Do you remember this time when you could ask the characters of SatW questions about themselves? Yeah, it's some time ago now, but I thought it'd be fun if I made an Interview with them, because *humon couldn't answer every question of yours.
So yeah, here it is :b
And I'm sorry for any mistake I made. I'm german, and of course my english is not perfect, but I give it my best (:
Hope you'll like it :3
PS: You guys! This fandom needs a whole lot more stories! Where're all the fanfiction writers, huh? I mean, *humon surely has about 1,000,000 fans or even more and you wanna tell me there's no fanfiction writer underneath them?
We need more SatW fanfiction, seriously :3
Disclaimer: Yeah, as you all know the char. belong to *humon (;
GHstyle16: Hello everybody and welcome to the SatW Interview!
First of all a BIG thank you to all of you from SatW for taking your time to answer the questions of your fans.
Denmark: Aw, no problem!
Everybody: …
GHstyle16: … Right. Okay, then, let's not waste too much time, because I have better things to do and start with the Show!
Alright, first question is from ~Bemari and it goes to Denmark.
Denmark: Oh, cool!
GHstyle16: Dear Denmark, have you ever tried to drink Finland under the table?
Denmark: Hm actually I haven't but you know, I think that's a great idea! We should try that, Finland!
Sweden: No, you shouldn't.
Denmark: Aw, why not? It's fun!
Sweden: Maybe it's fun for you, but we're the ones who have to bear with you drunk idiots!
Denmark: *pout* But I really wanna beat Finland in a drinking contest…
Sweden: Fine, you know, I don't care if the two of you get a alcoholic poisoning and die, but please keep me out of that!
GHstyle16: Alright, got the point. And, wait a moment, where is Finland anyway?
Norway: I don't think he's here…
Sweden: He stayed at home, because he had better things to do than taking part in such a stupid and sensless interview.
Denmark: Man, why in such a bad mood Sweden? It's Christmas!
Sweden: Actually Christmas is over, Denmark.
GHstyle16: Okay, okay, everybody please calm down, the interview has just started and we still have a lot of questions to go.
Sweden: For god's sake why did I come here in the first place?
Denmark: Aw come on, it's not that bad.
Norway: Yeah, actually this can be kinda fun.
Sweden: Yeah, sure.
GHstyle16: Okay, let's skip to the next question.
It's from ~lily29174 and goes to Sister Iceland.
Sis. Iceland: Alright!
GHstyle16: Dear Sister Iceland,
This has been sitting in my mind for a long time, and I would like to get it out.
What shampoo do you use?
Sincerely, Mandy.
Sis. Iceland: That's a good question, Mandy, but I'm afraid I can't tell you because it's an old family secret.
Sweden: It's an old family secret with what kind of shampoo you wash your hair?
Sis. Iceland: Well, of course, silly! Haven't you ever wondered why mine and Icelands hair is from such beautifulness?
Sweden: Um, no?
Denmark: I did. So I asked Iceland how he did it.
Sis. Iceland: So he gave you just the same answer and-
Denmark: Actually he said it's no big deal and gave me some of his sparkles.
Sis. Iceland: … Bro… :|
Iceland: Uhm…haha, I'm sorry Sis, but I was busy playing Guitar Hero so I didn't really listen to him so it just kinda happened that I gave it to him, haha, funny story right? …right?
Sis. Iceland: How could you Bro? It was supposed to be a secret and you just gave it to someone like HIM!
Denmark: What do you mean someone like me? ._.
Norway: She doesn't mean it, Denmark, it's okay.
Sis. Icleand: You little Fucker, I'm-
Icleand: Miiiiep-!
GHstyle16: Woha, woha, woha, now this is going a little too far.
Sister Iceland please sit down again and-
Sis. Iceland: Like hell I will! You're so fucked Bro, I swear it!
Iceland: Uhm, help?
Sweden: For god's sake, we're talking about some stupid sparkles!
Sis. Iceland: What do you know you swell-headed snob!
Sweden: What did you just call me!
GHstyle16: Alright, that's enough!
Sister Iceland, you either sit down or you and your brother go take this outside.
Iceland: What?
Sis. Icleand: Fine! Ice, you're coming with me!
Iceland: Nooo! Please, you can't do that to me, she will freakin' KILL ME!
GHstyle16: I have a good insurance, so no need to worry.
Sis. Iceland: *dragging Iceland outside the studio* We will have a nice little talk now, my dearest brother!
Iceland: NOOOO! I don't want to die yet! Guys, please! Help meeeee!
Denmark: Poor Iceland…I feel like this is all mine fault now… ):
Norway: It isn't, Denmark you couldn't know it was such a big deal in their family.
Sweden: Actually Sister Iceland just mentioned that a few seconds before you opened that big mouth of yours, you know?
Denmark: I'm a bad person *sob*
Norway: No, you're not, Denmark you just…didn't pay enough attention, but that's okay, it happens to the best of us!
Sweden: You can say what you want, Norway, Denmark will stay the stupid idiot he just is.
GHstyle16: Okay, next question, before we lose any more guests.
From ~FireBug33:
Dear Sweden
Why do you only sleep with sister Finland when drunk?
Sweden: First of all: the grammar of this question is wrong, and I don't answer questions from some drunken idiots, and that's it. Next question.
Denmark: Wait, you had Sex with Sister Finland?
Sweden: How do you think Scania was born, huh?
Denmark: …You're right. Man, and I always thought you were gay…
Sweden: Who said that!
Denmark: Nobody, I just had a feeling you were gay.
Sweden: Well, you're wrong, now get over it!
Denmark: … I wasn't-
Sweden: Next question, we don't have all night, right?
GHstyle16: Right, right. Okay, then. *clears throat*
This question is from ~FireBug33, too:
Dear Denmark
what scares you more drunk Finland with a knife or a mouse?
Denmark: Definitely a mouse!
Sweden: You're more scared of a little, harmless mouse, than a drunk Finland with a knife who has no problem stabbing you!
Denmark: Well, you know, you have to annoy Finland to get his anger and his attention, so if you don't do anything that may upset him he is no danger, but you can never know what a mouse will do! It doesn't matter what you're doing, even if you simply ignore her, she could just attack you anyway!
Sweden: It's still a fucking mouse!
Denmark: Mice are scary!
Sweden: What the fuck is scary about a mouse!
Demark: Well, duh! Like, everything!
Sweden: -_-
GHstyle16: Uhm, yeah, next question.
To Sweden, from ~Twinkle13: COME OUT OF THE CLOSET, ALREADY!
Denmark: Ha, knew it!
Norway: Calm down, Sweden, we-
Sweden: I'm not gay! And whoever said that can go and screw himself!
Denmark: o_O
GHstyle16: Riiiiiight, I'd say we skip to the next question and-
Sweden: And if you even dare to call me gay one more time Denmark, I swear I'm going to fucking attack you with my mooses!
GHstyle16: Next question!
To Denmark, from ~Twinkle13: If you kiss Norway right on the mouth, I'll give you free beer for a week!
Denmark: Really? 8D
Sweden: Don't. Just…don't.
Denmark: But I'll get free beer dude, and all I have to do is kiss Norway!
Norway: Heh, well, you know Denmark-
*interrupted by Denmarks lips on his*
Sweden: *facepalm*
Norway: o.O
Denmark: FREEEEE BEEEER for a whooole weeeek~
GHstyle16: *nosebleed* I'm sorry, I was just…I was…I have…
Sweden: Just…just get on with these questions…
Denmark: What's wrong, everybody? Why are you staring at me like that? :o
GHstyle16: No, no, it's nothing.
So…where was I? Questions, right.
Oh, here's a question to everybody! It's from ~settingsunrisingmoon
Dear Scandanavian Countries,
Who was you childhood hero?
Denmark: Hm…childhood hero…that's a good question…
Norway: My childhood hero was always Superman. I wanted to be just like him because everybody liked him and he was always there for everybody.
Denmark: In this case you are Superman now Norway :3
Norway: Awww :3
Denmark: :3
Norway: C:
Denmark: :p
Sweden: Alright, stop that right now!
Norway: Who was your childhood hero, Sweden?
Sweden: I didn't have one!
Denmark: What? Aw come on Sweden, everybody has a childhood hero!
Sweden: Well, I haven't, is there a problem with that?
GHstyle16: What about you Denmark?
Denmark: Norway was, is and always will be my one and only hero (:
Norway: D'awwww :3
Denmark: ^_^
Norway: :]
Sweden: STOP THAT!
GHstyle16: Next question! From ~Chocolatelsforever
Hey, Sweden!
Have you always had a thing for ropes and bondage?
...Or does it comes out only when Denmark is around?
Sweden: … What kind of question is that?
Denmark: Ropes? Bondage? Me?
….Aw man, how drunk was I?
Sweden: You weren't, for once in your life. It was that time I tied you to that pale because I didn't want you to crash another one of my partys.
Denmark: Oooh…wait, and you just took your fetish out on me, without me knowing it? Sick dude!
Sweden: What the- I did not! I don't like bondage or anything like that, and even if I did, you were pretty sure the last person I would do it with, Denmark!
Denmark: Somehow I feel insulted now…
GHstyle16: Okay, next one! From ~Nazgul100
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland: What kind of music do you like?/ Who's your favorite band/singer?
Denmark&Norway: RASKE MENN!
Sweden: Don't even think about singing Pornosangen!
Denmark: Awww.
GHstyle16: Sweden?
Sweden: Hmpf. ABBA is alright, I guess.
Denmark: Well, I absolutely love rock, but metal is cool too, and every now and then some pop music, and actually I like almost everything…
Norway: Have to agree with Denmark, there's so much music to like, but I think my fave is still Metal.
Sweden: What they said.
GHstyle16: Cool, next one then! It's pretty long and from ~OrangeToothpaste
Imagine Nazis were chasing you all together and killed your family. Then they killed your pet o noes. Then slowly, as you are running, one of you trips and falls and is killed. You and the other survivor keep running. One of the Nazis throws a knife at you, missis, and hits the other person instead. You are the only one left. You are backed up against a corner, unable to escape. All you have to defend yourself with is an obese ghost named Yik, a cardboard box, and whatever clothing you are wearing. What do you do?
Sweden: … What?
Norway: Uhm…I…don't…know…?
Denmark: Why is the ghost named Yik? :o
GHstyle16: Yeeaahh…right.
To Sweden, from ~Poff3:
How do you celebrate christmas ?
Sweden: I always used to celebrate Christmas alone with my boyf…best friend Åland, and it was all peaceful and quite, and I really enjoyed it. But one day Denmark had the idea we could be friends, and before I even realized what was going on I had the whole crew sitting on my sofa, and till today I wasn't able to throw them out again.
So I spend every Christmas with one drunk idiot, a guy who eats all my desserts and someone who's going to kill you if you even dare to ask him to move a little on the sofa.
GHstyle16: … That sounds absolutely awful.
I'm sorry, Sweden.
Sweden: Yeah, me too.
Denmark: It's not that bad…
Sweden: Yes, Denmark. Yes, it is.
GHstyle16: …Next one. From ~2Dismine
Sweden! Who did you lose your virginity to?
Sweden: That's privat and I'm not going to tell you.
Denmark: It was that horse you fucked when you were a Teenager, right?
Sweden: *smack*
Denmark: OW! That hurt man!
Sweden: That was my aim.
Denmark: Hmpf…
GHstyle16: Nextie :3 From ~Religion0
Denmark, is there any animal you're not afraid of?
Denmark: I'm not afraid of New Zealand, if you mean that.
Norway: What about New South Wales?
Denmark: Nah, he's fine too.
Sweden: What about the non-countries animals?
Denmark: *shudders* They're all scary and evil!
Norway: One day you'll see the beauty of mother nature, too, Denmark (:
GHstyle16: Same girl, another question: You sister-countries, what exactly do you do? We only really see the guys, so what do you girls do when you're not on?
Sis. Denmark: Pajama-Partys!
Sis. Norway: Talking and making each other up!
Sis. Sweden: You know...stuff (;
Denmark: That's totally a rapeface…
GHstyle16: Alright, next question goes to Australia and is from ~lunavista.
Dear Australia,
When you visited the nordic countries, how did your kangaroo and wambat stay warm? And how did you get them past customs in the first place?
Australia: They stayed warm because I took a lot hot-water bags, grid them around my kangaroo and my wambat and voila! Perfect warmness!
And the thing about the customs…that'll stay my little secret (;
Denmark: You payed them, didn't you?
Australia: Pretty much.
GHstyle16: Again from Luna:
Dear Sweden,
Because you are very good with computers and tecnology, are you and Japan friends?
Sweden: Well, friends is a little exaggerated, but we do like to meet up every now and then, just enjoying a civil ambiance.
Denmark: Are you trying to say that I'm not a civiled person?
Sweden: Wow, I'm impressed you actually realized you were being insulted Denmark. And yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say.
Denmark: You stupid asshole, I'm going to-
Norway: Please, don't fight, guys, it's Christmas after all! (not really…)
Denmark: Hm, fine! But when this is over you'll bite the dust!
GHstyle16: ~Mitzuki-the-Yoshi wants to know: When did you guys become friends? How old?
Sweden: Well, I didn't have much of a choice for Norway was the one who created Denmark, so I had no choice but be friends with him.
GHstyle16: Then what about you and Norway? When did you become friends?
Norway: That's long, long ago…I think we were not more than seven years old or something…
GHstyle16: And Finland and Iceland?
Sweden: Well, you could say-
*doors swings open and Iceland comes inside*
Denmark: Hey, Iceland! You're back.
Iceland: *plops down on the sofa next to Sweden* Uff.
Norway: Where's your sister?
Iceland: Went home.
Sweden: Something looks different about you…
Iceland: That little bitch took my sparkles.
Denmark: o.O NOWAI!
Iceland: Yes way! That stupid little…
Norway: Will you get them back?
Iceland: *shrug* Probably not around the next weeks.
Denmark: I'm sorry, Iceland, this is all my fault!
Iceland: No, it's not, you're-
Sweden: Actually it is for he was the one who told your Sister about the sparkle-thing.
Iceland: …You're right. Damn, you're right! Denmark!
Denmark: ._.
GHstyle16: No fighting, guys!
Iceland: Just get on with the questions so I can go and beat up that drunk idiot!
GHstyle16: Mkay. To Iceland, from ~Icebezz:
Have you ever been in a beauty contest?
Iceland: I came, I saw, I conquered.
Denmark: When did you do that? Can't remember you took part in such a contest…
Sweden: It's no wonder you can't remember given the fact you met up with Netherlands a few hours before, got totally drunk and high and then jumped on the stage in the middle of the show and started singing and dancing!
Denmark: …We did? o.O
Sweden: Yes, you did! When the Security came to kick you out you ran away and it all ended up that you crashed the whole studio so the contest had to be canceled. So in this case nobody won the contest.
Iceland: I would have won, and you know that, Sweden!
GHstyle16: Kaaaay. Next one is from ~K-wolf11:
To Wales,
how do you have a relationship with a sheep? Does it bother you that New Zealand can't talk?
Wales: I don't care if New Zealand is a sheep or a wolf or whatever. That doesn't matter to me. In my eyes she is the most beautiful thing the world has ever seen, and I love her with all my heart, no matter what she looks like or what the others might think.
Denmark: Awwww, that's soooo sweeeet :3
Sweden: Am I the only one who wonders where he did came from all of sudden?
Wales: So, no, it doesn't bother me that she can't talk, our love needs no words.
Denmark: Awwwwwwwww :3
Sweden: Would you stop saying that?
GHstyle16: That was really…cheesy, but okay, let's go on. This one is from ~NewDawnAugust
Sweden: In your perfect world, how would the ideal dinner party go?
Sweden: Every party where Denmark doesn't burst in all of sudden!
Denmark: It's not like I'm ruining every one of your partys…
Sweden. Oh yeah? What about the last time you and Netherlands raped Germany just to tease Sister Japan, huh?
Denmark: We didn't rape him. And…yeah, okay, but we had to do that Sweden, it's so much fun! I mean, Sister Japan's face was priceless, and did you see Germanys face? Haha, that was so awesome!
Sweden: You're just sick. Both of you!
Just stay away from my partys, Denmark!
Denmark: Yeah, yeah, whatever…
GHstyle16: Denmark, this one is for you from August again: Do you like carpets?
Denmark: Uhm…I guess so?
GHstyle16: And the last one to Norway: How do you feel about wardrobes and/or Narnia?
Norway: It would be awesome if something like Narnia would really exist.
Denmark: Yeah, I would totally go there.
Sweden: Are you sure? There's a lot of nature Denmark…
Denmark: Dang, right. Too bad, no Narnia for me…
GHstyle16: Alright, I think that's enough for now. We'll take a short little break and then go on with the next part :3
Yay, finished (:
So, that was it: The first chapter. Did you like it? Please tell me in a Review, then I'll continue the story :33