It has been about three months or so sense Naruto and Sasuke got together. And surprisingly enough Naruto has gotten used to being a girl. She had even gotten used to the fact that she couldn't do all of her regular jutsu, but kyuu was able to give Naruto more access to kyuu's own powers that she couldn't do as a man, like command over some elements, and extensive knowledge on how to use them. But after 3 months of sitting on her ass Naruto quickly got fed up with it and got a job. And much to Sasuke's dismay, Naruto got a job as a carpenter, it was simply putting up siding, working machinery, so on and so fourth, but still Sasuke didn't like his new fiancée repelling from rooftops, and working with old flirtatious perverts all day in the hot sun. but lucky for Sasuke it was Naruto's day off, and she was happily running through the village on a nice shopping day. She was wearing her hair up in a weird pony tail slash bun type thing held in with expertly placed chopsticks. And because she was soon going to be Mrs. Or Mr.,-she wasn't sure weather or not she was going to stay a girl after the wedding,- Uzumaki Uchiha, Sasuke had got her a few new dresses and outfits with the uchiha emblem on them. And she was proudly wearing the beautiful dark blue sundress with pink cherry blossoms scattered across the fabric like a waterfall, around the village. And so far no one knew that Naruto was a girl well except those who knew what Naruto's sexy no jutsu looked like. Everyone else figured that she had went on a training trip with the stupid Ero-senin. And it felt nice not to be glared at by the half of the village that still hated her.

Someone seems happy kit. Kyuubi purred in her cage, she liked it when Naruto was happy, she didn't get so many headaches when the brat was happy. Naruto was currently on her way to see Sakura-chan to well just have some girl time. "yeah I am happy. I'm getting married to the man I love. No one is glaring at me. And no more stupid d rank missions, the only time I get sent on one is when it's A rank or higher. Life is good." Naruto jumped up in excitement, using her control over the wind element to propel herself even higher, and to float gently back down in front of Sakura's house, and conveniently as soon as Naruto landed the door opened.

"well hello there Naruto-chan. Are you ready to go?" Sakura asked as she closed the door behind her and began to walk along side Naruto.

"yeah were are we going Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, while playing with the little strand of hair that dangled in her face.

"I thought we would go and facials and maybe a makeover. I thought it would be fun."

"sounds great iv never had a facial before." Naruto said. She sensed someone fallowing them and sped up the pace. "fucking Sai." Naruto mumbled.

"you sense him too." Sakura whispered out of the corner of her mouth.

"oh my god yes! He is such a little brat!" Naruto ranted.

"you think we should call him out?" Sakura asked. "or do you think we should try to loose him?"

"loose him. You go left I go right we meet at Ichiraku's in ten minuets. AND GO!" the two spilt up and ran down two different allies. But Sai only went after one girl, and that girl was Naruto.

No matter what the blond did she couldn't loose Sai. She would duck down alleyways, hide behind doors, and she even tried to knock him off his feet with gale force winds. But to no avail. Finally Naruto gave up. "alright I GIVE UP Sai. Come out you bastard!" Naruto shouted towards a near by rooftop.

"I figured that if I fallowed you around enough you would call me out." Sai said jumping down from the building and landing softly on the ground.

"alright Sai what do you want?" Naruto asked grimly. She never did like Sai. He was always so obnoxious ho her. Well he was back when she was a guy. But she still didn't like him all that much, too much like Sasuke, to the point of really, creepy. But he was about to get even creepier.

Kit be careful I don't trust this guy. He is too creepy. Not to mention that working to make your eggs fertile, and dealing with all your work injuries, not to mention your periods, I'm not feeling to great, I wont be able to protect you very well. Kyuu muttered inside her cage, she really was worried but she still wasn't good at expressing it.

"that's simple Naruto. All I want is you!." Sai whispered in Naruto's ear as he firmly covered Naruto's mouth with a white cloth, until she passed out and went limp in his arms. "hmm chloroform, primitive yet effective. Time to come with me Naru-chan." Sai stated with that fake smile, he seems to enjoy, as he picked up Naruto bridal style and carried her off to god knows were.

Sakura tapped her foot while she waited impatiently outside Ichiraku's for Naruto. She looked at her watch. "were are you Naruto?" Sakura mused out loud to herself.

"are you looking for Naruto-kun?" a young woman with long dark hair and pupleless eyes asked as she walked up to Sakura.

"hello Hinata-chan. Did you see Naruto. I have been waiting for her for hours. We were supposed to get facials together." Sakura asked looking around nervously. "and I'm getting worried."

"yeah I saw her with Sai-sama, they were talking, and I didn't see anything wrong with it so I left them be. Why is this really bad?" Hinata asked when she saw Sakura run off towards her own house.

As she ran as fast as she could she pulled her cell out of her dress pocket and dialed Sasuke's number. "come on Sasuke pick up the phone!" Sakura mumbled.

Sasuke heard the phone ring from the kitchen, he was doing dishes and preparing dinner for tonight. Ring, ring. The phone kept ringing, "hold on a minuet I'm coming." Sasuke said as he picked up the phone. "hello? Oh hay Sakura-chan what's up?"

"Naruto's missing!" Sakura shouted into the phone.

Sasuke dropped the dish he was drying, loudly smashing on the floor. "Naruto is what!"

"missing... Hinata says that she saw Naruto with Sai. But Sai is on a mission he has been gone for weeks and he is still going to be gone for another 3, trust me on this one. But I think someone who is after Naruto has infiltrated the village as Sai." Sakura paused. "Sasuke I think its him." Sakura said worriedly as she heard the other line go dead.

Naruto groaned, as she opened her eyes partially. She didn't recognize her surroundings. "were am I?" she muttered groggily. She tried to sit up but couldn't for some reason. Then she realized that she was tied up. "what the hell?" Naruto formed a small flame in her hand and used it to burn the ropes off, when she did so she rubbed her wrists, and did the same to her ankles. She then stood up and looked around. The room had no doors or windows. "were the hell am I." Naruto mused to herself. She looked to the top of her room she realized that she was in an oubliette and the entrance was up about 50- 60 feet. And she also realized that she wasn't next to Sasuke. So she cant be more than 500 feet away, and the bracelet was still on her wrist so she was still in Konoha and that was good. "maybe if I get out then I can call for Sasuke-kun." Naruto started to walk up the walls. It was one of the few jutsu she could do, seas how she did it absentmindedly. Casually she walked to the top of the oubliette, and surprisingly she didn't seem fazed by the fact that she was trapped in a dark endless hole, surrounded by Akatsuki members ready to kill her to get to the nine tailed fox. Nope she had had this dream a million times before, and in everyone, Naruto would manage to kick ass, or Sasuke would be there to save her. So she wasn't worried at all. That is until she got to the opening of the chamber. She couldn't seem to get it open. No matter what she tried, the damn thing wouldn't open. Then she got an idea.

Her welding skills may not be all that great, she produced a high intensity flame on her index finger, but they may be good enough to break the bars. Her eyes glazed over black so they were those of a demons eyes- to protect her fragile retina- and she began to cut the bars.

Sasuke showed up literaly not two minuets after Sakura reached her door. "were did you last see him!" Sasuke shouted.

"I saw her in the shopping district. I'm heading there now maybe I can find traces of her and fallow them from there. I-" Sakura reported

"no not her. Madara... where did you see that bastard?" Sasuke shouted even louder.

"he was last rumored to be just outside the village, in one of Orochimaru's old lairs. But I'm not sure how true those rumors are." Sakura looked around, finding no Sasuke. "Sasuke were are you.. Sasuke! didn't I tell you not to go running off on your own! Especially when your brother is involved." Sakura shouted. Oh well Sasuke can take care of himself. She needed to go tell the Hokage.

With in minuets Sakura was in the Hokage's office busting down the door. "LADY HOKAGE!" Sakura shouted as loudly as she could.

"yes Sakura. What is it?" Tsunade said glumly as she looked at the mounds of bills and paperwork she had to do.


"WHAT! When did this happen"

"just a few hours ago. Sasuke is out looking for her now. I would like to request that the tracking squad, the ANBU black ops, and Kakashi-sensei and his pack of dogs help search and to prevent Sasuke from doing anything rash." Sakura stated.

"yes take what ever you need. We cant let the Akatsuki get a hold of Naruto, or the nine tailed fox."

After about an hour or so of tedious cutting Naruto was finally through the bars to her cell. She kicked open the bars and jumped out landing softly on the ground. She looked to be in some sort of dungeon. The halls were very dimly lit, but she could see fairly well thanks to her night vision.

Kit what are you planning to do? The Kyuubi asked poking her nose through her cage.

"power swipe!" Naruto stated bluntly. At that very moment Naruto henged into a likeness of Itachi, it was perfect right down to the clothes and the creepy sharringan eyes. There was only one slight problem with the jutsu, it was one Naruto wasn't able to do while a girl so when she henged she grew a tail. Sigh again. "damn not again. I don't like having a tail." she sighed and wrapped it around her waist and hid it beneath the Akatsuki robe she was wearing. Now it was only a matter of finding her way out of here. Oh wait what's going to happen if one of the akatsuki come down here and find her missing. Naruto just hoped that, that wouldn't happen.

Naruto ran through the corridors of the dungeon, searching for a way out. She ran aimlessly down hallways, until she realized that she was at the entrance of the hideout and there was someone running towards her with a kunai bared. It took her a minuet to realize that It was Sasuke! Oh god Sasuke was actually coming for her! Until 4 kunai flew right next to her head cutting off a few strands of hair. "Sasuke what are you doing!" Naruto shouted as Sasuke plowed her to the ground, his snakes holding her arms and legs down while Sasuke himself sat on top of her with a kunai at Naruto's throat.

"if you even swallow I will kill you. Now were is my Naruto you bastard!" Sasuke shouted pressing the kunai closer to Naruto's throat.

"Sasuke-kun what are you doing its me Naruto!" Naruto shouted as she looked into Sasuke's eyes with that longing puppy dog look that she always gives him.

"don't you lie to me. You bastard I know you aren't Naruto. You are Itachi I can see it with my own two eyes!" Sasuke shouted. "now were is Naruto!"

It was then that Naruto realized that she still looked like Itachi. That was why Sasuke attacked her. "Sasuke its me Naruto!" she released the jutsu, and turned back to her normal self.

"you LIAR! I know you are Itachi! You fucking bastard were is she!"

"Sasuke its me! Please believe me." Naruto said starting to cry. Her tail came up from behind her to wipe away the big dumb tears she was shedding. "why cant you believe me Sasuke-kun. I love you!"

Sasuke backed off the kunai when he realized that it really was Naruto. The snakes vanished the kunai was thrown into a tree, and Sasuke was laying on top of Naruto nearly crying himself. "oh Naruto I'm so sorry I didn't believe you I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I thought you were- I'm sorry I truly, truly am. Please forgive me!" Sasuke said, trying not to cry, but the tears spilled out into his voice. "I am so glad you are ok. I was so worried about you, I didn't want anything to happen to you. If anything did… I would never forgive myself."

"I love you too Sasuke-kun. Maybe I should get kidnapped more often if you are going to miss me that much." Naruto stated with a little bit of a giggle in her voice,

"its not funny dobe!" Sasuke punched Naruto on the head.

"Its funny to me." Naruto jumped up before Sasuke could hit her again. "I'll meet you at the Village! Unless you can catch me first!"


RavenVH: Hey guys forgive me... but I have intense writers block... I knwo where I want to go.. but not how to get there.. so suggestions would be great... but dont think I can update till then! HELP MEEEE