P&B: Hello peeps! Dis is da last chappie of bittersweet chocos, hope you enjoy!

Death: We would so like to thank everyone that commented, and everyone that subscribed!

P&B: Thanks to XxKashigoFOREVERxx, BitterSweet fan, Roni-Chan, Purianne and -Chan for giving me the courage to keep updating!

Death: So Pockybear2323 does not own Yumeiro Patissiere or any of that stuff.

P&B: On with the story! And at the end I'm gonna do something special for Death!

Death: Wait… I didn't know-

Bittersweet Chocolates Chapter 4: Amano

Amano's POV.

It's been a few hours and me and Kashino haven't talked, nor seen each other since the confession. I'm starting to get worried if he actually accepted it… Oh well, tears are starting to form on my eyes. Maybe I should practice to get my mind off of things…

Kashino's POV.

Almost done! Now to decorate them. I suddenly felt a wave of fear come over me. What if she refuses my offer? But she already confessed to me first! I can't be worried about that! Andou and Hanabusa would be proud of me for being this brave! I have to stop doubting myself!

I decorated half of them with small edible pearls and a light white chocolate drizzle, the other half with tiny heart-shaped chocolates and sprinkles. I was done.

At that exact moment, Amano walked in.

Amano's POV.

"What are you making Kashino?"

He said nothing and held out a chocolate. It looked like he was hiding another piece of chocolate in his other hand

"Is that chocolate that you're holding in your other hand for you?"

"Shut up and just eat the chocolate."

I took a bite out of mine and I saw Kashino take a bite out of his, he made a face, like his chocolate was bitter. All of a sudden I felt the flavor of my chocolate hit me…

"Ugh! This piece of chocolate is too sweet, why would you-"

Suddenly Kashino crashed his lips against mine and his tongue seeped into my mouth. But that wasn't the only thing that did. Turned out that his chocolate was bitter, the flavor crashed against my too-sweet chocolate just like his lips on mine. The taste was so good! It was the right amount of sweetness and the right amount of bitterness! I guess Kashino felt the same way because he sighed from relief. Even when we separated the taste was still in my mouth.

"How was that?"

"That was amazing! The flavors didn't clash!"

"I meant… Well you know…"

"Oh… That was nice too…"

I turned crimson.

"So, do you know how I feel now?"

"You… Accept?"

He smiled, not a smirk or a grin or a… Creepy *gulp* smile. It was genuine.

"What do you think, Baka?"

I glomped him. Once I finally released him he went into tantrum mode complaining about how I didn't need to glomp him and how I could have almost choked him to death.

"So… Can you help me?"

"Do what, Amano?"

"I want to taste the chocolates again!"

He turned five shades of red.

I guess this was a happy ending after all.

P&B: So, how did y'all like it?

Death: It was good… Now tell me what you wanted to tell me!

P&B: Oh yeah… I just wanted to say I'm sorry, in real life and in fiction. I almost forgot even YOU have feelings. I'll try to lay off a bit. I guess I passed the line. If you can hear me please say if you accept my apology or not on the review panel. For others, pls read and review too!