Gambling Man

Chapter Three: Scorpius

How much money had he lost? Hell if he kn ew. He'd lost count after the first hundred Galleons. At least it was his hard earned money he was throwing away and not his families. His grandfather was still going to murder him when he found out. At least it would be quick, he thought bitterly. Dying at the hands of his grandfather was a more merciful way to go than what he was doing to himself. Anything was better than the slow torture he was experiencing watching Lily dance with Jasper Holden. It made him sick watching her laugh and flirt as the man twirled her around the dance floor.

He'd known the second she'd entered the room. His gut had clenched instinctively as it did whenever she was near. Agitated, he ran a hand through his platinum hair, sweeping it away from his face. He felt betrayed. He was supposed to be safe here. Lily never attended these events. She hated them, hated anything that required her wear a dress and dress up for others. He was so sure of that fact, which was why he'd come here in the first place. His gaze had sought her out without his permission. He felt as if he'd been punched in the stomach. She was breathtaking in the cobalt blue ball gown, her crimson hair tamed and twirled into an elegant up-do. He wanted to go to her that second but he knew he couldn't. She wasn't his anymore, she couldn't be his anymore.

That was when he headed to the poker table hoping to keep his mind off her. If he had something to concentrate on then he wouldn't be so hyper away that she was there. That had been the plan anyway. A plan that was ultimately failing. He was useless at card games, a fact he opponents were taking full advantage of. He'd resent them if he didn't know how hard up some of his opponents were. At least they could do something good with the gold he was haemorrhaging.

Lily's laughter chimed again. His gaze sought her once more. This time she was finishing dancing with Oscar Holden, only for Jasper Cohan to come back for another round. He recognised the men from his school days; knew their reputation. Knew that they shouldn't be anywhere near Lily. Where the hell were her brothers? They should be putting a stop to all this. His fingers clenched around the poker chip he'd been about to put on the table.

He stayed at the table until he couldn't take it anymore. He threw his hand of cards down and walked away from the table, ignoring the shouts from the men informing him that he'd had a winning hand. He didn't care about the money. At this moment all he cared about was the spirited redhead taunting him with her laughter.

He stalked towards the dance floor ready to punch the living daylights out of the man. He wouldn't use his wand. Only his fists would deliver enough pain to release some of the tension whirling within him. He needed to punch something and what better than Cohan's nose. That would teach him for laying a hand on his girl.

Not his girl. Scorpius reminded himself. He had but an end to that when he told her he didn't love her enough to be with her.

He paused at the edge of the dance floor watching her twirl in the other man's arms. He wasn't supposed to react this way; he no longer had that right. He flexed his fingers which had automatically formed into a fist ready to strike. He had to regain control and quickly. He paced around the edge of the dance floor, his eyes never leaving the dancing couple. He took a deep breath preparing to leave and allow Lily to enjoy herself; she deserved that. That was when he noticed Cohen slide his hand inappropriately low on Lily's back. She squirmed a little in his embrace, quickly moving his hand upwards. Relief inexplicably flooded through him. Maybe she wasn't as over him as he supposed.

He nipped that thought in the bud. He shouldn't be thinking like that. He needed her to move on so he could too. Scorpius was making up his mind to leave when he noticed Lily push Cohen away, and he grabbing her wrist. That was when Scorpius snapped. He weaved his way through the dancing couples not caring if they bumped into any of them. He had eyes only for one couple. One he reached with a few more purposeful strides.

Scorpius put his hand on the man's shoulder, tightening his grip causing the man to call out in pain. "That's enough!" Scorpius said firmly, restraining himself from breaking Cohan's teeth with his fist.

Jasper Cohen jerked away from him. "You're not needed here Malfoy." He spat dismissively; completely oblivious to the danger he was in.

"I think she's had enough." Scorpius persisted.

The other man blinked stupidly as if wondering why Scorpius was still there. Then he began to laugh "As if she'd want to dance with you."

"Actually I do." Lily said, quickly taking advantage of the standoff. Scorpius didn't have time to come up with an excuse before he found himself being half dragged around the dance floor with her. Thoughts of maiming Jasper Cohen vanished when he became hyper aware of the redhead in his arms.

He immediately tried to put some distance between them but she was having none of it. She urged his hands down to cradle her waist as she rested hers against his shoulders. He really hadn't thought this through. He didn't try to step away from her again. Instead he savoured the fact that he was holding her one last time. He was such a masochist.

For a while they danced in silence. Lily stared up at him with those soulful eyes of hers and she chewed on her lip anxiously. All he could do was stare back at her, while he waited uneasily for her to speak. He owed her that much after he'd stormed over like a jealous lover and interrupted her night. She could have handled the situation without his help, but his desire to protect her had taken over his better judgement.

"I thought you said we shouldn't see each other again. Surely this is going against our agreement." She said bitterly; emphasizing the fact that she had had nothing to do with the decision.

Scorpius winced inwardly, whilst trying to outwardly portray that her tone had no effect on him. Various explanations and excuses flashed through his mind. Each one less plausible than the one before it. There was no way that he could admit the truth to her. She couldn't know that the idea of another man's hands on her was driving him crazy with jealousy. It would only contradict their previous conversation.

Lily's sapphire eyes narrowed when he didn't respond. "Are you dancing with me because you want to or do you have an anterior motive?" she demanded to know. If he was honest with himself, both options applied to him. He needed his hands on her, no longer having the strength to stay away from her. But he also had to be the one dancing with her so the others would stay away.

"Do you have to flirt with every wizard who asks to dance with you?" he snapped, wincing at the possessiveness in his tone. He was annoyed that she offered her charms freely to others after she professed to love him. Of course he'd thrown that love back at her like a slap to the face. But at least he couldn't look at another girl in the way she'd gazed at the other men as they'd held her. He unconsciously flattened his palm against her back; holding her closer. He was annoyed with himself. Those weren't the words he had intended to express.

Lily laughed suddenly delightedly, which surprised him. The tension seeming to seep from her and they danced. His heart automatically warmed to the sound despite his irritation. "With you watching me from the sidelines? Of course I did." She admitted and he frowned. "What other choice do I have to get your attention? You need to know-" her words stopped abruptly as she verged on saying too much.

That was one of the things he loved about his Lily. She was honest, sometimes too honest for her own good. "I need to know what?" he urged, knowing that it would have been safer for him to walk away right then. She'd already admitted to being aware of him watching her, he couldn't give her any false hope that they could make things word. He decided he despised himself for not being strong enough to leave.

"You need to know what it will be like if you don't claim me. I won't live my life alone if you continue with this idea that you can't have me. I love you but I want a family someday. And that ultimately means that I will have to date other men. You will have to be able to handle that."

Images flashed through his mind. Lily being surrounded by her children. It was a heartwarming thought. He wanted her to be happy. She deserved to find that, but with someone else; someone other than him; someone who could fill her days with joy and not draw unwanted attention. However, even as he conjured the image, his unconscious mind gave the children some of his physical attributes. A blond-haired girl with her sapphire eyes and his angular chin, and a red-haired boy with her freckles and his grey eyes. He desperately wanted that so much, but then he always longed for things beyond his reach. He gathered a handful of the fabric of her dress in his fist as he willed the image away.

"You don't have to scowl at me like that. Claim me and the only one I will ever be flirting with is you."

She was so earnest with her proclamation. "I don't care that you have to see other people." He tried to assure her; almost choking on the lie. How could she not see he was acting in her best interest?

"Rubbish" she retorted, accompanied with a roll of her eyes. It was a clear indication that she wasn't taking him seriously. "But that's ok. I know the truth now. You confirmed it by coming to me tonight. And now I am going to share a few truths of my own."

He continued before he could protest, her fingers fidgeting with the lapels of his shirt. "I've missed you terribly. It's been a week now since you walked away from me." She began and her eyes welled with tears. A lump formed in his throat. "And what did it achieve really? All it proved was how stubborn and self sacrificing you can be."

"Self sacrificing?" He forced out passed the lump.

"Hush. I'm speaking now." She said and emphasized her point by placing a finger against his lips. "You got to speak last time and now it's my turn, you owe me that at least. You've missed me too, I know you have. And you definitely hate seeing me with other men. Don't try to deny it." She said when he started to shake his head in denial. "I know you; I know how your mind works. You think you are doing me this huge favour by chasing me away; but you're not. I don't suppose you would just make me happy and admit it?"

Merlin help him if he didn't have the urge to do just that. She deserved better than him. Could do better than him if only she tried. She needed to be cherished by someone without people whispering about her behind her back. A lifetime with him would be a lifetime of ridicule. A fact that came less and less important with every word she said.

Why in Salazar's name was he dancing with her? Because she was exquisite tonight in the blue dress that matched her eyes. Because decked out in her finery she looked angelic and he was drawn to her, unable to resist. Because he'd felt like murdering Jasper Cohen for daring to lay his hands on her. Because he couldn't help himself.

She gave up waiting for his response. "You're still scowling at me but don't worry. I'm not afraid anymore. I know your secret." She said, her words almost a whisper.

His eyes flared defensively "I have no secret."

"Of course you do." She continued, "You proved it by threatening my dance partner whoever he was. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying." He could help but smile at that comment. "You know, I should be mad at you for keeping us apart, but I'm not, because it made me realize some things."

"Some things?" he asked and stood in the middle of the crowd staring down at her.

She nodded earnestly. "You care for me, more that that! My wellbeing means more to you than your own happiness. You think me being with you will make me some sort of pariah."

"So you understand why we can't be together?" he asked doubtfully. "Because you don't look like you do." She looked like sunshine; the way the lights shone in her hair and her eyes sparkled with so much hope. It physically hurt to look at her; like staring at the sun.

"Of course we should be together. I'm not some delicate flower that will wilt if people talk smack behind my back. I'm Lily fricking Potter for Merlin's sake. And I love you." He blinked back at her as her words penetrated the invisible barriers he'd built around himself.

She smiled triumphantly, knowing her words had had the desired effect. Not caring who was watching, she cupped his face between her palms. She then proceeded to stand on the tips of her toes and urge him to lean down so that his lips lowered to hers. He obeyed her silent commands, unable to do otherwise. The kiss was gentle at first and it was if he felt something physically snap inside him. The thin layer of self control that always held him back evaporated. Their kiss soon deepened. Her fingers tangled in his hair and his hands tightened around her waist anchoring her too him. Living without her this past week had been hell. He was crazy to think that he could give her up; to think that she wasn't strong enough to take on his baggage.

He lost himself in her, his blood turning to fire in his veins. That was until someone barged into them which was as effective as breaking their kiss as someone dumping a bucket over his head. He moved to put a little distance between them, but not too much. "You're right. I do love you."

Her answering smile took his breath away. "And you're not going to foolishly try and keep us apart anymore?" she pressed and he shook his head.

"No my love. I'm going to be selfish and keep you. Because I'm miserable without you. I can hardly function without you with me and I make poor choices. But I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, making you happy. As long as you give me a second chance." He pleaded hopefully.

"You don't have to ask. You have it, you have me, you have my heart."