudly, and Hermione shushed her.

"I'm sorry Professor, to frighten you and all." she said rather awkwardly. She stood over her transfigurations teacher bed, her small bag around her.

"Why are you here Miss Granger?" she asked puzzled and slightly worried that something was wrong with either Harry or Ron. She grabbed her wand and turned on every lamp in her bedroom. She put on her glasses, and stood up from her bed rather quickly.

"I need your help." she said, taking a seat at the foot of the bed. She wondered how far away Harry and Ron were now, how far they had disapperated.

"Is something wrong? Are Harry and Ron alright?" she asked, giving Hermione a cup of tea. Professor McGonagall took a look at Hermione in the light. Her skin was pale, almost grey, her eyes looked lifeless.

"They're fine." she said, taking a drink from the tea. It made her realize how hungry and thirsty she was, not having eaten in days. "It's me."

"What's happened?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"My parents were killed." she said. It felt like the words were wrong as they left her mouth. As if those words together should never have existed. "The Death Eaters found them in Australia, I still don't know how."

"Oh dear..." said Professor McGonagall. She embraced Hermione in a hug, feeling strange giving affection to a student, but it was needed.

"I needed to get away from...everything." said Hermione, trying not to give anything away.

"You think this wise? Coming back to Hogwarts? Umbridge takes one look at you and it's off to your death, Miss Granger." she said, worried about Hermione decision.

"I know, but I have no where else to go. I felt so alone out there, I felt on the verge of dying. It's painful..." she said, her voice breaking. She took a deep breath in, trying ahrd not to break down in front of her teacher.

McGonagall decided not to touch on the subject once more. If Hermione wanted to come back, there was nothing she could to stop her. She could not turn the girl away to the cold streets alone.

"Well, what was your plan?"

"Well, I accidentally packed a hair brush a friend of mine left over when she stayed a few weeks before I left. I don't think I've used it, so I could use her hair in a polyjuice potion. That's as far as I've gotten..." she said. Professor McGonagall thought for a moment.

"What was your friends name?"

"Serena Davis."

"Alright. Your mother had sent you off to Beauxbatons because of what's been happening, but now she changed her mind and decided she wanted you close. I'll contact Madame Olympe right now, hopefully she'll get the letter soon enough. I'll have her send over some papers for confirmation, we don't need that vile excuse of woman snooping..." she said, grabbing a piece of parchment, quill and ink and started to write.

"Lucky for you, I have some polyjuice potion up here, just incase it was needed. It'll last you for a few days, I'll have to go down and get some from Severus tomorrow."

"Thank you, so much. You don't understand how grateful I am for this." said Hermione. She couldn't find the words for how she felt, but hopefully these would suffice."

"Yes, well... You are welcome. I don't think Madame Olympe will get this letter and be able to make the papers in time for class tomorrow, maybe not even the day after, so I will warn you now," she said, taking a drink for her tea. "You are not to leave this room for any reason. There is a bathroom right behind you, I will supply food, clothes, books, everything, until you are able to move into Gryffindor tower. Do you understand?"

"You can have someone get money out of my Gringotts account, Professor." she said, not expecting her to pay for anything.

"Nonsense, I will." she said, now tying the letter onto the leg of a very unhappy and tired owl. "And make it quick." she said to the owl, as he nipped her finger, hard. "Right..." she said, looking at Hermione, standing in her bedroom. "please excuse me, this is still a bit surreal for me."

"Yes, of course. Again, sorry for barging in like this."

"It's fine, child. Now..." Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and a bed appeared in the corner of the room, a few feet away from her bed.

"Thank you, again, for everything." she said, walking towards the bed. It felt kind of awkward, sleeping in the same room, but then again, at least she wasn't sleeping in an alley way.

"Get a good nights rest, please. You look dreadful." she said, looking closely at Hermione.

"Yes, professor." she said, sitting down on her bed. McGonagall nodded, and walked over to her bed.

"Almost forgot. I strongly recommend you not reveal yourself to Miss Weasley, Mister Longbottom, and others of the sort." she said, with a look on her face knowing it might be difficult for her not to.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to get them involved in anything." she said, nodding.

"Alright then." McGonagall waved her wand, and suddenly, the only light in the room was that shining from the moon illuminating through the window on the ceiling. "Goodnight." she said, laying down to bed, her back to Hermione.

"Goodnight." she said, removing her bag and placing it next to her on the floor. She removed her sweatshirt, leaving on the dirty, white thin shirt she's had on for a few days. It luckily did not smell, but it still made her feel dirty. She took off her shoes, and tucked herself into bed. She laid on her back, staring at the sky through the window, before she fell asleep.