It had been almost three months since Saïx had gotten pregnant and gotten engaged to Xemnas; he was now nearing the end of his pregnancy which everyone was thankful for, especially Xemnas. Although he had gotten used to Saïx's drastic mood swings, and weird ass food cravings, he was thankful that he didn't have to go through another full moon with a pregnant Saïx. (Let's just say, pregnancy hormones and a berserker Saïx did not bode well for Xemnas.)

That night, Xemnas and Saïx were asleep on their bed when Saïx was woken up by the baby kicking. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, tiredly. "Baby is getting rowdy again… prepare for another sleepless night." Suddenly, he felt something else that's never happened before and his eyes widened in realization. He quickly turned over and started shaking Xemnas awake. "Xemnas! Xemnas, wake up!"

Xemnas slowly opened his eyes and looked at Saïx. "What? What's wrong?"

"I think… I think I'm going into labor!"

"What!" Xemnas cried as he bolted upright.

"I'm having the baby!" He cried. "Go…Go get my brother! He'll know what to do!"

"I can't leave you alone!"

"Then go tell someone else to get him!" Saïx growled and contraction hit him. "Now!"

"Okay, okay." Xemnas said and ran out of the room and just when Axel was walking down the hallway. "Axel! You have to go to Hollow Bastion and get Saïx's brother for me!"

"Now? I was just going to go to bed."

"Yes, now! This is an emergency! Saïx has gone into labor, and I need to be here, but I don't know what to do!"

"Saïx is having the kid now! Okay, in that case, I'll go!" Axel agreed and teleported himself to Hollow Bastion. When Axel got to Hollow Bastion, he ran to Makoto's house and frantically knocked on the door.

After a minute, Makoto answered, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Lea? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I know! I know it's late, but this is an emergency! Saïx is having the baby!"

"Oh!" Makoto said, becoming fully awake when he heard those words (but that's probably just adrenaline). "Let's go then!" He said and headed back to the castle with Axel.

Meanwhile, back in Xemnas' and Saïx's room, Xemnas had moved him onto the floor and taken his pants off (because you obviously can't have a baby with your pants on). "It'll be alright, Saïx." He whispered. "I'm right here; everything is going to be okay." Just then, the door opened and in walked Makoto and Axel. "It's about time!"

"Sorry." Makoto apologized as he kneeled down in front of Saïx. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" Saïx practically yelled. "Do you remember anything from when Hotaru was born?"

"Boy, do I ever. You're right; that was a stupid question. Just relax and breathe."

Saïx groaned as another contraction hit him. "I'm scared…"

"It'll be alright, Saïx…" Xemnas whispered.

"Lea, do you mind doing something rather than just standing there? Why don't you sit on this side of Isa and try to help calm him down?" Makoto asked as he pointed to the side opposite from where Xemnas was. "The calmer he is, the easier this is going to be."

Axel nodded before going to the side of Saïx and sitting there. "Here. Hold my hand; hold it as tight as you need to."

Saïx grabbed Axel's hand with his free one (the other was holding Xemnas' hand) and squeezed.

(A/N: Um… a little bit of a disappointment here, but I cannot for the life of me write birth scenes! Trust me, I tried, and it was the worst piece of crap I had ever written! So… I'm going to skip to the part after the babies are born.)

Saïx laid there on the floor, panting heavily from just having given birth to two babies. (YES! HE HAD TWINS!) After he got some breath back, he looked over where Makoto and Axel were cleaning off the babies and wrapping them up. "How…How are they?"

Makoto looked over with a smile. "They're fine. Two perfectly healthy and happy babies!"


Xemnas smiled and kissed Saïx's forehead gently. "You did great, my love!"

Saïx smiled back, albeit tiredly. "Thanks."

"Would you like to see them?" Makoto asked.


Makoto handed one of the babies to Xemnas and the other to Saïx. "What are you going to name them?"

Saïx hummed as he looked down at the baby girl in his arms. "How about we name this one Luna?"

Xemnas nodded, "Alright." He then looked down at the baby boy in his arms. "What about him?"

"I got a name. Xehanort."


"Why not?"

Xemnas looked back down at his son and smiled. "Xehanort. I love it."

"Well… I don't want to ruin your first hours of being a family, so I'll leave." Makoto said and walked out.

"Me too!" Axel agreed and left also, closing the door behind him.

––7 years later––

One day, Xemnas and Saïx were on the back porch of the castle watching Xehanort and Luna playing with Isa and Hotaru. Xehanort, Luna, and Isa were all 7 years old now and Hotaru was a teenager. Xehanort has grown up to look a lot like Xemnas, and Luna ended up taking more after Saïx.

Makoto and Kiyomi were also sitting on the back porch with Xemnas and Saïx. "Hey Isa, aren't you going to tell Xemnas?" He asked, and Saïx gave him a glare, but he just shrugged and motioned towards Xemnas.

"Tell me what?"

"Well… you know how we went to Luxord and Xaldin's bar about a week ago and I had one more drink than I usually do?" (Yeah, everyone else had moved to different worlds.)


"Well, I won't be able to do that anymore… at least, not for a while."

"Why not? Saïx, just because you have one more drink than you usually do that doesn't mean that you're an alcoholic."

Saïx shook his head. "That's not why."

Xemnas looked confused for a minute before his eyes widened and he looked down at Saïx's stomach. "Really?" He asked, excitedly, and Saïx nodded. "Wow!" He cried and hugged Saïx. "I guess we better get ready for another one!"
