Disclaimer: I am in no way associated professionally with Dogma, the actors, creators, etc….

God traveled one day down to Hell under the cover of a demon.  She saw there two fallen angels.  They stood at the gates of Hell, looking out yearningly.  She knew these two angels.  One was the former Angel of Death.  The other was his closest friend and influence.  God was more forgiving than before.  She offered the two former angels a place in Her heavens again.  They agreed even when Her conditions were mentioned.  They were to become angels again.  Loki would resume his former position of Angel of Death.  Bartleby would join him as his herald, since he was the more knowledgeable of the two.  He would also be given back his Watcher abilities.  However, they would have to stay on Earth and protect the people from demons on the already-tainted planet.  And since God said that it should be so, it was done, and She was pleased…

He was a normal man, mundane even, and she was so obviously not.  He watched as she opened the front door of his office and stood before him.  She had the blond looks of Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, with a smile as dazzling as Julia Robert's.  She wore tight black pants and a short white shirt. 

            "Hello, Mr. Daniels." she greeted him.  Her voice was as warm as honey and twice as sweet.

            He stood quickly and offered his hand.  She shook it as he replied. "Good afternoon, miss, what can I do for you?  Please, be seated."

            She sat in the chair in front of his desk. "I understand you are a researcher of the supernatural, Mr. Daniels."

            "Yes I am, Miss…"

            She smiled again.  The smile reflected in her warm brown eyes. "I'm sorry.  My name is Diana Crystal."

            "Yes I am, Miss Crystal."

            "I think I have a supernatural problem on my hands, sir."

            He leaned forward reassuringly. "Yes?"

            She appeared to be nervous, agitated about telling him. "Well, I think there is a demon you may know about that I have seen before."

            "Hang on one moment please." Mr. Daniels said.  He stood and took a thick binder down from the shelf behind him. "This binder contains all of the demons I have ever heard of.  Please, Miss Crystal, describe this demon as best you can or wish to.  I understand if you do not want to mention much about the demon.  Many people dread revisiting that part of their mind."

            "Thank you for your thoughtfulness, sir.  The demon was female, and beautiful.  She wore armor, and had wings.  Large, dark, bat-like wings that came from her shoulders."

            "Ah yes, I believe I have heard of her.  This one, perhaps?" Mr. Daniels flipped through the binder and stopped at a drawing of the demon.  She was indeed beautiful, pale skin, bright red lips, strange pale eyes and orange-gold hair.  But she was a demon.  Her wings were folded behind her, a broadsword was in her hand.  Her armor was red and shiny, even in the picture.

            "She calls herself Sahara." Mr. Daniels added.

            Diana Crystal stood up. "Thank you for your time.  She is indeed the one."

            Mr. Daniels looked up. "Wait.  Do you need anything else?  Demon-hunters?"

            She smiled. "Actually, there is one thing you can do for me."

            He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

            She closed the door.  Then she threw her head back, her back arched.  Her chest split open and a light poured from her.  When the light faded, Mr. Daniels saw before him the very demon she had been asking about. 

            "Sahara, but Miss Crystal, how?"

            "Diana Crystal is my Earth name.  Now, you asked me if you could do anything for me.  Here is my reply.  Go to Hell, Mr. Daniels."  She smiled, a sneer more than a smile.  Her finger shot out, pointing at the binder.  It went up in flames.  She pointed to the bookshelf, the desk, the chairs.  Soon the room was blazing.  Mr. Daniels pleaded, begged, threatened.  But Sahara pointed her finger at him and he burnt to a cinder.  Sahara calmly drew her broadsword, standing in the middle of the flames.  With a look of pure contentment on her face, she stabbed the tip of the sword into the floor.  The ground shook and flames lanced from the sword point.  In seconds, the entire building was ablaze.  Sahara smiled, sheathed her sword and snapped her fingers.  Instantly she was Diana Crystal.  Calmly, she walked through the flames, emerging outside without a blemish.