Disclaimer: Happy Tree Friends is owned by Mondo Media and Call of Duty: Black Ops is owned by Trearch

Haha! I be back! Now that I have your attention, I have a list of your OCs that will be appearing in the story! The OCs I will be using are Seymour, Keni, and My own OC, Muffin. Also, appearences from others in this chapter.

After Giggles had left, or ran away, Flaky to walked out the door, in need of fresh air. When she walked outside, she saw Nutty eating large amounts of candy, after doing so he drank the nearest liquid, which turned out to be cyanide. Nutty choked, sputtered and ran out in the street, only to be ran over by a pick-up truck. Guts, and blood sprayed all over the street and the truck, which was being driven backwards, and into a pole. Flaky gasped as she heard the crash, she looked up and saw Prickly behind the wheel. He shook his head and looked over at Flaky.

"Hey Flakes!" He called over to Flaky, as if what just happened had never happened. Flaky simply waved at the porcubear. A black cat, Thorn, was in the passenger seat. She regained her composure and growled at Prickly.

"GRRRRRR! You dumb redneck! It was in reverse!" Thorn screamed at him.

"Sorry, just stop calling me a redneck!" Prickly said.

"Alright, alright, sorry." Thorn said. Prickly smiled a her.

"Your lucky I put up with you." Prickly said, a grin glued onto his face. Thorn rolled her eyes.

"I will kill you." Thorn threatened, although she really wouldn't.

"With what, that dumb sword of yours." Prickly said sarcastically. Thorn scoffed, rolled her eyes and kissed Prickly on the cheek. Prickly was shocked but chuckled and stepped on the gas(Hehe, he didn't put it in drive.) and instantly drove through the pole and through several houses. Thorn screamed at him again when they finally stopped. 'Well, that was weird.' Flaky thought.

Giggles was already at Flippy's house(Hehe, Girl Power!). She knocked on the door and waited patiently for Flippy. After ten long, painful seconds, Flippy opened the door, he was covered in blood, blotchs of the crimson liquid were on his torso, arms, and legs. Blood covered his face. Although, it seemed that the Flippy standing in the doorway was not flipped, he smiled and greeted her warmly.

"Hey Giggles." He greeted with a smile, despite being drenched in the blood of all of residents in Happy Tree Town.

"Oh, u-uh, hey Flippy." Giggles said, nervousness on her face. Flippy looked puzzled at her nervousness. He glanced at all the blood on his person and realized why.

"Oh, um, yeah I sorta... you know." Flippy said, a shamed. He led her inside, Muffin was seen inside, playing on Flippy's Xbox 360. He was wearing a headset so he was obviously playing online.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up." Flippy said as he headed off towards the bathroom.

"Hehehe, I just killed like a thousand zombies!" Muffin exclaimed/announced. Giggles sighed and sat next to the tan bear talking to people over the internet.

"So, what game ya playin'?" Giggles asked.

"Call of Duty: Black Ops. Nazi zombies." Muffin answered, his eyes glued to the screen.

"This the new map pack?" Giggles asked, getting intrested.

"Yep." Muffin gave his minimal answer. Giggles started watching, seems Muffin had something called a "raygun". He was killing a lot of zombies. At one point, he was on top of some stairs and zombies were just streaming up the stairs. Muffin did something that amazed her. He dove(Dolphin dived) down the stairs and into the stream of zombies and exploded. (In the game) He got up and laughed, until he was killed by a zombie.

"Awwww, I died. Anyway, why are you here?" Muffin asked Giggles as he turned the Xbox off. Giggles motioned for him to lean over, he did. Giggles cupped her hands around one of Muffin ears and leaned in close.

"I think Flippy loves Flaky." Giggles whispered into Muffin's ear. She leaned back and let Muffin respond.

"Is that so." Muffin finally said. Giggles eyes widened.

"Is that so? Muffin! They're meant for each other!" Giggles exclamied.

"Alright, alright, don't bust a nut. Why are they meant for each other." Muffin said.

"Well, they are best friends, they go together well." Giggles explained. Muffin didn't seem convinced.

"That's not a lot. They could just turn out to be close friends like me and Sprinkles." Muffin said. Giggles smiled and told Muffin one more thing before Flippy came out of the bathroom.

"Flaky told me she loves Flippy."

Muffin gasped as Flippy walked out of the bathroom.

"So, what have you guys been doin'?" Flippy asked.

"Nothin'." Muffin answered simply.

"Oh, well, alright." Flippy said as he sat on the couch.

"Oh! Um, Flippy, can I talk to you..." She turned to Muffin. "...Privately." She added, Muffin gave the thumbs up sign, took out his lighter and cigarettes, and walked outside.

"What, uh, did you wanta talk about?" Flippy said, Giggles smiled her trademark cute smile.

"Do you love Flaky?" She asked cutely. Flippy looked away, probably to hide the growing blush on his face, when he turned back to face her a half second later, there was a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Well, um, well, um, well, um, well, yes!" Flippy finally said. He sighed, his blush had returned. Giggles let out all her excitement right there.

"OMG, OMG, OMG! You two are so cute together! Do you really love her?" Giggles squaled.

"Yeah, I really love her." Flippy replied.

"OMG, OMG, OMG! Thats great, cause Flaky loves you to!" Giggles screamed.

"What, what, what, Flaky loves me to?" Flippy asked.

"Yeah, she really loves you." Giggles said, she was still all giddy and was, well, giggling.

"Wow, I-I need to tell her." Flippy said. Giggles gave Flippy a warm hug.

"You just do what feels right. Tell her what you want to tell her." Giggles said a little more calmly. Flippy pulled out of the hug and smiled at Giggles.

"Thanks you Giggles." Flippy thanked her gratefully. He stood up and headed out the door. Outside it was a warm and sunny day, Muffin was leaning on the outside of the house, smoking a cigarette. He spotted Flippy and, without looking, flicked the cigarette in a random direction. The cigarette landed right in Prickly's eye, who was driving his truck in the distance. Prickly yelled in pain and his truck swirved of the road and into Flippy's house, it struck the wall right next to Muffin. Suprisingly, the wall didn't get smashed. Muffin let out a sigh of relief, but, the door on the driver's side flung open, smasing him into the wall. Prickly Jumped out and screamed and ran into the road, only to be run over by the mole. Despite all this, Flippy still continued walking to Flaky's house. As he walked down the side walk, Cuddles spotted him.

"Hey Flippy, where ya headin?" Cuddles called out to Flippy.

"I'm gonna go tell Flaky that I love her!" Flippy replied happily.

"Really? Way too go dude!" Cuddles said happily. That gave Flippy a confidence boost, soon everybody started cheering for him.

"Go Flippy!" Toothy had called out.

"You can do it!" Sniffles had cheered.

Muffin came out of the hospital, freshly bandaged, and asked what he was doing.

"Gonna go tell Flaky I love her!" Flippy said cheerfully.

"Sweet, I'm gonna go watch a movie!" Muffin said as he went towards the movie theater.

Soon a group of people near Flaky's house cheered him on. "Flippy, Flippy, Flippy!" They had cheered, Flippy gave them the thumbs up sign and knocked on Flaky's door. The group ran off. Flaky answered the door, she was happy to see Flippy.

"H-Hey F-Flippy." Flaky said nervously.

"Hey Flaky, I, um, need to tell you something. Something very important." Flippy said softly. Flaky had a look that said'I am really nervous'. She nodded and led him inside. Inside, they both sat on the couch. Flippy's eyes turned soft, and he slowly placed his paw on top of her paw. Flaky nervously licked her lips.

"F-Flaky, You and me, h-have been best friends, for as long as I can remember. But, lately, I've been feeling something m-m-more..."Flippy let his words set before continueing.

"Flaky, w-what I'm trying to say is, is, I... love you." Flippy finally let the words, he had been holding in for quite some time, out. Flaky gasped, tears formed in her eyes, not sad ones, but ones of pure joy(Note, sad tears taste like salt, yet happy tears taste like sugar.). The tears slid down her cheeks, Flippy wiped them away softly. Flippy wrapped his arms around her happily, and Flaky let all her tears flow into his shoulder.

"Oh Flippy! I love you to!" Flaky sobbed out of joy. She brought her head up to face him, their faces were a mere couple of inchs apart. Flippy smiled, Flaky smiled, and they both started pulling towards each other, soon, their heart-shaped noses were touching, making both of them blush. Then, their lips locked. They kissed each other, feeling no other emotion besides love. Flippy cheeks were the shade of strawberry's and Flaky's cheeks were redder then her fur. After what felt like one, two, maybe three forevers, they slowly pulled apart. They smiled at each other, and continued kissing.

Chapter five completed! Thank you to everyone who let me borrow their OCs! Don't worry, there will be action later on. Anywho, till next time, write those stories, send those messages, subscribe, and please review!