Title: Easier Said Than Done 2 (Oh, how original of me.)

Alternative Title: Finally Done (Okay, not so good at titles here…)

Pairing/s: Bunny (Kenny x Butters)

Summary: This is it. This is FINALLY it. But wait, the pasta's gonna spill.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own South Park in any way, shape, or form. They rightfully belong to Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Cause if I own it, Craig and Tweek will be given more attention. Lol. But the plot and idea belongs to me. If you wish to do anything with it, tell me first.

Author's Notes:

First: This is just a continuation of Easier Said Than Done. Somebody requested it, so yeah.

Second: I had no idea how I was gonna do this. So, I decided to use the pasta. ^^

Third: Enjoy, and review! Cause reviews make me a happy 'lil person. :3

That morning, Kenny was smoking at the back of their school ; trying to hide from Butters and forget his humiliation.

Unfortunately, Butters already knew him all too well, and the said blonde had no problem searching for the orange-clad teen.

"Hiya Ken!" Butters greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Butters." Kenny greeted back, not bothering to look at the other blonde.

"I-I brought the s-spaghettios!" Butters continued. "You wuh-wanted some, right?"

"Actually, I—"

"I made muh-mom add extra more, for your family a-an' stuff."

"I don't re—"

"They'll love it for sure! Mom makes the best spaghettios in the wuh-world!"

"Of course she does. But really, I—"

"What's the matter, Ken? You're not talkin'"

Kenny breathed out a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit he developed from Stan.

"Maybe if you just let me finish first." Kenny thought. He looked at Butters, who was looking back at him with bright, blue eyes; genuine curiosity lingering in it. "Godammit, this kid's fuckin' adorable."

Sinking in his thoughts, Kenny hadn't realized he'd been staring at Butters for a while.

"Hey,uh, Ken?"

Kenny broke from his trance, "Uh, yeah. Sorry. What was that again?"

"Uh. The spaghettios?" Butters repeated, slightly shoving the plastic bowl towards Kenny.

"Oh, right. Thanks." Kenny stood up from leaning against the wall and took the container from the boy, purposely brushing their hands together.

Now, Kenny might have gotten himself into a bunch of crazy shit, and he might have died. A lot. But as far as he can remember, his body parts can still function perfectly. And also swears that he saw an almost unnoticeable shade of pink in Butters' cheek the moment their hands brushed.

But that almost unnoticeable shade of pink sparked some hope inside Kenny. What if he feels the same way? What if he also wanted to become more than friends? Questions and possible outcomes flooded Kenny's thoughts.

But before Butters question him for unconsciously smiling, he opened the plastic container's lid and noticed that Butters gave him too much.

"Hey, uh, Butters?"


"This is too much." Kenny showed the contents to the boy. "I can't finish this all by myself."

"Share it with y-your family then."

"I don't give a shit about my drugs and alcohol-driven family."

"Oh, uh…tha-that's pretty mean, Ken." Butters then started to bump his fists together. An overly cute mannerism he just can't shake off.

"No, dude. I'm serious. I'm pretty sure they'll prefer drugs and alcohol over real food."

"Well, you could always share it with somebody else."

Kenny looked down at the red pasta. Remembering Kyle's words, he had an idea. He looked back at Butters with a predatory smirk. Once Butters got Kenny's idea, he immediately took back his words.

"Or maybe not. It's yours anyway. You don't hafta share it i-if you dun wuh-wanna."

As Kenny took a few steps forward, Butters took backward.

"Hey Butters. Do you know those scenes in movies when two people are sharing the same pasta in one plate and their lips meet because of a single pasta?" Kenny earned a more visible blush from Butters, who made sure to keep his distance.


"How 'bout we give it a try? See what it feels like, huh? Whaddya say?" Kenny grinned at the other blonde, who was now blushing madly.


"What? You don't wanna?" Kenny faked a hurt tone.

"N-no! NO! I-It's just…"

"So, you're saying you DO wanna kiss me." Kenny grinned again, now holding Butters with his other free hand. "Well? Do you want to or not?"


"After that, kiss him. But…that's optional, so…yeah"

Suddenly, Kenny pulled the smaller blonde towards him, locking Butters' lips with his. It was a gentle kiss, not those kisses he'd normally give – the ones filled with hunger, lust. No. But this one's different. This one is actually gentle, slow…chaste.

They pulled away, panting softly. Kenny smiled before saying those three little words that will, hopefully, change his life – for the better, of course.

"I love you." He kissed the small boy's forehead, then stared at his eyes. A content smile glued to his face.

Butters' widened eyes clearly screamed shock. And after a few moments of maddening silence, Kenny felt his stomach lurch, and his confidence fading away. So he took off, mumbling an apology.

But a pair of hands didn't let him get too far. He turned around, only to find Butters brightly smiling at him.

"I-I love you too, Ken." Butters giggled a bit, and after building up some courage, placed a peck on Kenny's smoke-stained (yet surprisingly sweet) lips.

Kenny smiled and hugged Butters, all the while holding the pasta.

But who cares about pasta? It's finally done.

OH YES. IT IS DONE. XD Well, I hope you guys like it. I got nothing else to say but, REVIEW! For the love of Bunny, REVIEW! :3

Okay, I'ma sleep now. =3=