Elena's PoV ~ Salvatore Household

Though I knew Damon could hear me quite clearly from upstairs, I walked to the stairs that lead to the basement. I paused, and took a deep breath.

Yesterday, right after Bonnie left, so did I. Embarrassment, anger, disappointment, regret, and many more emotions had been like a ballon blowing up from being so filled with helium. The helium everything I had been doing up to that point. Once Bonnie rushed out the front door, the ballon of my life finally exploded in front of my face, leaving me nothing but sorrow deep inside me.

Taking initiative this morning, I decided I would come back here. But not to see or talk to Damon. No. I was coming to see and talk to Stefan. My actual boyfriend.

The boyfriend who've I cheated on so many times with his own brother.

Geez, Elena. Good job, I thought sarcastically.

I made my way down the steps and up to the cellar door. Looking through the vertical bars that blocked the hole of a window, I saw Stefan sitting on the dirt floor, knees up, arms wrapped around them, and hunched over, head hung staring at the ground.

"Go away, Elena," Stefan suddenly said without looking up, "Go back upstairs and find Damon."

He said his brother's name with such abhor and disgust that I instantly wanted so desperately to disappear and to have never been born.

"It's not his fault, Stefan," I replied.

Finally, he looked up to meet my eyes. The same abhor and disgust he now held for his own brother, he held for me.

I felt naked suddenly. And I knew why.

God, I was such a slut.

"Then who's is it then, Elena?" he eerily asked in a slow voice, enunciating every syllable.

The way he said my name made me want to run back up the stairs and find Damon. At least with Damon, I felt safe.

Knowing I was beginning to lose my cool, I took another deep breath.

"Stefan... I know- I know we had something special - and we still do - but..."

"You love Damon."

The words came out of his mouth with no emotion. Like it was something that came out of a school textbook. Just another fact.

Except this time, it really was.

"I'm sorry, Stefan... I'm so, so, so sorry. I- I just-" I began to stumble, trying to find the words I had no idea I wanted to say.

"I know," he said again, his voice monotonous, yet still stressed - like he was trying so hard to hide his pain and sorrow.

"It doesn't mean I don't love you... It just means that I love you in a different way now."

He didn't respond.

I then saw a water bottle on the ground a few inches away from him that looked to be filled with a thick, dark, red liquid.


"You need to drink that," I told him in a soft, calm voice that reminded me the way my mother would speak to me as a young child. It was just as soothing too.

Still he was silent.

I sighed and then unlocked the door. Suddenly, panic spread throughout his face.

"What are you doing? Get out of here," he demanded as I walked inside the cellar.

"No," I said calmly.

I pushed the door shut behind me.

"You're taking a stupid risk," he told me.

"Then I'm stupid," I cooly replied before picking up the bottle, "I need you to drink this."

"Elena," his voice sounded as if he was trying to mask the red alert panic that was inside of him, "Get out of here and find Damon."

That surprised me.

This time there was no abhor in his voice when he said my name or Damon's.

"No," I simply replied, "Now drink."

The bottle was instantly slapped out of my hand, and Stefan was now standing in front of me.

"I said, GET OUT!" he roared.

I froze in terror as I stared at the monster in front of me. Eyes red, black veins clearly visible as they webbed downwards. My once angel turned out to be quite far from it.

But just as quickly, I then authoritatively replied, "No."

Stefan's monstrous face dropped to become dumbfounded. He turned around and went to sit on the slab bed.

Another deep breath.

At the realization, I asked, "Damon's not here is he?"

"No," Stefan replied under his breath.

I paused and then told him, "I still love you, Stefan. It's just..." I sighed. "It's different now. I feel like... like we're really good friends."

Pain suddenly shot through his eyes. This definitely wasn't going anywhere they both hoped.

"But regardless of how I feel for you, you need to drink this."

When he didn't say anything, I added, "I still care for you Stefan. That much hasn't changed. If you don't get better, I'll feel guilty and guiltier every day. And I already feel so guilty for giving you my blood, even though I could tell something was wrong. So please... Drink this."

The pain in his eyes extinguished, and he finally held out a hand. I held out the bottle and gave him a little, forced sad grin. He did the same, and took the bottle. After unscrewing it, he took a small sip, and paused. Seeing his struggle, I sat down next to him on the slab and began to rub his back in support. Once again he took another little sip.

Sorry if it sucks. I haven't written for awhile (obviously), and starting with a Stelena scene definitely isn't going help. I just want to note that this is the fourth time I've written this. The first two times Elena was a complete mess of a cry baby, the third was her trying (but failing) to reach Bonnie before she left in slow-mo. (After awhile I realized there was no way in hell that was going to happen. Man, you should've read it. It was so serious, but really it was downright hilarious.) And then this is the fourth attempt. Which is much, much better anyways. She was going to eventually have a one-on-one with Stefan anyways.

I hope you guys liked it. xD I'll try to write another chapter as soon as I can, but I can't promise anything really soon. Sorry, it's called school.