Disclaimer: Nabari no Ou and all of its' characters belong rightfully to Yuhki Kamatani.

Well, it certainly has been a long time since I last chose to work on this story. Nameless Bond was originally posted under my old account which no longer exists. After a long and tedious year, I had little to no time to work on this, however, now that things have finally calmed down, I plan on striving for a finish!

To those of you who have read from the beginning, I do have to warn that throughout these reposted chapters, I have done a bit of rewriting for some. Nothing major, but a few add-ins and re-wording.

Well, enjoy!

Indifferent eyes had yet to shift. Not a sound was heard for hours, and for some reason, it brought a strange sense of comfort to him. The others had left long before for the night, leaving the boys alone to rest. Rest, however, seemed a pointless attempt by this time.

Miharu exhaled quietly through his nose, as for a moment his forest-toned eyes slid to a close. Lately it had become difficult to shut his mind off enough to allow sleep. Thoughts plagued his mind in unsolved riddles and at the end of the day, all he wanted to do was to forget. Forget everything, forget that this entire mess had begun weeks prior and forget that he was the sole reason it had begun in the first place. No..that was wrong. The Shinrabansho was the cause. He was merely the victim. Wrong too, was his hope of erasing the past. There would always times he'd wished didn't exist, but he also knew there would be those memories he would never willingly give up.

His eyes opened, only to drop at the sight below.

Gentle fingertips fluttered feather-light over the pale cheeks of the slumbering boy whose head rest in the lap of his companion. Miharu's soft gaze barely left the place where his fingers danced so lovingly upon

Yoite's skin, finding an odd sort of serenity in simply being allowed to touch the older boy so tenderly. It was the rare moments like these that he loved so much and cherished.

It had been an unusually warm night, which was surprising considering just nights before the ground had been coated white with glistening snow. Though he found it to be a comfortable temperature for the season, he still was not blind to the shivering that had taken over his friend, nor was he unaware of the shortness of breath or the slight sheen of dampness across the other's forehead. Almost every night for the past week he'd come down with a fever. Yoite's condition was worsening by the second, and Miharu knew it.

Thoughtful green eyes remained loyal to their gaze though the caressing hand came to a slow as a gentle smile touched his lips. The fever was finally breaking.

Almost as if on cue, the moment those gentle fingers halted their movement, a pair of deep blue eyes fluttered open beneath dark lashes upon ivory cheeks to look questioningly up at him.

"How did you sleep?" Miharu asked softly, moving his hand away to place it at his side. He knew there were many times when the older boy would awaken from his sleep in a panicked state, and he didn't want to startle him if that was the case. Though, to his relief, Yoite merely closed his eyes a moment longer before carefully sitting up and brushing some of the loose ebony tresses that blocked his view. The teenager didn't answer, simply shaking his head.

Apathetic green continued to watch Yoite, though within the depths of those orbs, a hint of something else could be seen, as if it were something hidden so deeply that it was only available to the one who would be truly that close to the younger male. There were many times since their first encounter that Miharu wanted nothing more than to voice his internal questions, to ask what made Yoite cry out from his sleep, what made him so numb to want to hide his every emotion, why did he flinch at every friendly interaction?

He had begun to find it more and more difficult to silence his voice, and yet...he knew if he didn't keep it hidden that there was a large and unwelcoming chance that the thin thread that barely held them together would snap and the bond would be lost forever.

Those deep sapphires seemed more distant than normal, if that were even possible. They remained in his lap with his gloved hands and hat, unmoving, uninterested in the world around him until a smaller hand reached to settle upon his knee as if to wake him from his momentary daze. Only then did he speak.

"Where is Yukimi and the others?" The voice was soft, quiet, as it always was. A nearly silent chime riding the wind.

Miharu shook his head to the question. "They went out. They've been gone for a while now. You've been asleep for almost two hours."

Again, there was silence. However, this time, those blue eyes barely lifted to rest momentarily on Miharu's hand that was upon his leg, then to slowly travel upward along his arm, to his chest, shoulder, neck, until his gaze finally met Miharu's. There was something so strange and foreign in the sight in front of the younger male's eyes, that it startled him abruptly for the first time. The expression upon Yoite's face was...unexpected, yet, beautiful. A glistening shine was within the normally lifeless gaze, and Miharu realized only now that his cheeks held a hint of color for the first time since he could recall. If he didn't know any better, he'd say that the kira user was blushing...but that couldn't possibly be the case now, could it?

"Yoite?" Miharu questions out loud, and before he realized what he'd done, the thing that he'd fought so hard over the past several weeks to hold back spilled forth like a raging wildfire that threatened everything he held dear and relied on. "The other night when you cried out...what did you dream about?"

Miharu felt his heart drop in the pit of his stomach to the reaction he'd known from the very beginning would be waiting for him as response to the question. Yoite almost immediately leaned away, every muscle tense now and eyes dropping instantly as his brows furrowed ever so slightly. That striking glimmer in his sapphire orbs died out within a matter of seconds.

What had he done? A question so simple to him could have torn the final threads of Yoite's heart apart.



Yoite was still as a statue from where he sat, and at first glance, he almost appeared not to be breathing at all.

"Yoite?" he urged again in a small voice, his own brows knitting together with worry before boldly reaching up to touch his friend's cheek, finding that it was surprisingly warm against his palm, and he gasped lightly when that palm was leaned into.

Those long lashes fluttered shut and tickled the boy's hand lightly, and it was Miharu who tensed now, almost frightened of the sudden change in his companion. It rendered him not only speechless, but uncertain of what to do or how to react as well. Just as he was about to speak again, he felt it. Warm salty liquid caressed his skin which only startled him further, and before he could stop even himself, he draw his arms about Yoite's thin frame to pull him close until the other's ear rested against his chest. His heart.

Yoite made no move to retreat nor did he hold him in turn...he simply stayed in the embrace, allowing the silent tears to flutter down his face that he tried so often to hide.

Biting his lip, Miharu inwardly grimaced at himself. He knew that the questions, however simple they seemed, could only hurt the boy in his arms, and yet he still put his guard down long enough for his rebelling mouth to form the words. He'd hurt him, and it killed him inside to know it...

"Shh...I'm sorry, I'm sort for asking." He murmured in an almost lover's manner against the dark hair while keeping him pressed close and safe. Miharu's pulse thundered dangerously in his chest as he waited for something, anything to happen. To be pushed away, embraced, scolded, anything...

After what felt like hours, a shaky hand lifted to barely touch his arm as its' owner slowly leaned away enough to glance up at him with visible fright in his eyes and quivering lips that were mere inches from his own.

Miharu returned the expression, unconsciously frowning as thoughts tolled about and clashed inside of his warzone of a mind. Shaking his head slowly, he began to listen to the questions that plagued him.

'What is this...? I don't get it anymore...'

Yoite's eyes remained trapped with his, never swaying, never turning away. He wanted so badly to speak...but the words couldn't come out.

'What are we...? Not once have I felt afraid with you, though you once threatened me...I felt the same as you, not wanting unwelcomed emotion...but now I want to know more about you. Yoite, I want to know what you're feeling...what you're thinking...'

Miharu lifted quivering digits to pause just centimeters away from those gentle lips painted so sweetly with a rosy hue, his thin fingers brushing ghostly light over that seemingly welcoming mouth.

'We weren't supposed to be friends. I don't even know if we are...but I know I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. I'd break...'

Miharu's breathing caught.

'I think you feel the same way.'

The distance closed in a matter of seconds that felt like ages...heads tilted, eager lips met soft frightened ones in a questing act, and the hand that had fallen short of touching his lips now moved to weave longingly into his hair to hold him to the kiss, silently speaking what his words could not.

Unstable sighs mirrored as eyes fell shut.

'Yoite..." The young boy's heart did flips where it lay nestled in his chest.

"Yoite..." Miharu whispered out loud in reflection to his thoughts, and as he did, a surprising sound caught his attention...a gentle mewl of approval, something so amazing he'd never thought could escape from Yoite's lips, and he was blessed to be the one to hear it. Grateful.

"Don't leave..." He continued to voice his thoughts now, every whisper causing their lips to brush together more than the previous word, causing more of the sweet little sound to escape the kira user without defense.

Uncertain fingers pushed their way slightly past the collar of Miharu's shirt, seeking out the warmth there needily to rest over his heart, though the gloves his hands had become so familiar with stopped him from finding what he sought, and Miharu knew it. Taking just a moment longer to revel in the way Yoite's lips felt on his own, he then leaned slowly away to take the wandering hand with his own and cautiously slipped the tan glove from the slender fingers. Those fingers that appeared to be covered with a dusty shade, though he knew the truth behind such an appearance.

Miharu's gaze lifted just enough to watch the other's face. It seemed as though the older of the two was still in a dazed state, surrendering for only a moment, but a moment long enough to give Miharu the chance to see deeper than the normal shell.

The shy digits pressed back against Miharu's collarbone beneath his shirt, and slid still lower to be snug against the beating heart that awaited there. Smiling gently at the action, Miharu leaned forward once more to place an affectionate kiss to Yoite's brow.

'Such a beautiful face...' he thought silently whilst looking upon the other closely. Rare was out of the question now. This was new, all new and all appreciated. His lips tingled where the other's had met just a moment before, and as much as he craved another feel of them, he refused to push it.

Lifting his hand, he cupped Yoite's to his heart with a calm expression. The tears seemed to have come to an end which he was grateful for, yet he still felt a twinge of guilt at the knowledge of why they were shed in the first place.

Blue orbs opened again with something unreadable present there.

What was it?

Miharu was sure he could see fear...but what else? There was something there, which was obvious. That much he was certain of.



What else?

It was present in the way that Yoite submitted to his emotions long enough to allow those eyes to fall back to Miharu's lips with...

Want, no...need? Perhaps.

It was present also in the way his lower lip quivered and how his hand pressed more firmly to the spot it rested against without realizing such an action even came from himself. So many things were swimming in those sapphire depths: the deepest lengths of the sea with every creature imaginable feuding for dominance over feeling.

Such a delicate creature before him...This beauty held such fierce powers that could tear an individual apart from the inside-Miharu had witnessed it first hand. However, this person he now gazed upon almost seemed entirely different.

'Even if I'm the one who hurt you...let me be the one to comfort you.'

It was a plea, unheard, unvoiced, but a plea nonetheless. Would he hate him, he wondered, if he spoke his mind all the time? The curiosity was pointless he knew, since he would never do so. He was apathetic, indifferent by nature...at least, on the outside. He didn't need to say anything. He never was a vocal person, and at that moment, he knew that Yoite could feel what was thrumming so vividly against his palm, that talking wasn't important.

'I'm always going to be right here...' he thought with a smile, realizing that Yoite's eyes had slipped shut. Whether or not he was beginning to doze, he didn't know. Leaning closer to bury his face into the crook of Yoite's neck, Miharu too closed his eyes with a smile, not once allowing his arms to stray far from the other.

There was nothing in the world more important then what he felt beating so wildly in his chest at that moment. This was one of the memories he would keep close.

A moment only they could know.