"Let me get this straight. You're offering me a chance to go back home?" I asked for clarification. This offer would seem to be too good to be true. Even if it was Igor who was offering, there is always a catch.

"Yes I am." Igor replied in serious monotone.

"And the catch?" I swallowed. Here comes the moment of truth.

Igor pulled out a deck of cards, all of which are familiar to me. Handing me a few, I noticed that despite the similarities it has with the Tarot cards which pervades every aspect of my journey, these ones doesn't have any designs. They have the frame, but no picture or number. Blank cards.

"I believe you remember when Izanami gave you your power?" Igor asked. I do remember. Barely. "By taking these cards, you will have the ability unlock the potential within others."

Unlock the potential within others? "You're giving me the ability to give personae to others." It wasn't a question. It was a statement which bewildered me. Imagining myself handing out personae? I find the prospect to be beyond me.

And now, the greatest question of them all. I might regret asking this or I might not get an answer, but I want to know. "Why?"

"I am not at liberty to divulge information." Great, that means I either have to figure this out, or this really is a need to know basis. Considering that Igor's boss, Philemon, was talking to the shady guy by the name of Louis Cyphre, I get the feeling I don't want to know.

Well, if the price is me giving out personae, might as well do it responsibly. "To who I give it is my decision?"

"That is correct." Igor gathered the cards and stored them in a small pack. Pushing it in front of me, he added. "The cards will not be visible unless you wish it so. One who takes a card will unlock their potential."

That means I have to show it to them, and they themselves must take it. Still, better to err on the side of caution. I don't what a repeat of what happened a year ago.

Taking the pack of cards in front of me, I tucked it safely in my pocket where it suddenly disappeared. I now felt their weight inside me, as if some power was on my shoulders. Nice symbolism.

"Passengers heading to Tokyo, please head to Gate four." A female voice gave the announcement. Looks like I can travel to and fro now. I am so abusing this.

"Well then, I'll you two later."

~ Scene Break ~

The time is eight o'clock in the morning and I'm here back in Tokyo, conveniently finding myself in front of my house. Very few know of its address because I rarely stay here. Most of the time, my addresses are dormitories. It's a necessity, having to move to different places because of my parent's line of work.

"I'm home." I announced as I entered the door. Not that anyone will hear me, just a force of habit.

"Welcome back." I unexpectedly heard a voice coming from the kitchen. Looks like Hahaue is home after her tour in Germany. I should go over to the kitchen.

"Ohayo. Uhh… Dad still in the Philippines?" I had to ask. If I'm going to be away from home for god knows how long, I should explain to my parents.

"The construction project got delayed." Mom paused her knife work and turned to face me. "He'll be back in a month or so. But what about you. Where have you been last night?"

I take it she's referring to my late arrival home. Now, I have a few choices with this regard. I could lie, I could tell half-truths, or I could come out in the open and tell her about everything. Thinking about it, I'll go with choice number three. Only problem is how to explain this.

After a minute or so of finding a way to explain my predicament, Mom spoke up first. "Were you out partying, and found a pretty?" She gave me a wink at that. What? "I do hope you used protection." Oh hell no. What the hell. This is just absurd.

Apparently, my facial reaction was amusing. Mom covered her mouth, trying to suppress her laughter.

"Ma?" That was the only thing I could say given the situation. Despite my ability to remain calm in life or death situations, this is something I'm not used to.

"Oh? Ryotaro-kun told me you were a player back in Inaba." Hnnng. "You were dating four girls at the same time." And Mom did a noblewoman's laugh. Seriously… All I could do was stand there and look dumbfounded.

"…" I remained silent. Aything I say will be used against me. And for that matter, I had healthy relationships with Yukiko, Chie, Rise, Naoto, Ai, and Yumi, which in the eyes of others would be considered dating. It wasn't dating, though I didn't bother correcting other people.

I certainly didn't come here to talk about my love life. "This and that doesn't matter right now."

"And what is it matters now?" Mom playfully asked. I often find myself thinking my mom as an older sister rather a parent. With all her behaviour and mannerisms, as well as looking younger for her age, that shouldn't be far off. Well, to business.

"I suddenly discovered I had magic abilities and I could travel to another dimension where I was contracted to help them. Now, I have to spend my time in the other dimension." This sounded like a bunch of bull, even to me, but it's the truth. And I have to convince my mom that I'm not insane, crazy, and or delusional. Luckily, I have an ace.

"Here, let me show you." I headed towards the television located in the other side of the room opposite mom and stuck my entire head in. A few seconds later, I pulled my head out and turned to mom.

Mom was just standing there looking calm and collected, with her eyes closed. Normally, people would be panicking right about now. This isn't what I expected. Not one bit.

"Uh, Mom?"

"You can go, Souji. Do what you have to." What? This really is unexpected. I was ready to argue about me this and all that, but I to get permission I only needed to explain and stick my head inside the television. I think something's wrong here.

"Mom, are you alright? You're not sick or anything?" I'm worried right now. Really worried.

"Of course I'm alright." Her voice was calm and unfazed. Either I'm missing something here or my mom is one open-minded parent.

"You're not freaked out about what just happened?" Maybe I'm too insistent about this. Maybe mom hit her head or something or she's spaced out. But I have to make sure. After all, you can't be too careful about these kinds of situation

"After what happened between me and your father, I'm not too surprised about such things."

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Between you and dad?" Dad was something related to supernatural, and mom was involved? This sounds interesting.

"Ask him when he comes home." And mom returned to her cooking. I also take that to mean the end of our discussion where I learned my mom is open-minded and my dad is connected to something supernatural.

"Alright." And so I went to my room and got packing.

More or less an hour later, I was finished

"I'll be off now." I passed by mom who was busy eating her breakfast, waving a farewell. "I'll come back and visit time to time."

"Take care Souji." Mom paused to wave me goodbye as a passed by her. Still, I can't believe that she's that open-minded and dad has some skeletons in his closet. I'll just find out when he comes back. Now, to tie up some loose ends.

I pulled out my phone and pressed the speed dial. A few seconds later, the line connected. "Hello. Dojima Residence." Nanako answered the phone.

"Hi Nanako. It's Onii-chan." I carried on the conversation as I walked towards the blue door at the corner of the street. "Is Ryotaro-oji-san in the house?"

"Hi Onii-chan." I could hear her happiness through the phone. I should call more often in the future. "Outo-sama's not home."

"I see. Can I leave a message?"

"Wait a second." Nanako puts down the phone. She's probably getting some paper and a pen.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back." I casually replied. "Could you tell Dojima-oji-san to go into my room and give the box labelled 'Investigation Supplies' to Naoto-kun, and to tell Naoto-kun have the box quickly delivered to my house without any questions, and to not worry about me?"

"Your box labelled 'Investigation Supplies' to be given to Naoto-onee-chan and have it delivered to your house, and not worry about you?" Nanako repeated, making sure she to receive the message properly

"Yes, that's right." I was now in front of the blue door which would lead back to Halkeginia.

"Alright, I'll tell Outo-sama." It was at this point where one would end the conversation, but I felt I need to say something.

"Hey Nanako…"


"I'll try to find time to visit"

"Really?" I could hear her excitement through the phone. "Promise?"

"I promise."

"Yay!" If I was there right now, I could imagine Nanako's cute face smiling happily.

"Well, I'll see you soon Nanako."

"See you soon Onii-chan." Nanako ended the call. I guess that wraps up all loose ends here on Earth. Time to go to Halkeginia and get some shut eye.

~ Scene Break ~

It's early morning now here in Halkeginia, and after some well needed sleep, I feel much better. The makeshift futon was very comfortable, and despite the fact there wasn't any ac unit, the temperature was slightly cold. The wonders of magic, I guess.

I finished up changing my clothes to my standard slacks and shirt when Louise, wearing her night dress, woke up. "Good Morning." I greeted while fixing some of my bags that I brought. I still need to find places to store all the stuff I brought.

Louise was somewhat still in a daze, with her rubbing her eyes and her hair's in a jumbled mess. Probably, she's not a morning person. "Munya~?"

Huh? She actually said 'Munya?' Uhh… I guess there are people who achoo when they sneeze or say 'sigh' when they sigh, but 'Munya'? Better not think about this too much.

"Good Morning." I repeated for her. It seems that brought her out of her stupor.

"Ohh… It wasn't a dream." Louise looked around, confirming that indeed this wasn't a dream.

"Do you want me to call lightning again?"

"No." Louise got off her bed and headed to her dresser before noticing something. "Where did all these… objects come from?"

"Oh… These." I pointed to the three bags and violin case on the ground. "I teleported them here last night while you were asleep. If I'm going to stay here to help you, I might as well get comfortable." Really comfortable. With all the manga, light novels, clothes, a walkman, some cds, and ipad, a laptop, batteries, and a violin, there's a lot of things for me to do to pass the time when I'm not doing something related to this unknown contract of mine.

"I'll wait for you outside." I took my violin case and left the room, giving Louise some privacy as she changed her clothes.

"Where to?" I asked as Louise exited her room

"Dining hall. You can't stay there though." Her voice was composed and dignified. I guess she ought to be, she's a noble even if she can't properly use magic.

"I understand." Aside from the social stratification which dictates that I'm a 'commoner', I'm also considered a familiar. Seen in that light, I'm considered sub-human, an animal. They would have separate locations for students and their familiars. "I'll be in the kitchen, if you don't mind."

As we walked, one of the doors in the hallway opened to show a female student. The one on the right was a tall, dark skinned, long red head with large sweater puppies which was too big for her uniform. I could even see the cleavage due to their size. I'd peg her as an amorous lady. Let's called her Miss Gainax for the time being.

When Miss Gainax saw Louise, she grinned broadly. "Good morning Louise."

Louise returned the greeting with an undecipherable expression. "Good morning … Kirche."

"That… is your familiar?" Kirche asked somewhat mockingly, pointing at me.

If this is the best you can do to insult me, you're not doing a good job. However, Louise is getting angry by the second. It wouldn't surprise me if Louise goes berserker on Miss Gainax.

"That's right."

"Ahaha! So it really is a human! That's amazing!" If I'm human, then you're a boob monster. I really pity you, having to experience back pains because of those huge tracts of land. Thankfully, I'm a guy so I don't have to experience carrying big watermelons.

"It's just like you to summon a commoner with 'Summon Servant.' What else to expect from Louise the Zero?"

Louise's cheeks flushed scarlet in anger. I placed my hand on Louise's shoulder which was shaking. Somehow, she understood what I meant and calmed down a bit.

I'm sure she noticed me attempting to prevent Louise's emotions from getting the best of her. Regardless, she just continued to rub it in.

"I summoned a familiar yesterday, too. Unlike a certain somebody, I was successful on my first try. And, if you're going to have a familiar, it should be a good one, like this. Flame!"

A large dark-red lizard the size of a tiger came out of her room. A flame on the tip of it's tail was burning, emanating heat. It's mouth was spouting flame and embers, breathing fire like a dragon. It feels like I'm close to a bonfire, with that fire. And that tail reminds me of Charmander. I wonder what would happen if the fire died out.

While I am amazed at this, I made sure not to display it on my face. It wouldn't do well for Louise if I'm amazed by this. Instead, I just glared intently at the lizard. "I wonder what would happen if I bombard this little guy with water and ice spells, aimed at it's tail? Would it die?" I asked, making sure that it sounded that I was actually contemplating on doing just that.

The reaction on Louise and Boob Monster's face was priceless. Both were looking at me, Louise being surprised, and Boob Monster shocked. I wonder why?

"What? Is there something on my face?" Feigning ignorance, I innocently asked while maintaining my fixed gaze on the lizard. The lizard, sensing something left us and returned to the room where it came from.

Apparently, that did the trick. Miss Gainax was a loss for words, and consequently so was Louise. Both were looking at me as if I was an incomprehensible being. Frankly, that isn't far off.

"Louise, you're gonna miss breakfast if you don't hurry." I stood up and continued on my way, leaving the two of them there. I imagine that they're thinking I'm some sort of ignorant idiot from the boondocks, or someone crazy. I congratulate myself on a rather well done first impression.