Ritsuka's POV
I knew it! I just knew it! I knew I was gonna regret it later on! Damn these kids! I don't care if they are older than me! They are such kids!
Though I knew that mentally slapping and beating myself won't get me out of this situation. I walked towards the red head and the teal haired boys avoiding being whacked in the face by a branch or slipping on mud. Gross. I sighed moving some branches out of my face, "Why did you guys leave from the trail!" I asked rather harshly. The teal haired boy looked back.
"We didn't ask you to come with us, you can go back if you want. We just want to explore this place a bit more." Youji suggested. I looked back. All I could see were trees, bushed and some fallen trees. I sighed, following them anyways. I would probably get lost if I went back alone. We might have been gone in circles, too. I tried to catch up with them, but bush whacking wasn't really my thing.
I started to get crazy because I was thinking of negative things. Mostly of how we will probably never be found or we won't survive as long. From what I could tell, we were lost. They, them devils, looked like they were just taking random directions.
"It's too late for me to get back anyways, I don't even know where we came from." I said followed by with an exasperated sigh. We walked and walked and walked. Until it was twilight I knew already before that we were lost. I wish I was with Soubi again. Safe, unlike I am with these guys.
"If your that tired, then why don't we just have your name?" Natsuo asked. They both stopped and looked at me. I was debating right now, they could do a lot of stuff if they did that. Whats the worst that can happen?
"Fine." I said. I felt like I was rebelling. I walked closer to them.
"Ritsuka Aoyagi." The both chorused, "We control the name, and the actions. Now, follow us, Ritsuka Aoyagi." I felt like I could somewhat relax. It felt very weird to not to control my own body. I sighed as my body moved on its own. The pair in front of me were trying to get away from bushes and branches as they kept being whacked in the face or stomach with it.
Present Year, 2nd Wednesday of month April
Ritsuka's POV
"So, Ritsuka. How was your week?" my councilor asked me. I looked at her with plain, dull, lifeless looking eyes.
"It's been great. How was yours?" I asked, putting a smile on my face. She looked shocked for a moment. I couldn't care about that, or anything else by that matters. I couldn't think of anything. Words just flew out of my mouth automatically.
"You know, you've been acting weird since you got here. Anything wrong? You can tell me. You can trust me." She said with a smile.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm at total peace right now." I said. My voice was mono-toned.
"Well, you could talk about anything, otherwise, we're done for the day." she said. I smiled at her.
"I am gonna go home, then. I'll see you next week." I stood up, my back straight and no smile planted on my face. I was completely lifeless. Only, I didn't know that. As I walked out of the room, Soubi was standing there, having a cigarette. Light snow fell freely. Then stopped. This was how the weather was. On and off. The weather wasn't like this. Ever.
We walked in silence, not really paying attention to where we're walking. Absent minds, far off into the distance. Who knows how far, maybe light years. Or era's away.
Victorian Era, Ritsuka.
We have been eventually found by Sebastian. I'm quite grateful for that. I'm back with Soubi, now. I couldn't believe that he was nearly in tears when I was in sight. I was still under a spell, and I couldn't do nothing about it until they let go. Which took awhile because the two devils like teasing Soubi. It didn't end well, Soubi almost smashed the two in millions.
We went to the undertakers. Which was frightening to me. He was a shinigami. Of course I didn't believe that bullshit. Cause shinigami's don't exist, right?
I was back at the manor. The Young Earl was doing his duties with the mystery and wasn't here. Soubi was out with the dog. Which I didn't mind, cause I wanted some time alone.
I grew very bored with that idea. I walked out of my shared room.
I knocked on the door of Shikei's room. She didn't answer, so I knocked again. Thumps and muffles could be heard from the other side of the door. Shikei opened the door, hair a mess, clothes from earlier today barely on right.
"Shekei-sensei! What happened?" I asked, a little frightened by her appearance. Her pupil dilated, ad bored into mine.
"I can't do it!" She gripped at her hair, leaving the door open for me to enter. "I can't. I can't. I can't!" She screamed out. I didn't know what to do. She was freaking out and I had no idea on how to comfort or calm her down. My eyes moved from left to right. Trying to figure out how to handle this kind of situation.
"You can do it..." I mumbled. "You did it last time. I'm sure you can do it again." I assured her. She looked at me, smiling.
"You helped me that time, remember?" She reminded. I nodded. "You can help me again. We'll be out of here soon." I smiled, looking into her big brown eyes. She was in her normal state again. That was the best look on her anyways. Not this mad scientist crazy looking state. She finger brushed her hair.
Other note... Short chapter is short. I hope you can forgive me. In the past... months, I have been trying to work on this. -Only getting at least a few hundred done.- Review and Alert. :D and Rate if you want to.
Other other note... I recently have a new fandom. I know I know. Shoot me if you have to. But Stay tuned for A DUNDUNDUNDUNDA~! Hetalia fanfic. That's just a heads up. I'm not gonna post it up right away.
Other other other note... I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I do hope to finish it. I hope to have the next chapter up in a few. Again, thanks for reading if you read this far. Means a lot to me.