The Woven Princess

Chapter One

Deep brown eyes flickered around the large garden, silently wondering how much time she had until someone found her. Well, she didn't have time to worry of such things because as for now, she would remain sitting next to her small pond and watch the Koi fish glide gracefully through the water. She wasn't supposed to be in the garden at the time, she was actually supposed to be somewhere "more important."

A soft wind blew through the garden making beautiful, long strands of orange hair sway along with it. Her lightly tanned skin was covered with a pink, knee-length kimono with sleeves that elegantly fell past her knuckles while her wooden sandals were pretty comfortable, considering they were wood. Of course, most teenagers in Japan didn't where this type of clothing. Her family was more traditional …actually, they were very traditional…and very rich…and very powerful…

A light sigh slipped past her lips as she watched the lotus flowers slowly drift across the pond. Part of her wanted to be a normal teenager for a day, just to see what it would be like—but she knew that would never happen – considering the…position she held in the family.

"Inoue-hime, why are you here in the garden instead of your lessons with Ise-sensei?" asked a smooth, monotonous voice. Orihime whipped her head around to see a pale man with black hair sweeping around his neck, hands tucked in his pockets while his emerald eyes studied her; she was never able to grasp the emotion those eyes beheld (if there was ever any emotion at all), but that's how it had always been.


"Come," said Ulquiorra, "You're late."

She pouted, refusing to stand. She knew it wouldn't work but she wasn't one not to at least try. Wrapping her fingers into the grass below her, she wondered how he would get her to obey the orders this time. "…I don't want to."

As usual, he showed no emotion at her denial. Instead he walked to her, putting his hands under her shoulders before lifting her up onto her feet, dismissing the grass that was ripped out of the ground at the action. He briefly glanced at it and the dirt that was had fell onto the bottom-half of her kimono. "After your lessons you would do best to change out of that kimono and allow it to be thrown out."

Orihime released the grass, turning away from the man. "I like this one; I won't take it off if it is going to be thrown away." It was always like this. Anytime she ruined an outfit or got it the least bit dirty they wouldn't wash it or fix it, they would throw it out and buy her five new ones. She knew many girls her age would love that, but she hated it. It seemed like such a waste.

"You say that about every kimono, Inoue-hime." Her personal bodyguard, or babysitter depending on how one viewed it, said. "But if you truly wish to keep it, you need to speak with Matsumoto-san. After your lessons."

Giving into the fact that she wouldn't be able to escape the boring book reading and answering questions that so impatiently awaited her, she brushed some of the dirt off and made her way towards the entrance. She paused at the shoji screened-door; hand on the stone archway back into the house. "Ulquiorra-san?"

"Yes, Inoue-hime?"

"Can I have dinner in my room tonight?"

"That's not up to me, talk to Matsumoto-san."

Orihime scowled. She felt like she was being scuttled around everywhere without her having the choice to do so or not to do so. She hated Ulquiorra's attitude towards everything—if one would call it an "attitude" at all. He never showed emotion. No, that wasn't an understatement.


As the two made their way to the study/library, Orihime unconsciously slipped deep into her thoughts. I wonder what Kurosaki-kun is doing today? He's probably doing more training. He works so hard to become a great doctor like his father. I wonder if he rests enough…


As she looked up she ran into the wooden before her, almost breaking the paper that separated the two. She shook her head, steadying herself. She was lost in thought again…

…She did that a lot.

She opened the door and immediately spotted her tutor, Nanao Ise, sitting at a table with a small tray of snacks in beside her. Orihime let a small smile grace her lips as she walked towards said table, taking her seat while Ulquiorra remained outside of the room – probably to make sure if she left for one of her "bathroom breaks" she wouldn't stray anywhere else besides the "bathroom."

It was a little bit annoying.

"Good afternoon, Inoue-hime," Nanao greeted semi-happily. Orihime smiled again and took the book Nanao had presented to her into her hands. It was Shakespeare this time—at least she liked the guy. Romeo and Juliet…not bad. She had skimmed over it once before, but hadn't gotten so in to it where she read the whole work.

Nanao took out her own copy from the pile from the other side of her and started reading aloud while Orihime followed along…or at least tried too. Instead, she found herself lost in thought once again.

Kurosaki-kun hasn't visited as much as he used to…and when Rukia-chan comes over, she talks very highly of him…I'm probably just over thinking things, like usual…when was she supposed to come over again? This evening…tomorrow…something like—


She jumped, looking guiltily at her tutor. "Yes Ise-sensei?" The woman adjusted her glasses, making Orihime even more weary. "Can you repeat the question, please?"

"What does 'shrew' mean in reference to this story?"

Oh no, one of those questions she asks to see if I'm paying attention to the story. Or maybe she's seeing if I'll be like her other students. Didn't Rukia once tell me that her grandfather told her once that Byakuya called Ise-sensei a shrew?

A vivid image of her teacher dressed as a mole and running around the kitchens filled her thoughts and she fought back a giggle, trying to push the idea out of her head before it got her into trouble. "Um, it's referring to a mean woman who people tend not to like?" Oh, that was why it was so insulting.

Nanao nodded, causing Orihime to feel elated as the session continued. She was never good with English Literature. She preferred the more native customs of her studies, like how to fold origami, or write in a beautiful style, or painting, even though some of the people didn't seem to approve of her masterpieces, but still...

She boredly rubbed the hem of her kimono between her fingers. Her days were always like this, so boring. That was why she had asked if she could eat in her room. There was a way she could sneak out and go outside if she wanted to, and if she did it while no one was around she wouldn't get in trouble.

The problem? Ulquiorra. He seemed to sense when she wasn't where she was supposed to be. He would then proceed to find her and reprimand her in his dull voice – like he had done plenty of times before.


"Yes, sensei!"

"Pay attention, please. Really, Hime-sama this is important, and you wouldn't want to be late for your Koto lessons now would you?"

Orihime shook her head frantically. No! She never wanted to miss those, the Koto was her favorite instrument and Ukitake-sensei was an excellent teacher! Not that Ise-sensei wasn't...but she enjoyed learning the Koto a lot more. She found it a lot more pleasurable than reading.

"Then, Hime-sama, please pick up where I left off."

"To be or not to be, that is the question…"

Ulquiorra leaned against a wooden pole in the garden, listening as Orihime's fingers strummed the strings of the Koto. He knew she had always liked the Japanese-styled harp. The sound was unique and hard to get out of any other instrument. The only reason he knew this was because he always listened. Whether he wanted to or not. Though, most times he didn't mind.

"Well done, Hime-sama," said Jushiro Ukitake, his chocolate brown eyes smiling at the orange-haired girl in front of him. His long, silver-white hair was held in a ponytail at his neck while his white haori danced in the silent wind.

"Thank you so much!" Orihime looked down at the Japanese harp, hardly able to keep from smiling. As the sun started to set, and twilight began, the white-haired, but fairly young sensei let a small yawn slip past his lips.

"Well, time goes by quickly when you're having fun, no? I guess it's time for dinner, we'll continue tomorrow." Orihime nodded at his smile, disappointed that the lesson had ended so soon. It was time for dinner—and it was highly doubtful that she would see her parents for it.

"Inoue-hime," said Ulquiorra as he pushed himself off the pole. "Kuchiki-hime has arrived for dinner. Let's go."

Ulquiorra caught the bright smile that overcame the girl's expression at the mention of her cousin. It never ceased to surprise him how easily she was made happy. But, she also had never had to face any of the darkness of life. "Matsumoto-san said you are allowed to eat in your room any day this week as long as you get nothing on the sheets."

She pressed a finger to her lips, pausing in the dimly lit hallways. "Um, no, not tonight. I want to eat with Rukia-chan!"

He nodded, already expecting this. "Kurosaki-san, Shihoin-sama, and Aizen-sama will be joining you." Her actions were so easy to predict – her face brightened even more at the first two names but her smile lessened at the last.

"Oh, really? Wonderful. I'm happy Yoruichi-sama has returned. Do you know if Aizen-san has any news from my parents?" She asked, her voice only slightly hopeful.

Walking slightly behind her, he replied quietly. "I cannot say. They wouldn't tell a guard like me."

She frowned now, crossing her arms which caused the kimono's sleeves to tighten from their flares. "That's not right. If you're my personal guard they should tell you what I would need to know. You know? Maybe I should ask that to be changed."

She was a spoiled thing, but not half as bad as her mother had been, according to the head of the guard. So Ulquiorra simply bowed his head and let her do as she wished. It was all he could do, really.

They walked into the dining hall where a long table was set, and there sat her cousin, Rukia Kuchiki, who smiled at the sight of the princess of the Inoue family. Ichigo Kurosaki smiled too, making Orihime's cheeks flush a light pink. Also, Yoruichi Shihoin sat next to Aizen, who had taken the seat opposite of her own. Aizen was the families' close advisor. Orihime had never felt quite at ease with him around, but she made do most often than not. What choice did she have?

She sat, smiling at her guests while Aizen returned the gesture.

"It's good to see you are doing well, Hime-san," he said. Orihime nodded.

"Same to you. Thank you all for joining me for dinner." Soon, wooden plates of traditional Japanese food were sat on the table, accompanied with chopsticks. She smiled and opened them, looking to her friends as they began to eat as well. They went through dinner with light conversation. A few times, and when Orihime was almost finished, she looked to Aizen.

"Aizen-san, you haven't heard from my parents, have you?" she asked. Aizen smiled, if not smirked at the question.

"Of course. They said they were doing fine at the meeting in Tokyo and will return home soon. Don't worry, Orihime-chan." He finished his food and suddenly a noise rang from his pocket, he pulled out a cellular device which Orihime wasn't accustomed to, but she had come across it many times before with him.

"I have to take this, thank you for dinner." He got up and left. Just like that. Not that Orihime minded. As mentioned before, she didn't like the man particularly. In a way, he was controlling of the family. But…maybe that was just her over-thinking again.

Everyone sighed when he left, which made Orihime giggle.

"I'm glad he's gone," Rukia sighed, earning a laugh from Ichigo and Yoruichi.

"Kurosaki-kun! How's medical training?" Orihime asked curiously. Ichigo scratched his head, His eyes looked worn and tired, and a pang of worry shot through her chest. She knew he worked hard, and when he admitted it, it made her worry all the more.

"Not bad, it's been a long week, but this is a nice way to top it off." She smiled at his answer, and then noticed his eyes flicker to Rukia, who also noticed and blushed. Orihime quirked a brow, but choose to leave it alone.

She turned to her cousin, trying not to look at Ichigo now. If she did she was afraid she would do something stupid. "Guess what, Rukia! Just today I got why Byakuya-sama calling Ise-sensei a shrew was so funny!...but mean."

Rukia giggled, "Orihime, that's odd to say."

Orihime smiled, moving the food around her plate boredly. "Yoruichi-sama, how's Urahara-san and Shunpo doing?"

The dark skinned woman grinned like the Cheshire cat himself. "Kisuke's been busy working on a new type of tracking device and Shunpo is being a devilish cat, like always. Yesterday he apparently hooked the last of the fish from my father's pond – but no one can prove it."

They all shared the humor in this comment. Shunpo was a black cat Yoruichi had taken in a couple of years ago when he had appeared helplessly at her doorstep. She wasn't at home a lot, so he was always getting in trouble with the elder Shihoins.

The idea of not being home a lot reminded Orihime of her own parents. Ever since her older brother, Sora, moved to France they had stopped returning for breaks between their business trips as they once had. Now she was lucky to see them twice a year instead of once a month like she used to.

"Orihime, are you okay?" She jumped at Ichigo's voice, realizing her eyes were watering.

"Oh! Yes! Sorry, I just had a bit too much wasabi in that bite!" She exclaimed, gesturing at the plate. "I guess I need more honey in the curry to balance it out."

They stared at her as she mixed the thick, sweet syrup in. "What?"

"Don't knock it until you try it!" Orihime giggled before sticking a chopstick full of curry in her mouth.

In a way, this was her family. Even though they weren't blood related. Even as Ulquiorra stood on the other side of the open door, bored and talking to the Guard head, Coyote Starrk, she felt like he was part of her family too.

Distant, but special to her none the less.

WOO! Second jointed story! *dances* Alright, this idea came out of nowhere but we hope you liked it! We gotta say, this is pretty fun :D Thanks for reading!

Review? Pleasies? :)
