Hello! :D I wasn't sure when I would get this posted but I suddenly wanted to write so….. Here you go the sequel! (To Decisions :P) Anywho, I hope everyone likes this and PLEASE REVIEW! Thanks!

- Myst

It had been a long time since she had seen this town. It was still just as she had remembered. Though it was still early, barely an hour past six, there were still many people bustling around the town already. She passed through the streets quietly, silently taking in any differences. A slight smile appeared on her face when she passed her old apartment.

She thought about going to see her old landlord about getting the place back again, but decided against it as she took in how early it was. The sky was a soft golden pink, the sun only just rising above the clouds that seemed to ring the town.

She continued on her journey toward the one place she would ever call home. She had missed this walk, this town, these people, these shops, and so much more. She was happy to have come back, though she never regretted leaving. She always felt that it had been the right choice for her, even if the decision had been made quickly.

As the guild finally came into sight she paused and listened. She couldn't hear any noise coming from inside but a light snoring. She strode to the door and opened it as quietly as possible. She caught her breath. Gods how she'd missed this place!

Tables scratched, bar stools knocked over, mostly empty drinks on the tables some even knocked over and spilling there contents all over. Lucy inhaled, taking in the smells of the place.

Looking around she spotted the person that she had hoped would be here so early in the morning. She walked quickly toward him, making sure not to bump into anything. Once she had reached him, she gently tapped him on the shoulder.

"Master," She whispered first, then louder, "Master!"

He jerked up, startled. He stared at her as if he thought he was seeing things.

"Lucy?" He asked, unsure of himself.

"Mhmm, it's me." She smiled at him almost reassuringly.

He blinked, and then stood up. Motioning for her to follow him, Makarov lead the way to his office in the back. Once he had ushered her inside he shut the door tightly, and seemed to linger there whispering to himself so that Lucy couldn't here. Turning around he walked to his seat, and pointed to the chair he wanted Lucy to sit in.

"I'm surprised," He started, "I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon. I thought it would be a year or more before we saw you here again. I trust your training went well?"

"Yes, it went very well," Lucy started, "And I trust that you kept your promise…?"

"Oh, yes! I didn't tell them where you went or what you were really doing. I simply said that you had been sent out on a long term mission that required complete separation from the guild for an undetermined amount of time."

Lucy smiled and said, "Thank you! However, I somewhat regret asking you to lie. While I am grateful, if I am to come back I won't feel comfortable lying to them. You will need to announce the real reason I left, though perhaps some details may be left out."

Makarov stared at her; then slowly nodded his head, "I see that you have matured much more than I had predicted. You've been gone for three years, and although I'm the only one who has had contact with you from the guild I'm still surprised by how much you've changed."

And he was right, Lucy had changed. Lucy's face no longer had a lot of make-up on, and her hair was so long it brushed the seat of her chair. Likewise her apparel had also changed, instead of her variety of mini skirts and tight-fitting tops; Lucy now wore black shorts that looked more like tights with her keys, on the right, and her whip, on the left, attached to belt loops. She wore a black t-shirt, and instead of boots on her feet there were now black shoes that looked vaguely like converse. To top it off she wore a dark blue traveling cape.

It was almost like the person sitting in front of Makarov wasn't Lucy at all, but he knew. He knew this was Lucy; there was a spark in her eye that even now he hadn't noticed in any other female.

Lucy grinned, and stated, "Yes, I definitely have changed. I learned that my other clothes, while fashionable, weren't realistic for fighting in. That and I grew my hair out. Do you like it?"

"Yes, while much different from what I remember, I think that this suits you." He smiled, and Lucy thought that the smile was one a father would give a daughter when he was proud of her. She blushed, and mumbled a 'thank you' in return.

Makarov continued, "I can guarantee that I will tell the guild about our secret. However, not everyone is in town right now. We should wait until everyone gets back before we announce that your back and why you actually left."

Lucy nodded thoughtfully, and then replied "I agree, I wouldn't want rumours to spread about my return before everyone from the guild knew. When do you think everyone will be back?"

"Given the mission, and the amount of time they've been gone already, I would say a day two tops though it's unlikely." He replied after a few seconds.

Lucy nodded her head and asked, "Can I go on a quick mission then? One that will only take a day or two to get done; then I'll return in time for the introduction and explanation. I don't have anything to do here, and if I stay people have a chance of seeing me."

The indecision on Makarov's face prompted Lucy to ad quickly, "I can even send one of my spirits ahead of me to let you know where I am, how I'm doing, and when I expect to be back."

He considered carefully, before nodding his head, "If you think you can be back in time then go ahead, I'm not going to stop you."

"Thank you!" Lucy cried, jumping out of her seat and rushing to the door.

"Wait one more thing!" Makarov said, taken by surprise by Lucy's enthusiasm.

She turned curiosity in her eyes "Yes?"

"Welcome home," He replied, his eyes glittering "Welcome back to Fairy Tail."

Lucy smiled, with unshed tears in her eyes and said:

"I'm back!"

Ok there's chapter one of Returns! I drew a picture of Lucy just to give you some idea of what it is she looks like now. It kinda sucks, and doesn't look that much like her but you can see what she's supposed to be wearing…. Well except for the shoes, I had to crop the picture into a square so that the picture would actually fit. Anyway, it's my profile picture now so if you want, you should go check it out!