This website, the Rosario + Vampire Wiki, and the manga translation that I read all have different spellings for Mafia Boy's name. Fong Fong, Fang Fang, Fan Fan… I decided to just use 'Fan Fan' because it's what I'm used to. We all know who's being mentioned anyways.

Gravel Path

"Wow, the academy looks like it was hit hard." Fan Fan said. He could see a bit of smoke rising even from this far away. "This place looks like it's seen better days…"

"The attack occurred only three days ago." Fan Fan's older sister Ling Ling told him.

"I heard Fairy Tale sent its most powerful fighters to do the job, and yet two people here were powerful enough to have beaten them!" Fan Fan raised a closed fist near his chin in excitement. "We've searched far and wide for strong individuals, and I think we've finally found them, here at this academy."

"Don't expect a warm welcome though." Ling Ling said, continuing down the gravel pathway, "They probably have a lot to worry about without someone pressuring them about 'eternal employment'."

"I never said it would be easy, but our enemy is their enemy." Fan Fan declared, "Besides, I won't ask them just once or twice. I'll get to know them, find out what appeals to them, and propose in a way they can't refuse."

"Are you aware that one of them is female?" asked Ling Ling.

"Yeah," Fan Fan cocked an eyebrow, "what about that?"

"You don't think she'll take 'you proposing to her' the wrong way? About her joining our family?"

"Uhm… why would she?"

Ling Ling stared at him for a moment, and just grinned. "Mmm… actually, forget I said anything. You try whatever you think will work." They continued on towards the academy.


4 Years Ago – Clíodhna

"Though bound by sorrow and loss, each one of us gathered here today bear a precious gift. We… all of us… have been privileged to live a life touched by this good man, excellent husband, and great father. He had many amazing gifts, and he shared them with us generously. He gave, gave, and gave… always attending to the needs of others, never once asking for anything in return, but none of his gifts were more remarkable than the wisdom he left us. Let us all strive to accept his gift and follow his example as an enduring tribute to this human man, husband to a yōkai, and father of one, who showed us all… that there can be peace… on this bitter earth." The priest closed his hands together and prayed. "Amen."

Behind the priest, the entirety of the massive church exterior was beyond packed and overcrowded. Every seat was full, every square inch of the walkways between them had someone standing or sitting, and people stretched out the door and into the courtyard. Nearly the entire region of the city was here, not just humans, but even many yōkai as well.

"Sheesh…" Akuha murmured, somewhat amused. She could easily see from this funeral that the people must have really liked him. She didn't. She hardly even knew the man, only his deeds. She had only come here as part of a self-made tradition she had, to pay respects to her more challenging opponents.


Akuha sat along the perimeter of a large fountain, positioned in the center of a large intersection of the city. Rivers of people walked all around for as far as she could see, happy voices were heard around her. Few people stopped by to gaze at the marvelous stone sculpture in the middle of the fountain. She didn't know what brought her to sit at a water fountain of all places. For whatever reason, she just felt like being near danger.

Being the second largest yōkai city in the world, and by far the wealthiest, this underwater city was always very extravagant, but it was especially breathtaking at this time of year. At least a quarter-million Christmas trees were set up along the city's tunnel every year, all decorated with countless trinkets and lights. Wreaths, bells, and other decorations were seen everywhere. The color of gold shined from every building.

The young vampire took a deep breath and relaxed. Thinking back on her last target, she didn't know much about him; she only killed him because she was ordered to. He was the wealthiest human in the city by far, and had tried to promote peace between the human and yōkai communities here. That didn't suit well with radical yōkai groups, namely Fairy Tale, and so naturally they wanted him gone. He was incredibly hard to kill though, despite being human. He was sharp, crafty, and crazy-prepared for an attempt on his life. He was also a fool, too soft and idealistic, ultimately leading to his death.

Akuha shrugged off the thought. "What's done is done." About a dozen carolers sang nearby. She tried to ignore them.

("It Came Upon The Midnight Clear" is commonly sung at Christmas time. Try youtubing Bing Crosby's version if you're unfamiliar with the tune. To me, it feels bland and lifeless without the rhythm.)

It came upon the midnight clear,

That glorious song of old,

From angels bending near the earth,

To touch their harps of gold.

Peace on the Earth, goodwill to men

From heavens all gracious King.

The world in solemn stillness lay

To hear the angels sing.

"Peace on Earth?" Akuha quoted, "As long as people pursue their desires, there won't be." She frowned at her own cynicism. Why'd she have to be so negative today? "Well… I guess it'd be nice though." She thought of her sister Moka; it had been three years since Akasha sent her away. Where was she now? What was she doing? Was she thinking of her sisters too? "Moka…" Akuha's feelings went from bitterness to sorrow. Vampires didn't care for Christian holidays, but she and her sisters enjoyed some happy times during the winter. The snowball fights they had were childish, yet she treasured those memories. She had a great time, all while planning to murder Moka's mother.

A little girl with long, straight white hair walked up.

Akuha jumped in surprise. "Moka?" she shouted. It wasn't Moka. The girl didn't look anything like her. Only her long white hair bore any resemblance, and it was still a little shorter than Moka's. Her facial features even showed that they were of different ethnicities.

"I'm sorry," the little girl bowed politely, "you must have me confused with someone else." She wore a plain black dress and a simple hair band. She was probably the age of 13, the same as Moka right now.

Akuha could tell just by looking at the girl that she was yōkai. She calmed down at that observation. "Hey, it's okay," she said calmly, "it's the season of forgiveness, right?"

"Among other things, yes." The girl leaned forward. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Not really, I'm here alone."

"Alone?" The girl gave her a worried glance. "On Christmas Eve? Surely you jest."

"I'm a vampire, Christmas has never meant anything to me."

"Fair enough." The girl climbed onto the fountain frame and sat next to Akuha. "Take away family and friends; spiritual and allegorical meanings, and all that's left is forced jollity. Insincere goodwill on behalf of society's indulgence in commercialism."

"Erm…" Akuha eyed the girl curiously. She looked 13, but certainly didn't speak like she was. "In that case, what's Christmas to you? Presents, family, or the birth of Jesus Christ?"

"None." The girl smirked. "All of them. They each tie in together."

"How do presents tie in with Jesus?" Akuha asked out of boredom.

"Ah…" The girl stroked her hand across the water behind them. "The all-powerful creator coming to earth in the flesh was like a precious gift. Instead of appearing in power and majesty, he came down to our level as a meat bag, knowing full well how terribly he would be treated." She lifted a lily from the fountain waters and stared down at it. "He did that because of love, just as we show love for our family and friends today, giving and asking for nothing in return…" she smirked, "some of us anyways."

Akuha gave an impressed, but puzzled nod. "I take it you're a frequent Bible reader."

"I read whatever I can find."

Akuha looked through the crowds around her. "I've actually read a bit of it myself, but between the existence of yōkai and magic spells…" She made a mild shrug. "I don't know. It sort of seems… far-fetched."

"Just because something sounds absurd doesn't mean you can't believe it." The girl gently placed the lily back in the fountain. "Personally, I don't think it matters if the gospels really happened or not. Their importance is the meanings they each carry, and those are most certainly real."

Akuha nodded. She didn't say anything for a while. "You seem pretty relaxed around a vampire."

"Oh?" The girl glanced at her at the change of subjects. "Mmm… you wouldn't be the first I've met though. I was actually fairly close to another of your kind once."

Akuha shook her head. "I doubt that. There was only one vampire family in this city, and they left nine years ago."

"The head of that family went insane. I'm all too aware."

"Speaking of families, don't you have one to go to right now?" Akuha asked the girl, trying to brush her off. "I don't care if you're fascinated with vampires or like to explore. Your parents probably wouldn't approve of you wandering on your own."

"Parents?" The girl suddenly burst out laughing, like that was the most hilarious thing she had ever heard.

Akuha felt irritated. "What is so funny?"

The girl leapt off the fountain's edge. "I'm not speaking to you because of a fondness to your kind, nor to be away from my parents." She looked back at Akuha. "I have no one else to speak to." She turned and wandered off.

Akuha watched as the girl disappeared into the crowds. "What a strange girl." She stood up and decided that her break was over. She had a lot more people on her murder-list, and her superiors were adding people to it faster than she was killing them.

Two devils, one black, and one white. Akuha liked dogs, Talia liked cats. Akuha was dressed for battle, Talia wore a gown. Akuha was serious and straightforward, Talia was energetic and playful. Akuha used strength and skill, Talia used cunning and trickery. They were opposites, the Black Devil and the White Devil.


Present Time – Yōkai Academy

Akuha opened her eyes, finding herself in a warm bed within a quiet room. A clock on the wall had its hour hand over the eight. It was probably 8:00 PM as it was dark outside, though the moon was shining very brightly. She slowly sat up and made a heavy sigh.

"I was expecting you'd spring up and scream 'Moka!' or 'Tsukune!'" Ruby said from another bed nearby. Her torso was completely encased in bandages.

Akuha pulled up the blue pajama shirt she was wearing and looked at her stomach. The wound was gone. There was no scar, deformed skin, or any indication that it was ever there. "So…" Akuha finally said, "how long was I out?"

"It's been three days since the riot." Ruby blinked, and looked up at the ceiling. "From what I heard, it was Mizore that brought you and Tsukune here safely."


"We're in the dormitories. These were the only buildings spared during the chaos."

"The attack was selective…" Akuha whispered to herself. "How's your right shoulder?"

Ruby looked at her, confused. "I don't remember telling you where I was hurt."

Akuha shrugged. "I've studied anatomy."

Ruby continued to stare at her. "It makes you a better killer doesn't it?"

Akuha just nodded. "Anyways… what's been going on while I was out?"

"Umm…" Ruby figured they had nothing better to do. "Not long after we brought you here, the Headmaster had returned. Naturally, he was upset over the state of the academy."

"Why was he gone in the first place?"

"Fairy Tale was apparently attacking some major city nearby. They tried to submerge the whole place into the ground, along with everyone in it."

Akuha felt taken aback. Fairy Tale never did anything so brashly and in-the-open unless they were planning something huge.

"The Headmaster barley stopped them in time, although…"

"Although what?" The thought of Talia's 'lead' came to mind. "They took or left something there didn't they?"

"Erm… yeah." Ruby eyed her warily. "I don't know what it was, but the Headmaster did say something about a powerful artifact or weapon there being stolen."

"I'll be sure to ask him about it." Akuha said, feeling restless, "Still, for someone that's supposed to be all-knowing, leaving the academy the way he did was a pretty dumb move."

"Mikogami was thinking before he left." Ruby shot back, "He was gone for 4 hours, but he left the school in the hands of a vampire that knew martial arts. The city he saved had a population of 520,000 while this school barley reaches 1,000 people, and lets not forget that…" she paused, "most of the students that died here were hooligans and delinquents. In fact they've always killed each other on campus."

Akuha thought of the blind kid's last moments. He didn't deserve that fate.

"To be entirely honest," Ruby made a bleak face, "after a few months, it doesn't look like things will be much different from before."

"After the school was blown up?"

"Investments haven't fallen much, surprisingly. The thing is, nearly all the students that actually care about their education were, at worst, spooked. If that isn't enough, repairs to the school shouldn't take long with magic."

Akuha climbed out of bed, noticing three other beds with wounded students in them, each were sound asleep. She didn't feel the least bit hurt, only sore from laying down for so long. "In any event, I'm going out for a stretch." She spotted her combat outfit neatly folded at the foot of her bed. It was mended, smooth, and squeaky clean. "Huh? Weren't my clothes shredded?"

"Yukari sewed your clothes back together with a spell," Ruby said, "though it took her a couple tries."

Akuha reached down and grabbed her attire. "That's good," she said happily, "I guess she isn't so bad after-" She noticed something off about it. "Aiya!" she yelled in horror, "It's all pink and yellow!"

"Oh, that side-effect…" Ruby smirked, "When Yukari got the spell to work, your outfit changed color for some reason. She tried to change it back, but…"

Akuha's fingers twitched. "So it's an accident?" She recalled the pink and yellow she wore back at Tsukune's place. "Yeah right…" She dropped the outfit onto her bed. "Ruby, do you have anything I could borrow?"

"Borrow?" Ruby smiled. "Sure, check the suitcase near my bed. I got some homemade clothing in there."

"Homemade?" Akuha reached down, grabbed the suitcase, and opened it. "So you sewed these yourself? That's actually…" She took a good, long look at the outfits. "Uh…" In the suitcase was a playboy bunny girl suit. "Er…" Below that lay a skimpy maid outfit and a nurse dress. "When you think you know someone…"

"Take your pick." Ruby teased. That was her true colors, sophisticated, proper, and really perverted.


Akuha walked out of the room and into the dorm hallways. She wore her usual black combat boots, but also one of the girl's academy uniforms. Not ageing made finding the perfect fit a little too easy. She closed the door behind her and looked down the dimly lit hallways. The power was restored, yet very few people had their lights on for some reason.

"You're already awake?" Ginei said behind her.

As Akuha turned around, she felt her frilled skirt flip up. "Ah!" She covered herself. "Why do these skirts flip up so easily?"

"Ire…" Ginei paused, "I mean Talia… I remember she asked the same thing."

Akuha's initial urge was to punch him in the face, but felt he had been through enough. "You holding up?"

"I'm not hurt or anything." Ginei tried to make a flattering smile. "I didn't think you cared though."

"I'm not talking about the beating I gave you." Akuha relaxed herself and spoke politely. "No, I'm talking about your last girlfriend."

"Oh." Ginei's smile faded. "Well how do you expect I feel about that?" He leaned against the wall. "Here I meet the girl of my dreams, as hot as Moka for crying out loud, and unlike Moka she actually likes me." He dropped his gaze to the floor. "She even enjoys being around me and accepts me for who I am, and then what happens? It turns out that she is evil!"

"That's rough, buddy."

"We talked and flirted so much. I felt I had really gotten to know her." Ginei rested his back on the wall. "Though I don't know if anything she told me was true."

Akuha felt a little bad for him. "For better or for worse, I think you should know that she was sincere in getting to know you."

Ginei looked at her, surprised. "Wait, what?"

"She didn't hang out with you only as a means to an end. She had no one else to speak to."

"What are you talking about? How would you know?"

"I know her." Akuha said, "I guess you could say… she was lonely. It's something she and I had in common."


Akuha strode down the hallways, looking down at herself. It seemed mind-boggling how well she had healed, especially when considering her wounds. Her bones didn't' break, they shattered She didn't just have cuts and scratches, she had a hole punched through her. Now, her bones were merely stiff and her skin was smooth. Maybe those drugs she took gave a serious boost to her vampire healing, or maybe someone like Mikogami had something to do with this.

Many students were hanging around, in the hallways as well as the rooms. While many were still frightened, some seemed almost casual for what had happened three days ago. Some were doing homework together, some talked about movies and entertainment, and others conversed about the riot.

"They were like the 'bloody sploicers' or something." said a student, trying to sound Irish on the word 'splicers'.

Akuha felt a little grim. "People die and they joke about it?" Thinking back on it, these kids were spooked by what they heard happened, not saw. Furthermore, the only friends that the violent half of the school had were each other.

Through the windows, dozens of tents could be seen with people camping outside.

Besides Akuha's black attire, something else felt missing. She brought her hand to her neck. "Where'd that necklace go?" She had completely forgotten about it since the rioting began. It must have fallen off during her rematch with Dythe. Eventually she made her way outside, and passed through the long aisles of tents.

"Akuha?" Kurumu said down the walkway. "I thought you were a student at first. You really fit in!"

Akuha walked up to the succubus. "Good to see you're fine."

"Same to you." Kurumu inspected her closely, not detecting any sign of injury. "Wow, you're really tough. It's like you brush your teeth with barbed wire, blow bubbles with jerky, and use Tabasco Sauce for eye drops. Nothing hurts you."

"Only pain." Akuha said, "Do you know where Tsuk is by any chance?"

"Straight to the point, eh?" Kurumu pointed towards the charred debris and rubble that was once the school. "Tsukune's been hanging out there a lot, night and day."

"Thanks." Akuha leapt into the air, flying over the groups of tents, and fading away into the dark of the night.

"Well that was a short reunion…"


Charred Rooftop

Tsukune stood at the railing, overlooking the tents and dorm buildings from where he was. The buildings were dark, yet he knew people were in them. He looked at the golden chain and onyx shards in his palm. It was all that remained of the necklace he had once given to someone.

Akuha landed on the far side of the roof behind Tsukune. For a while, she could only stare at him silently. What could she to say to him? He was probably thinking about Moka, and if that were the case it'd be better to leave him alone for now. Akuha wished she could tell him how big of a choice she had made on his and Moka's behalf, but doing so would require explaining how dedicated she once was to wiping out all humans. She had done so much for that cause, yet she just turned around out of nowhere and no one noticed.

Shards of onyx glittered wildly in the moonlight on Tsukune's hand. At that, Akuha finally started towards him.

Next to Tsukune, Akuha leaned against the railing where Moka always used to. He came close to shouting 'Moka?', as she were wearing the same school uniform. He just gave her a nod, not knowing what to say.

"All those people just sitting in the dark…" Akuha said, watching the dorm buildings and tents in the distance. "Do they really think they're any safer with their lights off?"

Tsukune made a weak, but passionate smile. "Just like a little kid that thinks if he shuts his eyes, no one can see him."

"Pointless…" Akuha shrugged.

"Well it makes him feel better." Tsukune handed her the shattered onyx necklace. "Sorry about your birthday gift. It got broken during the fight." He poured the shards into Akuha's hand.

"Gift eh?" Akuha stared at the mess. "We show love by giving and asking for nothing in return…" she whispered to herself.

"I know it's just a trinket, but you don't seem upset at all. I thought you liked that necklace."

Akuha nodded. She liked the necklace because it reminded her of herself, but she wasn't that person anymore. "At least now, I can let it go." She tossed the shards into the distance. They no longer meant anything to her.

"Akuha." Tsukune declared strongly, staring into her eyes.

Akuha felt herself drift. "Tsukune…"

"I know this is sudden, but…" Tsukune felt his heart sink, thinking about how easily Dythe had beaten him before his memory blacked out. "I'm weak… I'm completely useless in a fight as I am now. I hardly even know how to fight!" He placed his hand to his chest and declared his request loudly. "I beg you, teach me to fight as you do, make me strong!"

Akuha stared at him without a word. It looked like all the trouble he always found had finally pushed him. "So I guess that's a 'yes' to my suggestion then."

The two of them stared out across the open field as the moon shined brightly.


Will be continued in 'Black Tears'.

"If there were ever something that inspires a story, it's characters living in our imagination that force us to tell their stories as a way of getting out."

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Biggest Contributors: GrrDraxin and DanteOfTheWest.

Troll: FourElements678