*** So to give you some "background information" on this story...

I made this for my friend for Christmas. But - being the stubborn person she is - since I wasn't finished with it, she's gonna get it in an email... One per week. xD What can I say... Love to be an ass.

Since she already got two chapters this week (both are short!) you guys will two. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy! ***

November 24, 2010

Dear Diary,

It's November 24 of 2010... Only 4 weeks and two days left until Christmas! Yes, freakin' Christmas! Something so normal for a human being... I just hope nothing goes wrong that day... Or that week...

Damon's already joking about it... I'm really not sure what a Christmas with the Salvatore brothers is like. To tell you the truth, this will be the first one with them. The first one after all the supernatural insanity...

Elena's PoV ~ Elena's Room

"Writing about me already?" an all too familiar voice mockingly asked.

I looked up to see Damon bent over me - trying to get a look at what I was writing. Or had he already seen?

I quickly shut my diary and kept both of my hands on it protectively.

He smirked and stalked off to sit in my chair at my desk. Seeing a book that was lying on my desk, he grabbed it; looked at it, then its summary; and made his unique "hmmm" look before opening it to its first page.

"Damon..." I said with a sigh.

"Yes, Elena," he replied - not bothering to look up from the book.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Reading-" he quickly looked at the cover and then said, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

I rolled my eyes and then replied, "That's not what I meant."

He looked up at me and smirked his usual first-rate jackass smirk.

"Stefan left to go out of town," he finally answered.

My eyes popped out of my skull.

"What?" I almost shrieked in alarm.

He quietly chuckled to himself, but then replied, "Apparently, my brother's been quite the top-of-the-food-chain animal. The squirrels and bunnies are almost extinct in Mystic Falls."

A low guttural growl abrupted from behind me.

I turned to look behind me on my left side to see Stefan step out of the darkness and shadows of my room.

Setting the book back on my desk, Damon raised both of his hands in a "Hey-don't-shoot-me" look as he got up from the chair. In an instant, he was gone.

I sighed and then looked back at Stefan.

"I thought you were leaving," I told him.

Now it was his turn to sigh.

"I am. I just had to make sure you were okay," he replied.

I nodded and then spoke aloud.

"Yeah," I told him, " I'm okay... But is Damon really-?"

"It's only for a day. Two at the most," he answered my unfinished question, "But I'll be back as soon as possible. Hopefully, it'll feel as if I only left for two seconds."

"Yeah... And do you know how long that translates into? Two days with Damon," I replied back.

We both laughed at our jokes.

"I'll be back as soon as I can... I promise you," he told me.

"Mmm... Can't wait..." I murmured.

Stefan kissed my forehead and then said, "Miss you already..."

I smirked and replied back, "Miss you too."

He then leaned towards me and kissed me gently - as always - and I savored and tried to remember his lips for the next two days...

Boy, was this going to be a long two days.

She felt a quick breeze and opened her eyes to see...


Stefan was gone... Just like that.

I sighed in longing.

"Miss me?" Damon's voice asked from the chair at my desk.

His black, leather jacket was off and hung on the back of the chair. Damon only wore a white tee and black jeans with his usual black, leather riding boots.

He sat in the chair again with the Harry Potter book in his hands. The only exception was this time his ankles were crossed and his feet rested on my desk.

"No..." I spat, "Of course not."

He rolled his eyes.

"Its late. You should probably go to sleep," he stated.

"You promise not to-" I began.

"Elena... You have my word that I won't try anything on you," he cut me off and said instead.

I sighed in frustration (and maybe even defeat) and got underneath the covers.

After a few minutes, I realized that this wasn't going to work. I was super cold, it was pouring and thundering outside... There was no way I'd be able to sleep.

As if he could read my mind, Damon sighed and got under the covers with me.

"Damon," I quietly said, "What are you doing?"

"Helping you fall asleep," he replied as if it were an answer heard every day.

I had to admit - it was working.

Slowly but surely, I fell asleep in his arms that were protectively wrapped around me. My thoughts drifting away... Not even making any sense anymore... No more... Sense.

*** So... There it is. Is it good? Not so good? Let me know in a review! ; )

As for the rest of the story, it's gonna be a little bit... "Spotty", I guess you could say. Tried to put some Stefan time in, but... Being a true-hearted Delena fan... Yeah, not so easy. But hey, at least I tried! That's the main point.

Speaking of main points... Though it may be a bit "Spotty", it basically follows the show's timeline. More importantly is that all you need to know for this story is the first season... That's all.

So bring on the love 3 ***