"oh now your done Sasuke-teme!" Naruto shouted as he got up and lunged for Sasuke yet again, only to have Sasuke side step Naruto and close line him and cause Naruto to once again to fall on his back.

"do you want to try that again?" Sasuke asked as he helped his friend up off his back.

"I'm going to get you for this Sasuke!" Naruto grumbled as he dusted off his black tee shirt and his bright orange pants.

"what are you going to do dobe everything you have tried has failed!" Sasuke snickered softly. "what makes you think that anything else will work?"

"TRANSFORM!" Naruto shouted. Smoke and dust surrounded him and he transformed into his female self, (whose name I choose to remain as Naruto due to the fact that I don't feel like making a new one and it will get very confusing.) And when the smoke finally cleared there on in front of a blushing Sasuke was a very naked female Naruto! Sasuke tried to back up as she slowly advanced "hello Sa-su-ke- kun" Sasuke tripped over a stump, and fell flat on his ass.

Damn not only is the dobe sexy as a man he is as a woman too. But no he must have Naruto as a man not a woman. "change back dobe!"

"oh does this mean that the almighty Sasuke doesn't play for the straight team!" Naruto giggled as she released the jutsu. The smoke returned and when the smoke cleared, Naruto was still female and still naked? What why was he still naked did he not do the jutsu right? Now what was going to happen. Wait was this the damn kyuubi's doing? Oh this isn't going to end well. "Sasuke can I have your shirt? Please?" Naruto asked sighing depressingly. Sasuke did as he was told, still blushing, he handed her his blue tee with the giant uchiha clan symbol on the back.

so now what? How was she going to get home her keys had henged with her when she transformed. "great now I have to sleep on the streets. Oh well maybe ill get lucky and find a nice bench to sleep on. Well at least until the stupid fox changes me back!"

The fox demon inside Naruto snickered. "this is what you get brat! This should teach you not to use my power to perform that stupid jutsu of yours. Now no more chakra or ninjutsu abilities" the demon laughed inside his cage.

Naruto just grumbled and began to walk off. "hay Naruto what do you think that your doing?" Sasuke asked chasing after his beloved though his pride would never let Naruto know of his feelings for the adorable fox.

"I am going to see if I can find a place to stay. Maybe Mr. Ichiraku will let me sleep in his store for the night. Who knows if I'm lucky I can sleep on a bench." Naruto waved goodbye to Sasuke and continued to walk away. "see you tomorrow Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke jumped in front of Naruto instantly blocking her path. "oh no you don't! I cant let a poor defenseless dobe walk the streets half naked with no were to go." Sasuke waved his finger in front of her face. "nope absolutely not! You can come stay with me!" whoa did he just say that? He just invited the first person ever over to the uchiha mansion sense the incident.

"REALLY really Sasuke-kun!" she said sounding abnormally girly. Shaking her head she came back to her senses. "no wait I don't take charity don't worry about me Sasuke-teme I will be fine… I will see you in the morning." Naruto side stepped Sasuke and continued to walk away. But Sasuke stepped in front of her again.

"I said no! you are coming with me!" Sasuke hoisted Naruto up over his head and on to his shoulder. And he held her in a way that her head was facing his back and his arms rested in the crook of her knees.

Naruto began to pound her fists on Sasuke's back trying to get him to let her go. "damn it Sasuke let me down! I can handle this myself!" for ten minuets Naruto struggled. In the end getting her no were. Eventually she consented and gave up on struggling. She just crossed her arms and tried to ignore the annoying bouncing in Sasuke's walk.

"my god Sasuke how long does it take for you to get home." Naruto grumbled. "and could you please walk smoother! Your jagged walking is hurting my stomach and giving me a headache!"

Sasuke smoothed out his walking the best he could. "I am taking my time! I am in no rush to get home. Besides I enjoy your grumbling it puts me in a good mood."

"Sasuke-kun you are so mean. does my suffering make you happy?" Naruto said with very sad puppy dog eyes, trying to turn her head to look at Sasuke hoping that the puppy dog pout will get him to let her down.

"Naruto have you seen my deviant art profile picture it's a picture of me doing that exact same look, with the phrase 'I'm going to stand here looking cute till I'm noticed.'" Sasuke snickered "or in translation I invented that trick, so it doesn't work on me."

Naruto crossed her arms and began to pout again. "well can you at least answer my question? How much longer am I going to have to sit here!"

"not much longer. We are almost at the store." Sasuke said calmly like carrying a half naked woman on his shoulder wasn't abnormal at all.

"store what store! I thought we were going to your house!" Naruto asked franticly confused. Eventually she quieted down, and for some strange reason she kept quiet even when she and Sasuke went into a strange store.

"well hello there Sasuke, here for another can of black silk fabric?" the woman at the counter asked. She glanced at Naruto on Sasuke's shoulder. "what's with the chick? She is kinda really hot!" the store attendant gushed. "I normally require more clothes than that to get in here but for her I will make an exception."

"sorry Kinara, she isn't for you, and actually I'm here shopping for her. She is just stubborn and insists that she will be fine, even though she lost the keys to her apartment and got her current clothes torn to shit." Sasuke said in a you fail again kinda way.

"that's cause I don't need your charity! I can do fine on my own.!" Sasuke bounced Naruto on his shoulder getting her to be quiet. "stupid Sasuke. Always thinking that I need to be saved." Naruto grumbled

"anyway," Sasuke said ignoring Naruto's grumbles, "you know Uzumaki Naruto right?"

"yeah I know him he comes in here a lot as a girl and tries to by stupid sex outfits, come to think of it your little friend looks a lot like-"

"never mind that" Sasuke said trying to wave off the fact that he was carrying Naruto Uzumaki. "I just need you to make me a replica of his outfit only for a girl. Can you do that while I finish grabbing some other clothes for this one." he gestured at Naruto.

"sure that shouldn't be to hard. I already have one set started, how many do you need?"

"only a few maybe 3 or4." Sasuke said pulling something out of his back pocket.

"ok I should be done in about an hour. Feel free to have your friend continue shopping."

Sasuke turned his attention to Naruto. "ok dobe I am going to but you down now, so you can go shopping you do need clothes after all. But no trying to run off so.." Sasuke put Naruto down and put something silver and shiny on his wrist. "this is here so I can make sure your damned stubbornness doesn't take hold. You are accepting my help whether you like it or not."

"what's with the bracelet?" Naruto asked as she eyed the silver circle wrapped around her wrist.

"its not a bracelet." Sasuke stated. "it's a pare of handcuffs. I got it from my 3rd cousin not really sure of what his name is cant remember… but I think its Ryuzaki or something. I don't know he is a detective and he used these on a suspect at one point." Sasuke held up his wrist showing a matching cuff. "but I modified them into chakra cuffs. They are designed to not let the wearer not be able to go maybe 500 feet or so away from the other without being transported back the other in this case me! And depending on how you behave I might let you off early for good behavior." Sasuke looked at his watch. "now go find some under clothes and such. You are probably a 34C and maybe a small so go pick out what you want."

After only an hour Sasuke was already bored out of his mind. How long can it take for a girl pick out some clothes! It doesn't have to be attractive it just needs to cover the body. He watched Naruto nervously look at a pair of lace panties. God does she have to be so timid.

Naruto noticed the 'oh my god I'm going to die of boredom' look on his face and decided to try to hurry she grabbed a dozen random pairs of panties from the small and medium rack and grabbed the bras to match. "ok Sasuke-kun I'm ready." Sasuke got up and gathered the clothes and picked out a few outfits he liked for Naruto to wear and went to pay. Naruto gazed on the little Sasuke. For some reason he started to feel butterflies in his stomach. That's weird Naruto never feels butterflies, oh Sasuke looks so beautiful even with his shirt on again. She looked down at the black and orange jacket and the orange mini skirt. Oh lord why does Sasuke have to look so cute and she look so frumpy. Wait why is she thinking of Sasuke that way no Sasuke like Sakura-chan what is she doing! She is really a guy she cant be having girly thoughts like this is the jutsu taking hold of her mind what if she stays like this for ever oh no!

"Naruto lets go. Were heading to the house, come on!" Sasuke said instantly snapping Naruto out of her train of thought

"coming Sasuke-kun." Naruto said chasing after Sasuke like a puppy. What was going to happen to her or Sasuke she cant use jutsu while stuck in a jutsu kyuu said so damn fox, that fox is the reason why she was in this mess!

Naruto was still lost in her thought when Sasuke shouted "Naruto look out!" But it was too late Naruto ran head first into Iruka and Kakashi knocking her flat on her ass.

"hay you wanna watch were your going!" Naruto shouted. "hay buddy-" Naruto suddenly realized who it was. "oh hi Iruka-sensei, hi Kakashi-sensei sorry for running into you I guess I wasn't looking were I was going. I'm sorry for being so rude."

Kakashi and Iruka stood up and brushed the dust off their pants. "its fine don't worry about it-" Iruka looked at Naruto carefully. "wait Naruto! What did I tell you about using that stupid perverted jutsu of yours! RELEASE THE JUTSU NOW!"

"I would if I could Iruka-sensei but I'm kinda stuck like this." Naruto said looking down.

"what do you mean your stuck. Its just a jutsu you can easily release it!"

"no I cant.. Kyuu decided to be cool and try to teach me a lesson and wont let me change back. And think of it this way I meet my usual quota of mischief with no ninjutsu and stuff." she said sweetly like this was an everyday thing.

"Naruto we need to go tell lady Tsunade now maybe she can fix it." Iruka said

"actually this can wait till tomorrow ok. You and I were just about to go somewhere." Kakashi said pulling Iruka away.

"god those two are like a pare of gay rabbits during mating season." Sasuke said walking off. "come on Naruto time to go!"

"yes Sasuke-kun." Naruto mentally slapped herself. Wait she shouldn't be taking orders from Sasuke! "wait a minuet I don't need to talk orders from you Sasuke."

"what do you want for dinner Naruto?" Sasuke asked taking out a pan from the cupboard.

Naruto noticed the sudden change in scenery "what the fuck!"

"I told you cant go 500 feet and by the time you started rambling I was at the house and in the kitchen and that's 500 feet." Sasuke went over to his Ihome and turned on his ipod and put on his play list 'more random awesomeness' and put on a random song and it turned to shawty got lower.

"sense when do you listen to this music! Sense when do you have an ipod!" Naruto asked confused.

"oh my sister Aislinn gave it to me. And she made this play list." Sasuke said pulling some things out of the fridge and setting it on the counter.


"yeah my mom had her before me and Itachi it was while she and dad were still dating she thought that the baby died so she left the hospital in a hurry after labor but it turns out that the baby survived and they couldn't find mom so they put her in an orphanage and soon she was adopted out and grew to be a beautiful young woman. Any way I found her while I was on.. Ahem… my vacation with that bastard. He wanted to use her for experiments but I released her before he could touch her. And every week or so I would go visit her, and at one point she gave me this ipod."

"wow that's cool Sasuke-kun will I ever be able to meet her?" Naruto asked curiously.

"maybe I'm going to invite her to come visit in a few weeks."


"anyway what do you want for dinner? I can make just about anything." Naruto went to open her mouth. "except ramen. You need to eat healthy while you're here." Sasuke said stopping Naruto from her inclinations.

"fine how about stir fry. Yeah that sounds nice." Naruto said sweetly.

"ok. It should be done soon."

Naruto laid back and stretched. "that was great Sasuke-kun. That was the best stir fry iv ever had."

"with all that ramen you eat its probably the only stir fry you have ever had." Sasuke said laughing.

"shut it Sasuke!" Naruto shouted.

"fine but only cause its time for bed its almost 10:00 and I want to get to bed before the thunder storm starts." Sasuke got up and started walking. "let me show you to your room."