plot bunny that wouldn't get out of my head. sorry. hope you like it!

Aboard the Resolute…

Captain Rex took a seat next to general Skywalker in the mess hall. He pocked idly at his food and glanced ever so often at the general. Skywalker seemed to have noticed because he snapped his attention to the clone captain.

"Is something wrong Rex?" Anakin asked with a frown. The captain shifted uncomfortably. He looked nervous as if he wanted to ask something but wasn't sure if he should.

That's not like Rex… Anakin felt a pang of concern for the younger man.

"Well general… you remember or last mission to datooine right?" Rex looked nervous.

"Yes." Anakin answered a little unsure of were this was going.

"Well when we were there… we saw a lot of kids… little kids… us clones come out of growth tanks but… I was just wondering… well…" the captain took a deep breath. Anakin was really worried now Rex wasn't the nervous type. It just wasn't in his nature.

"Were do babies come from?"

Rex said it so quickly that it took the Jedi a moment to realize what the Captain was saying.

"Excuse me?" Anakin asked giving his captain a 'why the heck would you ask me that' look.

"Were do babies come from?" Rex repeated. He looked at the general with such an air of seriousness that Anakin almost burst out laughing.

"Rex…" the general said shaking his head. "You're a grown man. You can't honestly expect me to believe you don't know were babies come from." Rex's face turned bright red.

"Sir I'm 12…. And it wasn't a part of our training…" the Captain's face hardened. "You going to answer or not sir?" it was Skywalkers turn, to turn red.

"Well…" he began. "You see… they kind of… um… well there's birds… and there's um bee's… ya…"

"Sir?" Rex looked confused.

O man. Anakin thought. This was defiantly not a situation he had ever pictured himself being in. he looked at his captain who at the moment seemed unnaturally… innocent.

"Alright." Anakin sighed. finally giving in. "You see when a man and a women love each other very much…"

Two weeks later aboard the Negotiator…

General Kenobi?" Cody asked nervously.

"Yes commander?" Obi wan replied looking up from his data pad. the commander looked down at his hands nervously. and took a deep breath before looking back up at the general.

"What is sex?"

yep i went there. i just started thinking about things that the kaminans probably didn't consider to be important information for the clones to have and thus the plot bunny was born. if you think you can write it better please be my guest. now what was i going to say... a yes... REVIEW! and look at my other stories! review them to!