A/N: Hello dear readers!
The final chapter is here. I want to thank those who read the story from the begging to the end xD. You are awesome. Special thanks to my subscribers and favoriters.

And now the awesome reviewers: animexlurve (thank you so much for telling me your opinion! I really appreciate; I'll bear in mind what you suggested :D ), Theeviljordan (I'm glad you liked it^^. Sorry for ending, I just felt like it), Julia (don't worry for spelling problems, I'm from Romania myself so I'm not a native speaker xD; as usual your review made me smile! *hug back*), disha ( yes they are^^; thank you for reading my fic 'till the end!), VampireFan001 (yay thank you!), PRINCE-ASH'S-GIRL (I'm glad you liked it! I hope I won't let you down xD), Mrs Ivashkov (aww thank you! Maybe I'll write a sequel or something but I can't promise xD. I'll see. Anyway, thank you so much for your support!), chocorose64 (yay, thank you^^).

Here it goes:

Five years have passed. Five.

I'm Rose Ivashkov, well known guardian, protecting the family of the rich moroi Adrian Ivashkov.

The family I am protecting is made of Adrian, his daughter, Emma, and his wife. That would be me.

So, my job is kind of at home, with my still-hot-husband and my four years old kid.

Cool, huh?
Adrian is part of the Vampires Council, and, unexpected, he actually has good ideas for the community and stuff.

For example, he is the one who proposed the law that includes training of the moroi for fighting. So a moroi can defend himself, not only rely on guardians. That lowered the mortality a lot. My little idiot all grown up…

And he and Lissa discovered a technique that can turn strigoi back to their dhampir or moroi form. They saved plenty of lives. Including Dimitri's.

Yes, that Dimitri. He was turned strigoi, but thanks to Lissa and Adrian he's back to normal.

He and I are kind of friends again. I mean, after he was saved by my best friend and husband, we got a mission together. To protect some moroi woman that specially requested both of us because we were badass. And we had to work together, which was at first awkward, then awesome.

I mean, I discovered him again. I mean the old him. The comarade. The dude that was training me back at the academy. Before falling in love, before screwing my heart, before all that. We were friends again.

And it felt damn good. To have him as a friend.

So we still keep in touch, meet from time to time.

My daughter.

Emma is a cute dhampir girl, who's got my hair and her father's eyes. And I'm not ashamed to say, she is a badass. She kicks other kid's butt. Uhm, I mean, she's a naughty, naughty girl. I don't know who she's learnt that from!

A normal day of my life goes something like this:
I wake up, in the huge double bed I share with Adrian. He's usually in his underwear, which makes my day. I take a shower.

I got out of the shower. Adrian just woke up.

"Hello honey" he said entering the bathroom.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I mumbled, combing my long hair.
"What's knocking?"
"Get a brain."
"I don't need one, I have you. "

"Go get Emma dressed."

We usually take her to the kinder garden, than I drop Adrian to work. I drive. Then, I watch over him all day, at the council. Emma's got her own guardian, Robert. She loves him, and he's a badass.

"Aye, aye, captain!"
I got dressed in my jeans and a black T-shirt.

"Mum, dad made me wear this!" Emma complained entering the room in something really shiny and really ugly.

Thankfully, my daughter had taste.

"Adrian, for God's sake, go dress her like a normal person!"

My husband just grinned like an idiot. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on sweetness, I'll dress you like a kid, not like a candy wrapper"

"Yay!" she said following me.

After we were finally ready, we took off. We dropped Emma and Robert at the kinder garden, than went to the Castle. That's where Tatiana lives, and it's some kind of city hall of all vampires in the world. So it's full of people that come and go. Adrian is pretty busy usually, but in more relaxed days we go for a coffee in the morning, or eat something in town.

Than we go there, and he is busy with his duties, while I walk around and talk to other people, read, or just stand and watch like the guardian I am. Sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's really entertaining. Depends on the day.

After the long story short, at four we go and pick Emma and Robert from the Kinder garden. Than we go home, or sometimes visit Lissa And Christian. Or they visit us.

Believe it or not, Lissa hasn't dumped Christian yet. They actually got married, and they have a kid. And Lissa's pregnant again.

Their little boy is a year younger than Emma, and his name is Mark.

Eddie and a chick called Patricia, who's Eddie girlfriend for years now, are Lissa's guardians. They also have Eric, who takes care of Mark. And I think they are going to take another guardian when the new kid is born.

My bond with Lissa works the same as in the past, but we don't use it that often. I mean, when we can't talk, I don't just invade her thoughts like I used to. It's just…different. But still, when she feels a strong emotion, I feel it too. So I know when something's wrong with her.

So, after going to work, we went at the Ozera family.

We arrived. A very pretty Lissa opened the door. Mark was right behind her, jumping like a ball.

Lissa insisted that Adrian and I should be Mark's godparents, so I decided it was my duty as a godmother to bring him something. So I got him a toy stake and a toy gun. Lissa rolled her eyes, but Christian acted like a mature person and squealed in happiness.

"Cool! Hey, Mark, look what Rose got you! Let's play!"
"Who's the kid?" I asked looking at my idiot friend and Lissa chuckled.

"Come in. How are you, Emm?"
"I'm great! Dad dressed me ugly, but then mum dressed me like this!"
Christian chuckled from the coach where he was playing with Mark.

"Let me guess. He dressed you like a princess"
My daughter made a disgusted face, to Christian's amusement. Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Wine? Beer?" Liss asked.
"Whisky" Adrian decided.

"You Rose?"
"I'm at work. I can't drink" I joked.

I'm permanently at work. My duty is to protect my family. So here I am.

About doing my duty, mum thought it could affect me. Emma I mean. But, seriously now, aren't I more determined to take care of my own family than someone else's?

Mum never saw Emma until she was one year old. But when she saw her, it was like she saw the sun for the first time.

It's weird. I mean, she's like any other grandmother: in love with her grandchild. I'd never thought she's the cheesy type. Well, kids bring out the worst in us.

I mean just look at Adrian. I've seen him make faces, roll on the floor, act like Scooby Doo, all to make his little princess laugh.

And my father…yes, I found out who is my father. His name is Ibrahim Mazur, known as Abe. He is Turkish, and he's awesome. But I couldn't have wished for a worst grandfather. He brings her a lot of expensive, useless gifts, just like Adrian. They spoil her. Idiots.

Luckily, I'm there to balance.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitch with my daughter, I'm just not like plastic in her hands.

Christian and Adrian are potentially nuts. I can't find another reason for them to act like they do.

"I am Robin Hood!" Adrian said, jumping on the couch, with a sword in his hand.

"Oh, Robin Hood, save me" Emma said pretending to fall and Adrian caught her.

"I got you, maid Marian!"
"I am little John!" Christian said fluttering another sword.

Mark was just clapping his hands.

"That is so wrong. Maid Marian is married to Robin Hood" I said looking at them. Lissa laughed.

"Oh, shut up" my husband said.

"Hey, daddy, what does 'maid' mean?" Emma asked.

Adrian paled, and I chuckled. He is like leaven in her hands. But I'm really sorry for her future boyfriend.

Christian is sure that Mark and Emm have great chemistry, and I tend to agree, but Adrian doesn't seem so convinced. I guess he'd like to see her maid for ever.

Poor deluded guy.

After we left Lissa's place we went home.

We ate dinner, and as usual invited Robert to eat with us, than went to bed. Emma in her room, Robert in his, near Emma, and Adrian and I in our bedroom.

He took his shirt off. I starred at his very tone chest. Hmmm…

A flashback brings me back the night of the wedding…

I can still remember the darkness in the room, the moon being the only source of light. Adrian's smell….

He carried me (bride style, duh) to the bed.

He moved his strong, magical hands, under my long, white dress. He got at the top of me, moving his hands as much as he could. I pushed him off me, and took the damn thing off. Left only in my white negligee, I felt more at ease. Adrian growled.

"Damn, I want you" he mumbled again and I chuckled.

"Take me" I whispered, "I'm yours"

I begun to unbutton his shirt. Then I moved my hands on his lovely chest that still looks good. I moved my fingers from his awesome shoulders, to his abs, to his belt, which I slowly took off.

He took his pants off, throwing them somewhere random.

He approached his face to mine, kissed my neck, licked it, his fangs barely touching my skin, yet making me shiver.

His hands were all over my body, while my hands were once again discovering him.

That was one hell of a night. I know we did it again, and again, and again…

We finally went to sleep somewhere around six in the morning.

Once again, I looked at him, as he got undressed. He smiled at me cocky when he noticed me, and started untying his tie in slow motion.

"Get a grip" I mumbled covering myself with the cold blanket.

"Like you don't like it"
"Shut up" I mumbled turning on the other side. I really needed to get rest. I didn't have time for fooling around.

Adrian got into bed, warming the bed. Yay. But of course he had to get closer to me, whispering stuff. That kind of stuff.

I chuckled in the dark and I was going to respond him, when Emma opened the door.

"Mum… I'm scared" she whispered, and I got on one elbow.

"What is it sweety?"
"There are strigoi in the house" she whispered and I frowned, getting out of bed. I couldn't sense any strigoi.

"What makes you say that?"
"I've seen his eyes! Please, mum, come with me!"
We are one of those rare families, where the kid, when he's scared, calls his mum, not dad. Of course, Adrian's just as good and comforting, but I'm the big guy who beats evil's ass.

I followed her and, although I didn't sense any danger, I took my stake with me. She leaded me to the kitchen.

"Look, there, on the window!" Emma whispered, and I looked at the cat. No, we don't have a cat, but there was a cat at our window. Outside the house, but still, she was very visible.

"Honey, that's a cat."
"No, it's a strigoi!"
"Strigoi have red eyes. That thing has yellow eyes."
"Maybe he's sick."
"There's no danger, sweety."
"But mum, there's a strigoi out there!"
"It's a cat. Adrian, explain her!" I growled at my husband, who was following us.

Stubborn kid. I tell her it's a cat, so it's a cat!

"Look Emma, it's got fuzzy ears! Strigoi don't have fuzzy ears. And it's small, and black, and it has a looong tail. So it's a…?" he said like a full trained educator.

"It's a cat." Emma sighed. "I wish it was a strigoi"
I frowned.

"Because I'd like to see you beat him, mum!"
I rolled my eyes, but damn, I was pleased. Adrian smirked at me.

"Let's hope you won't need to see your mum at work" he mumbled and took Emma to bed.

We were attacked by strigoi in the past, several times. I killed the most of them, some with Robert's help.

My worst memory is from one night three years ago. Emma was only one, and she couldn't sleep because her teeth were growing. She started crying, so I went to her. I suddenly felt the nausea. The thing was that I didn't have a stake in Emma's room, and I could tell the strigoi was approaching on the hall.

Emma fell asleep, so there was no sound. Completely silence. I heard footsteps. I held her in my arms, afraid that was the end of us. I mean, I could have never escaped. No stake, no sword, no fire, nothing. Only a baby's room, a hopeless, tired mother and a little kid. I felt useless and frightened back then.

But Robert was the one that opened the door.

"It's dead" he said and nodded towards the hall. "It was going to open the door when I staked her. She made no sound."
"A strigoi woman. Come and see"
I remember I put Emma in her bed and followed Robert. There it was. The strigoi. Dead. On the floor. It made no sound when in fell, which is weird, because they're damn heavy. But it fell on our fuzzy carpet, so it's understood.

"You saved our life" I smiled at Robert.

"My duty, m'am" he winked and took the corpse.

"I'm going to take care of this. Be careful. Here, take my second stake, if anything happens"
"Thank you."
That night I didn't fight, but it was the most terrifying night of my life. I couldn't sleep at all, worried that anything could happen to my precious daughter.

After I got back on business, I was cool. I took them down like gleaning. And I kind of like my job. Kind of. I mean not the killing part, but the thrill of the hunting. That is fun.

Dangerous, but fun.

Adrian loves travelling and he wanted to show Emma a lot of places. So we're travelling pretty often. So Emma met Andreea and Gelu when we went to Romania.

They are still together. They aren't married, because Gelu doesn't believe in marriage or something like that, but they're just as in love as they used to.

Andreea look more mature, yet young. Gelu is the same. We made a habit of visiting them at least twice a year. Emma loves it in Romania, and everyone likes her there.

I remember when we first went to Romania after Emma was born, Andreea was pregnant. Yes, she was pregnant. YAY!

The second time we went there, she had a little boy named Andrew. The name Gelu's idea apparently. He was like a mini Gelu! He was so cute!

And the next time we went to Romania, it was like going to a second home or something.

I can't wait to go again.

Anyway, my life is as good as it could be. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I have a loving, hot husband.

I have a beautiful, healthy daughter.

I have good friends.

I have twisted, crazy, nuts parents. But I love them.

I'm nuts myself.

I have challenges and problems, like anyone else, but I manage to get over them and move on.

Because, damn, I'm Rose Hathaway.

That was THE LAST CHAPTER of I'm just a dreamer xD.

Just so you know, the title was inspired from 'I'm just a dreamer' by Ozzy Osbourne. Check it out if you want to.

I'm not sure if I'm going to make a sequel, but I might if there are enough requests xD.

Thank you so much for reading until the end.

Your support is what kept me writing.

Even though this is the last chapter, please REVIEW!

So I'll know your final impression :).

Special thanks to my best friend, who supported me, to my brother (who is small and cute) and Sandri (who's birthday was a few days ago).

By Anana

The End.