Lost and Lonely


Standing in the middle of that circle, confused, happy, excited, and overjoyed all at once, I felt my knees buckle. I managed to hold myself up, and put a hand on my head.

"I…I don't know what to say." I giggled nervously, putting a hand on my hip.

"Yes would be acceptable." Jareth said, seemingly getting nervous now. Shaking as well, from excitement, not nervousness, I extened my left hand graciously, and smiled.

"Yes it is." The box opened, revealing a beautiful ring. It was a ruby, with diamonds crested around it in the shape of a heart, and pure gold on the bottom and around the clasp of it all. Jareth picked it from the box, having Pleet take it away, and placed the ring on my finger. He stood from the floor, and took both my hands in his, overjoyed I could tell, just by the smile on his face.

"You just made me the happiest fae alive." His eye's were lit up, and I could've swarn he was smiling that warm smile. But it suddenly died, like that, and was his normal, wolf-liike grin.

"One question," I asked, "When Is the wedding?"

"Oh definatly not till a couple months of course!" Jareth exclaimed, laughing a bit. "Preparations, guests, and of course we will invite Hades," he aded in a taunting whisper, "Because he'll flip out and whine the whole time."

"I'd pay to see that." I laughed, looking past his shoulder at Genevieve, who was mouthing something. Of course, I couldn't make it out. She was too far away.

"Pay you won't." Jareth shifted his eyes like a fox would, trying to get the bird down from the grapvine. Or whatever that fable was. Fable. That's what this all seemed like.

"Excuse me," I said, taking my hands from his, "I need to go tell Erin." Before he could protest, I broke through the crowd, running to my room, giggling like a giddy school girl. My hand twisted the crystal doorknob, swinging the door open as I rushed to grab my crystal. I threw it at the wall, not caring if Erin wanted to talk or not. I saw Erin standing there, dancing around in her underwear and a long sleeve shirt.

"And if I stop for a minuuutteee," She sang as she slid left and right, tapping away and bouncing to her own beat.

"Put some pants on woman!" I cried, laughing uncontrollably and happily. Erin shriked, running to her closet and putting on pants, taking a nasty spill by her dresser.

"Bog Dammit!" She spat, regaining balance and standing up. "Jeez, it's been a month where have you been?" I felt my mouth open, the smile still on my face.

"Month?" I asked, "As in thirty days? It's only been a week here!"

"Yeah ya ding-a-ling." Erin laughed, sitting peacefully on her bed now that things were calmer. Not for long.

"Anyways, I have big news." I felt my heart beating faster with excitement.

"Do tell," Erin inquired, "No wait! Lemme guess! Jareth has a hot brother who wants to hook up with me?" I shook my head, trying not to burst out with joyous laughter, as I held up my hand. Erin squinted and looked closer, trying to configure what she was looking at.

"What is it?" She asked, "I don't have my glasses."

"It's an enagement ring," I chuckled, adding a small, "Ya ding-a-ling." Erin's eyes flew open and she let out a humongous squeal, falling off her bed. "Erin!"

"I'm good! I'm okay!" She coughed as she sat up, looking around quickly, as if people had seen her. "Dude, when did this happen?"

"Bout five minutes ago."

"Holy crap! When's the wedding?"

"I don't know." I got a mental face slap as Erin shot me a look.

"Waddya mean you don't know!"

"I don't know yet!" I yelled back at her, shrugging. "I need to ask, sheesh."

"Alright just call me back with the deets." Erin said, before the crystal went black. It rolled to my feet, and I took it in my hand, placing it gently on the dresser.

It was around, Five I think, that I sat with Jareth in the throne room, watching a kid try to solve the labyrinth, his Baby sister, Emilee sitting in my lap.

"So I have a question, Jareth." I broke the awkward silence between the two of us and stared at him. His eyes flickered and turned their attention to me.

"Yes, Love?"

"Remember the whole, Immortal discussion when we first met?" He nodded, probably remembering now, "When is that gonna happen?" He let out a small laugh and moved my hair from my face.

"It already did." He said, conjuring up a crystal. "The crystal you touched earlier held your immortality, In it now, is your mortality."

"Wow," I bit my lip, "I don't feel any different."

"Why would you?" Jareth laughed, in that cocky manor and turned his attention back to the runner. I rolled my eyes and leaned back, wondering if everything would be better, now that I was immortal. No, everything wouldn't be better. I started getting depressed, realizing that even though I'd live forever, Erin, Melanie, and Aubrey wouldn't. Visions of me sitting alone in my room, tossing the crystal in the air, longily waiting for the call. But none ever came.

"Damn it," I sputtered, "Everything has a downside!" I felt a hand grab my face and turn it towards me.

"What's the downside of what?" Jareth hissed and narrowed his eyes, expecting me to say something about him.

"Nothing about you," I moved his hand from my face, "About being immortal." He stared at me, dumbfounded, then burst out laughing. He looked around quickly.

"Well?" The laughter of the goblins began and he continued again. Just like day one.

"What is so bad about being immortal?" Jareth seemed amused, although my tolerance was thinning down.

"My friends will be…..gone and I won't." I spat in his face, before turning my head back to the baby.

"Oh," The laughing siezed and it got silent again. "Well, just don't think about that for now, afterall, thinking about the bad things ahead makes you stop looking for the good in everything now." Before I could say anything in response, I clamped up. He was right.

"Your right." I sighed, giving him yet another victory. "Again."

"Aren't I always?"

"What's my favorite color?"


"No it's not!"
"It's EVERY shade of blue." I grinned and tugged on his hair lightly.

"Doesn't matter." Jareth swatted my hand away playfully and ruffled my hair.

All the snow has melted, now that it's summer time. The air was warm, but not muggy, and the clouds were a beautiful violet color, to much that ivory sky. I sat in my room, as Melanie worked on my makeup vigorously. Erin was picking out shades of lipstick, while Aubrey was going through perfume.

"For someone who's getting married," Aubrey stated as she sprayed some perfume on her wrist, sniffing, "You seem calm."

"I just am calm." I said, trying not to move much.

"Flidge mweans yourf nefouis," Melanie muffled through the makeup brush in her mouth. I took it out and she re-said, "Which means your nervous."

"No sir" I protested. Yeah, I was freaking nervous. But who isn't nervous every once in a while?

"Whatever guys just help her look pretty!" Erin snapped as she flung out a tube of lipstick. "This one, it's a wicked light pink." I groaned.

"I hate pink."

"Stop moving!" Melanie scolded, working on my eyeliner.

"It's really light, Lex. Calm yourself." After an hour of listening to them aruge and such, I was finally ready to go wait. Seeing that my parents weren't invited, and I could hardly imagine why, All three of them were leading me down the aisle. You could say that I was nervous for still feeling so young, yet getting married, but truthfully, it was replaced with happiness. Happy that I was starting a new. Happy I was somewhere where I felt happy. Somewhere where the person I love is. But that's all anyone really needs in the end. Is to know that they accept where they are, and everyone ends up getting accpeted and loved. Everyone. As for me, I only had two words to say before everything changed.

"I do."

Yeah guys, I think this is the end. I'm fresh out of new chapter ideas so I think this is it. But I have Goblin King still working, and I think a new Labyrinth story I got from a dream I had ^^ so yeah maybe there will be a sequel who knows. I just am out of ideas. Although a sequel Idea just popped in my head...eh' I dunno. Here I'll let Jareth finish *pushes Jareth in chair*

Wha-Oh. Oh Hello. Well, I assume I should say some sort of disclaimer or finishing type sentance. Such as, "There's a message in this story" or "The Moral is," But I honestly don't know so I'll just make one up.

The Moral is, If an enemy of yours, such as your cousin, decides to fight you, Kill them. Don't feel any shame. Just kill them. Take a knife and plunge it into their chest.

Oh Disclaimer right.

Apparently I belong to some, what is that name anyway? Jim Henson? And he apparently owns my Labyrinth well that's quite wrong.

Lex say's she owns herself and her friends.

So there. I'm done. Now go away. Leave me alone.

Hey guys it's me again. Just wanted to ask, Is a sequel even a good idea? Or should I just make a new story? I need help D:

Thanks for reading guys, makes me feel loved. *hugs you all*