Title: Tell Me Again
Major Characters/Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Sam, Kurt/Puck, Brittney/Santana, Finn, Artie/Tina
Past Mentions:Quinn/Puck, Rachel/Finn, Sam/OC
Rating: PG
Summary:Just read it! Faberry Purt Brittana
Author's Note:I got the idea when my great grandma was telling me a story about her and my great grandpa met in 1928!
Disclaimer- Sadly I don't own Glee :(
The Ipod went on and the dancing began. There was a girl, about nine or ten dancing around her room. Her name is Beth Puckerman Berry-Fabray. She lived with her two mom's. She was dancing around her room to her favorite song, Dynamite. Her brown hair neatly in a ponytail. She had on a somewhat large sweatshirt with her name on it, she also had on a pair of blue jeans that fit her figure quite nicely. She danced around her room crazily unaware that her mom Quinn was watching her through the open crack in the door. Quinn walked in with a smile on her face. Beth jumped off her bed and turned off her ipod not eyeing her mom out of embarrassment.
"Good song?" Quinn asked walking into the room slowly. Beth nodded as her checks turned a light shade of pink.
"Hi Mommy" Beth said sitting on her bed, just then a petite brunette poked her head through the door. She had an apron on that read Future Star. She was slightly shorter than Quinn and had chocolate eyes.
"Beth, I'm making dinner what do you want?" She asked sweetly.
"Um, can I get chicken nuggets mama?" She asked, The girl nodded.
"I'll be down in a minute Rach" Quinn said placing a kiss on Rachel's lips before she left. Quinn slowly took a seat next to Beth who was looking out the window.
"Mommy" She asked taking a seat next to Quinn. Quinn intertwined her fingers and placed them on her lap.
"When will daddy be here?" She asked anxiously
"Him and uncle Kurt will be here tomorrow" Quinn said running her hand down Beth's cheek.
"What is it sweetie?" She asked, Beth reached back and tightened her ponytail before answering.
"How did you know?" She asked
"Know what pumpkin?" Quinn asked looking into her daughters brown eyes.
"How did you know that you were gay?" Beth clarified. Quinn turned her head and looked nervously at her feet.
"This isn't because your gay right" She confirmed, Beth nodded.
"NO! It's just that all my friends have a mommy and daddy. I have a mommy and a mama. I kinda want to know, how you knew. Just in case" Beth said with a small grin growing across her face. Quinn took a gulp and nodded.
"You" She said, Beth looked at her mother as if she had two heads "You made me realize"
"How" Beth said inching closer to her mother
"When I was pregnant with you, I don't need to go into detail because you know that story, your father was always flirting with me, But I had feelings for aunt Santana. I thought it was hormones but once I had you and went back to glee club I still had the feelings for Santana and new feeling for mama. So I realized that it may not have been the hormones"
"Did you come out right away like uncle Kurt?" Beth asked, Quinn moved a strand of hair from Beth's face and shook her head.
"No, but he was the first one I told. I felt like he was the only one I could go to at that time." Quinn admitted. She patted her daughters leg and headed for the door.
"Mommy" Beth asked. Quinn turned around, her fingers still on the doorknob.
"Can you tell me the story of you and Mama again?" She asked. Quinn sighed and took a seat next to her.
"OK, now where to begin?" Quinn said placing an arm around her daughters shoulders pulling her close.
I need 5 reviews to put up the next chapter.