I've had a rather soppy week...hence the fact that this will be a sad story. Zoey will be rejecting the change. Alone. And I haven't read one of the HON books recently, so I might have the sequence of events all wrong.

I didn't feel well at all. My head pounding and spinning. I felt nauseous and sick. Although the most powerful fledgling ever known, I was unnoticed, and when I was, I was taunted. I always willed myself to believe that that incident was all a nightmare, it never happened. However nightmares ended, the taunting, the teasing, the ignorance, the glares, never ended. I slipped through the hallways back to my room and shut the door. My feet felt so weak, my body trembling, my knees weak as I let myself collapse onto the the ground crying and whimpering. I coughed violently. My tears running down my face.

I had stopped crying for I knew it wasn't any use. Nobody cared. I wiped my eyes, as I tried to sit up, but then noticed that I was wiping off blood, if my friends didn't care about me, my family didn't care about me...it wasn't worth it to be alive. I wouldn't fear death, I would brace it. I coughed even more, my lungs feeling that they were being hammered down by a sudden force. I coughed more, blood coming out with each cough. My body weak, my arm laid outstretch, I didn't know what I was reaching for, perhaps some sort of hope. But I knew there was no one that would save me. I had nothing to fear, yet I was still trying to save myself when I wanted to die. It didn't make sense in the delusional mind of mine.

My world was spinning as I let my arm collapse, my hands were cold and numb, my body shivering, and trembling. I coughed out more blood, it spilled all over my body, but it's not like I cared anymore. I used my remaining strength to bend my knees slightly. I shook and shivered, I cried, but no tears came, only blood. I coughed once more, my chest shaking, my lungs being crushed.

Strands of my long black hair covered my face, my body slowly turning out cold and numb. My vision growing hazy, the world spinning at high speed, It grew darker and darker, I held onto one last thing that my heart willed for. Stark, I hope you can find your way to humanity.

With that, I felt my hand release itself from it's fist-ed position, I laid there watching the world spin and darken. Finally, the world stopped spinning, and it went pitch black. It was finally over.

Short? I think yes. Does it need somewhat more work? Should I make a Stark POV? You review and tell me. - Ana