After the kiss between Rose and Dimitri in Frostbite things start to change. Dimitri doesn't treat her the same and Lissa gets carried away by rumors about Rose and Christian being involved. Suddenly, Rose is completely alone and the only person she can count on is Adrian. What if Rose gets sick? Will things change or will it be her end? Will Dimitri and Lissa finally realize what they are giving up before its too late?

Well, this story is during Frostbite, but Mason has already died and Rose's mom never came to the Academy. I got this idea a couple of months ago, and it's been nagging at me for a long time so i finally gave in and started to write it. Please, tell me what you think and please review! Thanks! :)


It seemed as if my life only got harder and harder. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know what to do anymore. Things got worst everyday and Dimitri's avoidance wasn't really helping. Two days had passed since we had kissed and he had cancelled all of our practices so far. Then there was the problem with Lissa's new friend, Cassandra. Cassandra had transferred schools from the state of New York. She wasn't a royal but all the royal moroi and even some of the dhampir were after her like dogs. Ever since she had come to the Academy, there was something different in Lissa. It was as if something was wrong between us. I don't know but I had the feeling Cassandra was behind it all.


Anger coursed through my body and all I wanted to do was explode and let all the anger out. There in my hands was all the proof I needed. Rose, the person I considered my sister, was betraying me in the worst possible way imaginable. In my hands I held the proof I needed. There stood Rose and Christian together, his arms around her. Looking into each others eyes. What more did I want? I had all I needed in this picture. She knew how much he meant to me but she didn't care. Cassandra was right all along, she had warned me but I hadn't listened. Nothing would save Rose from what I had ready for her.


I decided to visit Lissa. I was done with secrets. She was my best friend and I trusted her with my life. I knew she would understand or at least, eventually, after the anger passed. Maybe she would even help me and give me advice on what to do between Dimitri and me.

When I got to her room I knocked on the door and I felt a strange sensation pass through the bond. What was going on? Once she opened the door and saw me that strange sensation turned into anger, but most of all hate. And it was directed towards me. It was the very first time I had ever felt something like that come from her.

"Lissa, what's wrong?"

"Rose, how could you!"

"Liss…what are you talking about?"

"So you thought I would never find out? You thought you could keep your secret hidden forever?"

The first thing I thought was that she had found out about Dimitri, but her thoughts of Christian… Christian and me passed through her head. What was going on?

"I don't understand Lissa."

"I'm talking about Christian! Cassandra told me a million times how you were betraying me, but I never listened. But here, here, I hold the truth."

I could see in her hands a picture. It was me and Christian. I remembered that day. We were in the dinning hall and I had almost fallen, but Christian had gotten a hold of me before I fell to the ground.

"How could you? I love him! He is the only person I have left! I thought you were my friend! How could you betray me this way?", she had tears streaming down her face and she shook from the anger.

"Lissa… that picture… its not what you think, you have it all wrong -"

"Oh, so now you're calling me stupid?", she screamed

"No Lissa! I would never do that to you. I would never betray you that way. I don't even like Christian that way!"

"You may not like Christian, although I'm sure it's all a lie, but you certainly love what he does to you! What you offer him! You love the way he drink your blood! You're nothing but a blood whore! A lame, cheap blood whore!"

When she said those words, I felt a pang hit my heart. I could stand anyone, anyone else call me anything, but not her. She was the only family I had. I had grown up with her, she was like a sister to me. I would do anything for her, risk and give my life for her. I knew Cassandra had made all this up. I didn't know what she wanted before, but it was clear now. She wanted me out of Lissa's life.

"I never want to see you again Rose! I'm going to make sure that I get assigned another guardian once school is finished. I don't want you in my life."

Every word she said sliced my heart and left me bleeding. I could feel tears building in my eyes and I knew that I would not be able to keep them in.

"But… Lissa… I didn't do any -", she cut me off and left me speechless.

"If you try to get near me or talk to me, I swear, I will make them kick you out of the Academy. I'll make sure they send you to live with the filthy bloodwhores where you belong. I'll be as if you never existed."

Through the bond, I could tell that she was not kidding. I knew she had the power and she could do it if she wanted to. The tears finally spilled and ran down my cheeks.

"Now get out of my room before I decide to go to Kirova and start your living hell!"

I stood there, in shock, for a few second before she could slam the door on my face, and I ran. I ran and ran until I found myself at a deserted garden at the border of the Academy. It was a sunny day, but still cold. Well, sunny night for us. Tears kept running down my cheeks and as much as I tried to process what had just happened, but I couldn't. It all seemed like a nightmare, one I couldn't wake up from.

That's when I heard rustling around the trees. Just what I needed. It was Adrian.

"Little Dhampir…", then he got a good look at me.

"Rose, what's wrong?", he was next to me in seconds. I looked up into his eyes and I felt that, in that moment, he was the only person I could trust.

"Adrian… Lissa… she …", I couldn't say more. The sobs didn't let me. I didn't want to remember. I wanted to forget, forget everything.

"Did something happen to her?", he asked instantly alarmed.

"No, no, nothing is wrong with her. She is perfectly well, or at least I hope she is."

I couldn't help it, my voice broke at the end, and in that moment, I knew I couldn't keep it in anymore. I needed to tell someone and Adrian was there.

At the end, I ended up in his arms. His hands caressing my hair while he whispered that everything would be okay. However, something in me told me that he was wrong. Things were far from okay and it would only get worse from here.

Please, tell me what u guys think. Suggestions and comments are welcome, ideas too. Thanks and please, please review. :)