OMG OMG OMG! i updated! yay!
I really hope everyone loves this chapter, and I am so sorry. I'm always late to update. I hope this chapter ends on a good note. Also please tell me if there is any errors or english is not really the best.
Ash was in a frenzy, he stood pacing back and forth, biting his nails as nurses rushed around the waiting room.
"Ash calm down" his mother approached him resting a hand on his shoulder. Ash fidgeted under her touch,He stared at her for a moment before glancing behind her where Brock,Susie Tracey, Gary and even Steven sat all waiting for the doctors or anyone to come and give them news about Misty.
"it's hard" ash finally said as he glanced back at his mother. "its so hard to stay calm when your ex-girlfriend has a miscarriage in the elevator." he struggled back the tears. He couldn't do anything when she passed out in the elevator. Blood was everywhere and he couldn't do a damn thing. He didn't even touch her. He was afraid to touch felt so helpless. Just like he felt when Misha got hurt long ago. It had dawned on him that he had let both his girls down.
'his girls?' Misty wasn't his girl anymore. NO matter how many times he wanted her, to apologize to her. To tell her he loved her. He knew it would be best for them to just stay friends.
watching the fight raging inside her sons eyes, Mrs. Ketchem knew no matter what she said could help him at this time. "everything will be fine" she said aloud, but more to herself then to him.
As she tried her best to comfort her son, Misha ran up to them pulling on her dress.
"I'm thirsty" she whined?
Before Ash could answer Mrs. Ketchem bent down "thirsty? Okay. Lets go to the vending machine"
Misha nodded happily and took her grandmas hand leading her down the hall to the nearest vending machine.
Ash watched them leave, signing and took a seat next to Gary. He was quiet for a moment staring out in front of him to nothing in particular before he spoke.
"why did you bring her here?" his tone was low.
"what are you talking about?" Gary asked confusion written over his face.
"the wedding!" ash exclaimed "if you guys never came back none of this would have happened?"
Gary was taken back, was Ash trying to blame this situation on him. " No! if you would have man up that day five months ago, none of this would have happened."
"oh whatever Gary, your happy that happened. Thats why you took her far away from everyone."
Gary was getting agitated " I took her away because she looked like she was on the verge of suicide after you dumped her pregnant and alone!"
"what!" Shock fell over Ashs' face "Misty wasn't pregnant. She would have told me."
Gary scoffed " even if she told you, would you still have ended it with her that night."
Ash didn't say anything. He was in deep thought. Did it even matter that day. If she would have told him, he had no clue what he would do. When he didn't answer, Gary knew he wasn't sure.
"that's what I thought" he stood out of his seat. " you only think of yourself Ash." Gary glanced down at his hands as he slowly curled them into a fist. "she cried for you every night and the only thing I could do was watch." he let out a sign " Don't make me regret bringing her back here Ash." and with that he left the waiting room.
Ash sat there thinking,
'so misty was pregnant when she left. That mean't their baby...' He didn't want to finish that thought. HE felt so stupid, how could he not figure it out. Misty wasn't like him, she didn't do drunken one night , she barely dated.
Before Ash could linger on that subject, the doctors walked in . the doctor was about to speak, but everyone rushed up to him shooting out questions left and right 'Is Misty okay?', 'how is the baby?' The doctor placed his hand up silencing everyone.
" Misty is alright,she's in shock but she is alright." everyone let out a sign of relief. "But" the doctor began " she lost the baby, I'm very sorry."
Everyone was stunned with the news, no one knew what to say or what could be said at this moment. Ash ran his hand through his hair several times, trying to comprehend what the doctor just said. " I need to see her." he said barely over a whisper.
" I need to see Misty now." this time his voice was loud enough for the doctor to hear.
"I'm sorry, I don't think it's a good idea. She needs some time to settle in the news."
Ash shook his head "I don't care! I need to see her now, please." he begged. The doctor didn't know what to do, at one point he knew that it would be a bad time to let Misty have visitors but this young men in front of him was going hysterical.
Finally the doctor gave in "She's down the hall, room 819."
Misty laid staring up at the ceiling, since the doctor left 10minutes ago,she didn't know what to do. She felt numb, she couldn't cry, she couldn't scream. Her whole body felt like it had shut down. She felt like she had let everyone down, she felt like she let Ash down, even thought he didn't even know it was his child. Her mind drifted back to when she couldn't save Misha and now she couldn't even save her own. She just wished she could have died too, then she wouldn't feel this guilt inside her.
Misty heard the door open but she didn't turn to see who had came in. She was tired of doctors and nurses, she was tired of the world. She stopped her thoughts when someone touched her hand softly, she flinched but didn't pull back.
"how are you feeling?"
she didn't answer, she didn't want to answer or look in his direction.
"look misty, I know this is a bad time, but we need to talk."
When he still didn't get a response from her he continued
"Was the baby mine?" his voice a whisper.
Misty eyes darted to him, growing his eyes met hers, she could see them pleading him to tell her.
"Ash..."her voice was shaky "j..just...g..go" she finally said.
Ash shook his head and grabbed her hand " No! I deserve to know!" Misty tried to pull her hand away but he griped it tight "The baby was mine! Wasn't it!"
Misty was now struggling to get her hand free, she did not want to have this talk right now. "please ash, just go." Her face began to turn red and her eyes became glossy. "please leave." she begged him "please leave me alone."
Ash finally let her hand go with a deep sign, "Misty all I want to know is if the baby is mine. I need you to tell me that I was the father! Let me know so I can grieve too!"
With that something in Misty snapped "YOU WANT TO GRIEVE!HOW CAN YOU GRIEVE OVER A BABY THAT YOU JUST REALIZED IS YOURS!" Tears begin to pour out her eyes. "you don't deserve to grieve."
"yes I do misty because it was our baby, it was special." He tried to wipe the tears that we're sliding down her face but she slapped him away.
"Special? If it was so special how could you just leave me." she spat. "If I had told you I was pregnant would you still have left me that day Ash?"
"I...I don't really know, I don't think I would have."
"Thats not an answer Ash. Would you or not?"
"I don't know, but I think I would have came back after I cooled off and apologized. But I guess I would have never gotten the chance since you ran off with Gary five minutes later!"
"Gary has nothing to do with this!"
"Yes it does! You ran off with him for five months! No one knew where you were!Then you show up at Brocks wedding pregnant and what was I suppose to think!
"Are you saying its my fault?"
"No, i'm not saying its anyones fault. But I wish you would have just told me you were pregnant."
Misty took a deep breath to calm herself, "you told me that you didn't want anyone in your life right now because Misha was the only one you cared about. You broke up with me and told me not to cry for you and left!" She wiped her eyes, "how could I tell you something like that?"
"Because I still love you!" he blurted out.
"what?" Misty gasped out.
"I've always loved you. That night I regretted it when I heard you disappeared with Gary, I just didn't have the courage to call and tell you how sorry I am." He sat on the bed gently rubbing her arm " Misty I'm sorry that because of me you lost our baby."
"Ash, it wasn't your fault I had a miss-"
"yes it was!" he cut her off "You were worried, depressed and being stuck in the elevator with me didn't I promise you I wont let anything happen to your or our future kids.I know my mistake! It won't happen again."
With that he pulled her into a hug. Misty returned the hug crying into his chest.
"I'm so sorry misty..I'm so sorry..."
so how did you like this chapter? I hope I didn't confuse anyone, but i think Ash needed to have this talk. There hasn't really been a closer between them and who knows what will happen in the next chapter.
^.^ thank you for reading and I hope to update soon.