Wah! It's been so long since I last updated! ;A; I'm so sorry! Hopefully this will make up for it. Right, so here's chapter 4.

I don't own any of these, but it's obvious that I'm awesome with them. ;) Enjoy!

Jack panicked inwardly as the captive continued to thrash in his bindings. From the looks of it, the boy was winning his battle to be free of the ropes, so he would have to act quickly if he wanted everything to go smoothly.

"Now there mate," he told the other, grinning to hide his inner troubles, "You best stop struggling. There's hardly any chance a tiny thing like you will be able to break out, and we're in the middle of the ocean. If on the unlikely condition you do succeed, then you'll have absolutely no where to go."

Alfred let out an indignant squeak at the insult to his size, but stopped his movements. The strange man was right; even if he used his strength to break free, he did not know where he was and would stand no chance against the waters on his own. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, and he fought to push them back as he mulled over his situation.

Where's England?, he thought, What did they do to him?

Jack viewed the spectacle curiously and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could make a sound, a loud banging noise rippled through the ship and the room shook. It seemed that someone was firing at them. Holding up his finger in a 'one minute' gesture, the pirate left the room hurriedly, leaving the frightened and confused child alone.

"What's going on?" Jack demanded when he reached the deck.

All the pirates were looking to the right of the ship as if something spectacularly interesting was there. Some of them turned as Jack went up to the bridge where Barbossa was located. Following the others' gazes, Jack soon spotted three minuscule ship firing cannons at them.

"Are those rowboats?" he asked incredulously, earning an annoyed look from Barbossa.

"An' just why woul' rowboats have cannons?" the other man spoke, causing Jack to don a look of contemplation, "Don't answer you imbecile."

The two turned back to the enemies, squinting to make out a wildly waving figure commanding the miniature fleet.

"Keep firing!" shouted the man, smiling dangerously as he did so, "'They don't stand a chance against the awesome Prussia!"

The reluctant crew obediently fired, wondering why the self-proclaimed 'King of Awesome' had to fire at every ship that he saw.

Meanwhile, on The Black Pearl, the pirates were pondering what to do about the nuisance.

"Shoul' we fire a' 'em cap'ain?" asked Pintel, motioning toward the ships.

"No," the captain answered, his eyes narrowed in thought, "They're barely scratchin' the surface of the ship. We'll jus' move away and lose 'em."

"Aye, cap'ain," responded the other before he and the rest of the crew began to do as he said.

As they fled, Jack made to go back to the brig until Barbossa stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder.

"An' where were ya when this happene'?" Barbossa pried, his glare intensifying.

"Having a wonderful discussion with our little prisoner," Jack supplied the information, grinning wickedly.

Barbossa's grip tightened, and he yelled out in frustration at Jack's actions.

"I tol' ya not ta go near 'im," he growled at the defiant man.

"Correction," Jack interrupted with a finger raised in the air, "You told me that you'd skin me if I so much as laid a finger on him, and I did no such thing. Therefore, your point does not stand."

Barbossa grew angrier, his face reddening, and he opened his mouth to let out the spew of curses in his mind when Jack continued.

"Now, now, don't do anything hasty," Jack smirked, a plan formulating in his head, "Our captive's awake now, and you can't afford to lose me. I'm the only one the poor lad trusts at the moment."

Barbossa loosened his grip, absorbing the other's words.

"An'?" he motioned for the other to continue.

"And," Jack went on, "would you rather have a disruptive and whiny captive or a silent and cooperative one?"

Barbossa thought this over. He had enough trouble as it was with Jack being there; a rowdy captive would just ruin the journey more. He let the pirate loose, but his scowl betrayed his relenting attitude.

"Get this straight, Sparrow," he spit out hatefully, "The only reason yer not on the plank is because this is too risky fer me to take chances. Ya've got until we get ta the fountain. After that, yer hea' will be mine. Now, go watch the boy, seein' as yer 'the only one 'e can trust'."

Stalking back to the helm, Barbossa left Jack standing in the middle of the commotion on board. Shrugging off a feeling of dread, the ex-captain made his way back to the brig, uncertain of the future.

As the Prussian ships watched their victims leave, the egotistic captain ordered his crew to follow.

"They've got some nerve thinking they can escape the awesome me," he muttered before calling louder to his crew, "Follow them. We'll stay just out of their sight and attack when their guard's down."

"Aye, sir," a crew member called back as his fleet began to move.

"Kese," the man talked to himself, "This is going to be good."

Meanwhile, Arthur Kirkland was close to bashing his head in exasperation. His flirtatious companion had not only delayed his journey further by pulling over the ship in a random port suddenly but also was currently flirting with every living being in sight.

"Mon amour, tes lèvres sont comme deux roses parfaite, belle, même dans les pires lumière," the Frenchman whispered in a sultry tone to a blushing woman while stroking her chin intimately.

"What the bloody hell does this have to do with America?" Arthur all but growled at the other, dragging him away by his ear.

"Ah, Angleterre, be patient. We are only here to seek allies," Francis replied, motioning toward a ship in the harbor.

It was at this moment that Arthur recognized the familiar Spanish design on the vessel, and he began to hiss the other country loudly.

"No way," he protested, eyes alight with anger, "No way on earth am I working with that idiotic Spaniard."

Before he could rant further, a light and joy-filled voice cut through the air.

"Francis, mi amigo," a young Spanish man called, carrying supplies with a grouchy Italian teenager, "¿Qué pasa?"

France sighed, his sorrow showing openly upon his face.

"It's Amérique," he told him, "He's been taken. We need your help, Antonio."

"Now hold on," England interjected as Antonio processed the information, "Why in the bloody hell do we need him?"

"Who knows how many people we're up against?" argued Francis, "We need all the help we can get if we want to be sure that Alfred returns to us."

"French bastard's right," agreed the Italian, munching on a tomato.

"Who asked you?" shouted Arthur, upset at the turn of events, "All of this is a waste of time anyway. Who knows how far those pirates have gotten?"

"I agree with Lovino," Antonio added, smiling at the other who cursed at him under his breath, "We may have had our differences pero está peligroso. Nations are not meant to be under human power."

Ignoring England's glare, he turned to France, determination in his eyes.

"We will help," he told him, "You have our ship."

"What do you mean 'we'? Don't draw me into this!" cried Lovino, punching Antonio in the head.

"But Lovi," he whined, rubbing the sore spot and pouting.

Lovino, unable to resist the look, gave in.

"Fine," he relented, "but I get to fire the cannon."

"If we're all done here," Arthur's voice rang out above the rest, "Let's get going. You'll be given the details later and provide back up, but if you interfere with Alfred's return at all I will rip your eyes out."

With the threat hanging in the air, he turned swiftly back to the ship and walked to it, leaving the others standing there, unsure of what to do.

"Hurry up you bloody gits!" Arthur called to them when he reached the helm, "Alfred's not going to rescue himself."

The other countries rushed to their ships, setting sail as soon as they were ready. As Arthur looked at the two fearsome vessels, he smirked, confident in himself. The pirates were in for one vicious battle.

End! :) I hope you all liked it. Lol, Prussia's going to be even more awesome when he finds out that Alfred's on board The Pearl! Well, I hope it was worth the wait. Stay tuned for chapter 5!


-Mon amour, tes lèvres sont comme deux roses parfaite, belle, même dans les pires lumière: My love, your lips are like two perfect roses, beautiful, even in the worst light.

-Angleterre: England

-Mi amigo: My friend

-¿Qué pasa?: What's going on?

-Amérique: America

-Pero está peligroso: But it is dangerous

Fun Facts!

The Prussian Armada was neglected by the king and, unlike the Prussian army, was incredibly small and had very few ships and soldiers with a total of thirteen ships total. These ships were also very small and stood practically no chance against other, more advanced vessels.

Contrary to that, the Spanish Armada was very successful during this time period and had a very powerful naval force.