Professor Layton & the Mystical Bond

Disclaimer: "As per fanfic regulations there is no profit besides pure utter giddiness from writing this, no value what-so-ever besides the ungodly amounts of time each of us puts into our works, nothing to show for it since no one reviews almost anymore, and absolutely no sanity for why else would I writing this pairing(-theme-)?"

Plan/Warnings- you'll see. Looks to be very sad, or angsty. May turn into Shouta, well... quite possibly. LaytonxLuke bonding. May contain lots of OOC-ness. Also possible, severly warped humor is standard proceedure. No smut planned... so very unlikely. Layton, as much as we love him, is going to suffer sadly... (Your author blames the Fanfic Cold for this.) Luke should be mostly fine save for awkward situtations for the rest of the fic past the beginning.

Shouta- if you don't know what this means you should not be reading this. It is the precurser (in age of characters) to Shonen Ai, or Yaoi. Or Slash. Example Pre-experiment Cloud Strife (15) x Sephiroth (25) is Shouta. Luke's age will not be altered.

LAYTON- ALONE (taking place between chapters 10 &11)

He was only vaguely aware that someone had found him, and that they had were in fact trying to help him. He was only just barely coming around before he was stabbed by something that sent him happily into a place that didn't hurt. He was back into that zone of white, it was so blinding… The Rubik's cube was still there waiting for him, but this time he had an uneasy feeling that Luke wasn't going to be able to speak to him. Not with how cut off he was from his own body, he wished they would stop injecting him with such potent… well, whatever it was there were injecting him with.

He decided that it was perhaps best to try and figure out just what was going on. The last thing he remembered was… Oh. That was why they drugged him. He remembered everything leading up to his being placed on the morgue table, but nothing more. He must have been… Oh dear, no wonder they didn't want Luke to be able to talk with him.

He had violated in the most monstrous of ways, he was certain of it. Just because he couldn't currently feel anything didn't make it any less distressing that it had happened. Layton sagged and sat against the giant Rubik's cube, he couldn't describe what he was feeling in that moment. Violated had of course come to mind, as had used, and countless other words of similar meanings. He was depressed, and felt unsettlingly dirty. He almost wished they hadn't found him, then he wouldn't be here in this empty place to feel all these… things.

Where was Luke? Had he been taken as well as part of their punishment? Had his wonderful apprentice been broken as he was? Was he suffering somewhere with the same feelings? Or by some miracle had the boy been spare such an atrocity as had been committed on Layton himself? Had Luke escaped unscathed with his pure and innocent soul intact? So many questions… Why was what had happened to Luke so important now? He had just been… violated. He might not remember it, but it didn't make it any less degrading.

It did matter, and he had to remember that. Luke was just a child, he had been relatively innocent of the whole matter. He didn't understand what the woman had been trying to do, or just what Layton had done to prevent it. Now while it had been entirely on chance just how she had set it up, he was certain that when Luke finally understood the true purpose of the woman's intended bond he would be rather happy with the current situation.

He had deduced early on that she was attempting to extend her own life, by choosing someone young, (especially as young as Luke) she would have lived an addition thirty years alone. The healing benefits Layton had sensed seemed to be related to how much the individuals cared for each other, thus why Luke was able to do so much in so little time. He cared profoundly and platonically for his mentor, which Layton also did for his apprentice. The more in tune with each other they got the stronger the connection would be, there was however a rather negative aspect that Layton didn't even want to consider.

That type of bond, while rare, usually resulted in two distinct things. There would be a dominant bond member and there would most likely be… he shuddered. No, he was not about to consider that thought, Clark would likely skin him alive when he realized the second implication. Layton thought about it, from all he had seen so far Luke was definitely the dominant, which meant that if someone killed Luke they would both die. This did have its benefits, it meant that short of Luke dying nothing could kill him.

Did this mean he had to reveal all of this to Luke? He suspected that one day he would tell Luke all he had discovered, but it didn't mean it had to be right away. If this doctor of his was at all competent she would notice what type of bond, and that mean a lot of paperwork. He only hoped that Clark would forgive him, it had been the only way he could ensure that Luke wouldn't be the target or bonded to someone six times his age that might use him to ill means.

CrimsonChoucho:I should probably say that I am typing this as I post it, as in I just typed up... probably the last four chapters so far since about 11 pm my time and it is about half past 4 am now... So forgive me if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense at the moment. I'll go back and edit later. As a side note, now random reviewer from god knows how long ago do you see why this is marked M?