A/N: I DO NOT OWN! not the characters or places or anything! (well except Evanna and the plot) :P

Evanna slowly wandered around the bright gardens pondering on many things, Edmund, the next social event, Edmund, the months to come, Edmund, how nice everyone was to her, and Edmund.

It had been several weeks from her near death experience and Edmund had devoted all of his free time to keeping her company, This was one of the rare moments when he wasn't by her side.

Her mind turned towards Susan and Lucy, both kind and thoughtful, Lucy managed to get about ten new dresses made for Evanna to wear and Susan made sure to give her a tour of the castle and offered to teach her how to use a bow and arrow.

Evanna fingered her white and silver dress as she sat down on the edge of a fountain, staring at the lilies in front of her, getting lost in thought again.

Edmund and Peter rode their horses through the woods until Peter called them to a stop for a break. They dis-mounted drank from the water-skins places in the saddle bags.

Peter watched Edmund for a bit, "Ed," He finally spoke up, "You and Evanna have been spending a lot of time together..."

Edmund's eyes widened, he knew where Peter was going with this, "Why are you so consistent to bring this up?"

"I've seen the way you look at her, I know Lucy and Susan have," Peter stared at his brother and Edmund stared back.

"I might like her-" Peter put in a triumphant 'Ha!' "-But she doesn't feel anything for me. And I seen you look at her too," Edmund put in.

"Ed, you might not see it but she looks at you too," Peter got back up on his horse and Edmund did the same.

"Her father didn't send her here to marry her off," Edmund said sternly, more to himself then to Peter, who, just started smiling as they both rode off.

Peter stormed into the kitchens where Lucy had been hiding for most of the day, "Lu! Over here for a moment!" He called.

Lucy suddenly appeared, confused, "What's wrong Peter?"

"I need help with Edmund and Evanna," Peter looked ecstatic. Lucy just looked grave, "We have to let them work everything out on their own Pete."

"b-but why? You expect me to do nothing when I see two people right in front of me who-" Peters rant was interrupted by Lucy.

"Yes. We do nothing, Now stop your sulking and go get ready for dinner," Lucy ushered him out of the kitchens, then set of towards her own room.

Oh well, looks like I'm on my own, Peter thought.

Evanna and Edmund were standing under an Apple Tree laughing as Edmund reached up for an Apple.

Evanna watched him and smiled when he handed it to her. They continued walking.

"So Peter really said that?" she asked again, Edmund chuckled again.

"Yes, You should've seen his dates face, poor girl, but it was a night to remember," They both grinned at each other until Evanna suddenly looked forward.

Edmund looked around trying to find something to talk about, he noticed her dress, "Did Lucy have this made for you?"

Evanna looked at her dress, "oh, yes, Lucy had this made for me. She's been to kind to me, Susan as well."

Edmund smiled "And me?"

Evanna looked at Edmund, "Yes, you've done a good job at making me smile."

"I am glad m'lady," He bowed to her and she lightly shoved him the the side making them both start laughing.

At dinner no one talked but everyone was exchanging looks.

Lucy and Susan were exchanging look that simply said "Awwww!"

They also kept giving looks at Peter as if saying "Don't try anything!"

Evanna and Edmund kept smiling at each other.

Peter kept smirking at Edmund who would glare back.

And Evanna kept looking at how everyone was giving Peter looks, so she avoided his eye.

Later that night Evanna had put on a night gown and was brushing her hair when there was a knock at her door, And she saw Lucy pop her head in.

"Just wanted to say good night," she said.

Evanna smiled at the young girl, "Good night Lucy."

Lucy closed the door leaving Evanna to ponder about everything today.

Everyone was acting strangely towards Peter, and Edmund, she knew he liked her, but it was nothing that could ever go anywhere.

And anyway, Her father didn't send her here for her to get married.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! and seeeeee!1! no Bipolar Edmund! YEY!

anyways, going to be updating again real soon!

Also, if you don't mind, I love reviews! so please tell me if you love it or not or you have ANY suggestions (cuz i get serious writers block, haha) :D

And if you don't mind you could check out my Harry Potter fic, (if your into that) :P

Chapter Theme Song: Smile - Uncle Kracker
