A/N:Hello! This is my first fanfiction, and, as you can probably see, I'm new at this, so, just bear with me, and help me out along the way! And without further ado, the story!

A Love that Can't be Shattered.

Chapter 1

"Link I... See you later..."

Those words rang through his head, as he watched hopelessly as Midna was teleported to the Twilight

Realm. All he could do was wonder what she was doing, and the moment he saw what she was doing, her Tear hit the mirror, and shattered it, after she teleported.

He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He hasn't cried since he was 3, He hadn't cried once throughout his entire journey. He looked at the ground around him, the mirror shards mocking him, knowing that he may never see his true love again. He felt a light hand touch his shoulder, he looked up to see Zelda. His eyes, once burning with determination, courage, and care were now dull, full of sadness, and losing their light. "Why..." was all he could manage to choke out.

"Link..." Both of them were crying. Tears hit his shoulder, as Link's face had more water dripping than Lake Hylia. Zelda knew how Link and Midna felt about each other. She had, of course, been apart of Midna's mind at one point. Link turned away from her, lurched forward and put his hands on the ground, and leaned on them. He couldn't hold it any longer, he let out a loud, heartbroken war cry that could have made the Goddesses cry. "Why did she leave me! Did she not love me!"

"Link, she loved you with all her heart..."

A wail shook the entire Gerudo Desert, as none of them noticed, the clouds were gathering and it started to rain. Rain? Zelda thought. It had not rained in a decade... It was as if the Goddesses were crying with the two Triforce Bearers. Link, not containing his anguish, rage, and sadness any longer, pounded the ground with his left fist, his Triforce gleaming an otherwordly glow. He didn't care that the shards were cutting him, he kept doing it, each time his fist met the unforgiving earth, he wailed, "Why!"

Zelda decided it was time she took her leave. "If you ever need me, Link, you know where to find me." Her hand left his shoulder, as she walked away, and down the stairs, two Calvary soldiers outside the Arbiter's Grounds, with her stallion, Stella, waiting.

Link, after an hour, and the rain coming down furiously, stood up, holding the largest shard he could find in his hand. No one could tell which was bigger, the wet spots on the sands his tears made, or the rain, which seemed to stop. Link turned around to head down himself, before he decided he was going to exhaust every means to get to the Twilight Realm, he was going to go to Ordon to pack up.

What he saw made him freeze, as his left hand gripped the Master Sword's handle. He saw a dark version of himself straight across from him. He was wearing a Grey version of his Hero's Tunic. His hair, a death white, his eyes, burning with hatred, Red. His skin – If you could call it that – was a unearthly black. "Who are you!" Link half shouted, half asked at his doppelganger.

"I have had many names... But... one has stuck with me throughout time, since I have only mimicked two people throughout history, The Hero of Time, and his incarnation – You. That name is, Dark Link." His voice had a demonic echo in it, and was several pitches lower than Link's voice.

"Why are you here?"

"Straight to the point. Your predecessor was a little more talkative. Oh well." He sighed and unhuman sigh. "I guarded something your predecessor needed. As I will not stray from you, I guard a very more useful thing to you. I will let your mind wander on what that is." If he could smirk, he would be.

No... He couldn't be talking about...? "Tell me what you're guarding."

"It's not going to be that easy. As before, I didn't just hand your Predecessor what he needed, he had to fight me for it. Consider this a Trial. It will prove whether you care about her enough to see this through!"

Link unsheathed his sword, and drew out his shield. Dark Link unsheathed his dark version of the Master Sword, and the Hylian Shield. "I know your every move, Hero of Light. This will be to prove your toughest trial yet, Can you defeat someone who knows more about you... than you do?" Dark Link taunted.

Link charged, letting out a war cry. He tried to stab at Dark Link, when he just jumped onto Link's blade, and then he sliced Link across the chest before leaping off. Link fell on his back from surprise, pain, and force. He quickly regained his ground. Dark Link charged at him, Link attempted a countering horizontal slash, only to be blocked by the dark version of the Hylian Shield. Dark Link lashed out at Link, only to be stopped with his Hylian shield, as he performed a Shield attack. The Doppelganger stumbled back, taken by suprise and Link slashed across Dark Link's chest. He grunted, then sank into the shadows. Link saw a black circle charging toward him, and suddenly Dark Link whipped out, and smashed the butt of his sword into Link's forehead. Link flew back and smashed into the sand, as he only heard a deep rumble of laughter coming from Dark Link. Link grunted and stood up. He could feel a warm liquid pouring down his face, but didn't care. Link charged at him, and felt an unearthly power seeping into him. "What? You!" He heard Dark Link say. Link slashed out at him, but Dark Link blocked with his shield, and stabbed with his sword, feeling nimble, Link rolled around to his Doppelganger's blind side, and stabbed his sword into his back. Dark Link howled in pain, and turned around, lashing out a mimic of Link's spin attack. He saw Dark Link's sword inches from his neck.

Link kneeled, and Dark Link's sword missed him by centimeters. Link bashed Dark Link with his shield, making Dark Link's version of the Hylian Shield fly away from his arms, and sliding across the sand. Link slashed Dark Link across the chest once, then brought his arm around again and slashed out again, than brought his arm inward, then with all his fury, stabbed Dark Link where his heart should be.

A/N: So there it is, the First Chapter! I hope you guys like it. It's corny, I know, but not bad for a start into Fanfiction, right? ...Right? ...*Sigh* R/R